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 Jul 2015
I am a single mother
Can you feel my pain
I wear too many hats
Too much stress on my brain
Can someone take this burden of my back
I strive to make it but sometimes I lack
Society leaves me
Through the system I go
Making me feel inferior
Bringing my spirits low
Man cannot help me
So on my knees I fall
Through my pain and weaknesses
God will restore all
In him I find hope
For today and tomorrow
He wiped my tears
Eased my fears
And took away my sorrow
 Jul 2015
elizabeth capital
The never ending fall, long drop from the top makes me feel 3 feet small. It will be okay it's for the best, fake smile try to do your best. But what if my best isn't good enough, what if my best doesn't even add up. Failure is a hard pill to swallow, iron taste double shot of self hate. it's your choice to self hate get down on yourself and wallow, or pick yourself up, dust yourself off Self love will follow.
When you fall down GET BACK UP!!
 Jul 2015
Ami Shae
finding solace
in reuniting
with my sis
is perhaps
one of the most
amazing gifts
I have ever given
to me.
I hope she and I
will forever
and always
(you know,
til the end of time)...
just BE.
I am so glad my sister and I have found our bond once again. She rocks more than I know how to say! :D
 Jul 2015
Julie Butler
tell her
tell them you love them
tell them dramatically so they hear you
say it everyday
remind him
tell him
tell her
make it a big deal
it is a big deal
love is everyday
be grateful for days
for love
for your mother and siblings
for your father and his heart
you only have now
it comes and goes by the second
grab all of those seconds
and be gentle
 Jul 2015
Ami Shae
I had the intention
of just calling it quits
giving up on this life of mine
that's shredded to bits
but oh my, I stopped in
here at this HP site
and met a few folks
who helped set things right
--they listened and gave
a few kind words to me
and suddenly I realized
I could set myself free,
that I could stop wallowing
in the dread and the fear
of what my ex had so long
forced me to hear--


I've blocked out his cruel words
he threw out at me
and instead replaced them
with words from Hello Poetry!
Since coming here
and finding this place,
I'm slowly learning
that this smile on my face
belongs there now
and it matches the one in my heart!


thank you, dear friends here
for helping me start
to appreciate the opportunities
I can now explore
and thank you so much
for opening that new door
of hope and possibilities
that are surely waiting for me--
I'll do my best to stay unbound,
to stay forever free!
So many here have reached out when they could read through my words and "feel" my pain and I am so grateful. One very special soul reached out and made me know that there is always HOPE. Thank you, John so much. I know things won't be perfect, but at least they don't seem so bleak and frightening now. Hello Poetry might have just saved my life and my sanity. Thank you to all here who took time to read and help me through by just your kind words and your awesome writes too! This is an AWESOME SITE!
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