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 Dec 2019
I am a snowflake and I'm in love with the sunray
Your touch is warm but it melts me away,
And I understand, I understand, I understand.
I'm not meant to hold your hands.

But Everyone yearns for your warm.
You need to rise for everyone's sake.
And It's okay, don't mind my aches
I'm the promise that everyone breaks.

So melt my presence away,
That's what everyone wants anyway.
I'm too cold, too cold for their taste.
But for you, am I just a phase?
 Dec 2019
Noni Winters
I stumbled upon you
Like a child
that finds a pretty stone

Bewildered by your presence
I sat and admired
Counting your cracks
Caressing what makes you glitter

You stood infront of me
Bold and beautiful
Like nothing I'd ever seen

And as you gave me your attention
I think I misconstrued your intentions

I wanted to put you in my pocket
But you said no

So there you sit
Perfectly unpolished
A love

I can only visit
 Dec 2019
Krissi Micha Dees
I didn’t fall in love with you
I walked into love with you
With my eyes wide open
Choosing to take
Every step along the way
But I also believe
We are fated
To do things
But we’d choose anyway
And I’d choose you;
In a hundred worlds
In any reality
I’d find you
And choose you.
This one goes out to someone special, who doesn't think he deserves me. But the truth is I don't deserve him.
 Dec 2019
Tiana Marie
If tomorrow was my last
I'd do nothing.
I wouldn't skydive
I wouldn't travel
I wouldn't do everything
I've ever wanted to do.

If tomorrow was my last
I'd do as always.
I'd get up
I'd read my bible
I'd go to school
and have an average day.

If tomorrow was my last
I'd act as normal.
I'd smile to others
I'd say "hello"
I'd do my best
as I try every day.

If tomorrow was my last
I'd tell no one.
I wouldn't shout it
I wouldn't scream it
I wouldn't sing it
from every single rooftop.

If tomorrow was my last
I'd never know it.
That's why my usual
day to day consists
of all things I love
the very most.

If tomorrow were my very last
what I do today would be enough.
It would make me smile
It would make me laugh
It would make me happy
Because I have learned always
to be content in the ordinary.
 Dec 2019
Slightly Lovely
I still miss you.

god, how I miss you.
this time between us hurts.
I wish you'd come back to me.
 Dec 2019
Jennifer Powell
a bitter blade's first cut
will never be its last
a self-fulfilling prophecy
an echo of the past

its song still makes me sing
a whisper hardly missed
remembering the harmonies
retaining my clenched fists

there are too many broken strings
to play another song
still the music swells inside my walls
it's not a question to play along

I'd be more afraid if the music stopped
what if I forget all the words?
memories deafened through roaring silence
unsure of melodies I'd misheard

I still hear its hum inside my head
as hard as I try to forget
a question of whether it's now or forever
undoubted, hard-earned regret
 Dec 2019
Krissi Micha Dees
It hurts to breathe.
All I want is for all the pain to go away
But it's reluctant
and sticks with you as if there's a
glitch in the system,
and it's stuck hovering above you.

Or maybe it isn't a glitch maybe
it's just life's reminder
of the fact that you'll
never be happy

you'll never be okay
you'll be forever in pain

well that is until
there's no more
well that is except for peace.

I went to many people
who promised they could fix me
but it is because of them I am broken
They make me relize my fault
my failures

I pleaded with them to make the pain to go away
they tried, oh how they tried

But my der best friend,
you are the reason I made it this long
Thank you,

But I can't deal with the pain anymore
If you want something done right
you must do it yourself.

So I will
This is the note my best friend gave me, before he committed suicide 12/12/19 at 2:26pm. His Parents knew he was suicidal, nothing sharp was in his room. So he grabbed a pen and stabbed himself in the neck, and laid on his bed. Bleeding, until there was nothing except peace.

— The End —