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 Mar 2015
Poetic T
The darkness it burnt upon my
Angel wings, they wilted, with
Each moment of this forsaken
Place, my soft skin did  haemorrhage
Tainted with each breath every
Movement that I crawled upon
This acidic land corroded my light .

My white turned yellow, changed
From pure to black, I was in agony
As that which was white should
Never be turned to that. I was
Winged, not able to give motion
To the air, I was a ground dweller
As if wings were a weight a persecution
To the time of air, now dragging like
A weight a conscience upon my back.

I must have walked upon this scared
Land, I must have moved these once
Pure now tainted as dragged like sin
Behind my back.

I was before I fell, I contemplated
That which I had been and that
Which this land whispered to me
Become. The light was dulled, smothered
Like a wet blanket over a fire, Suffocated
What burnt bright, now I was being
Extinguished my dulled light.

I remembered I fell and my skin smelt
Sulphuric with a hint of light, I knew
I had bleed hatred behind me, I knew
That I had been left, abandoned to this
Isolation. My wings had regained there
Imagery, they were like crows feathers
Pure, dark, black as night.

I despised  those above, their light, ignited
Hatred, deep within where something that
Beat but know was just black, I launched
Upon the breeze to take me vengeance
Upon that purity that  glided, flowed.

I am that which will take those of higher
morals and bring them to the place of
Solitude, of loneliness, they will remember
The pain of those they had been left in the
Darkness,  For light can only last so
Long before it becomes what was before.
#light #darkness #fallen #
 Mar 2015
Spencer Craig
you toss my feelings back and forth like a tennis ball.
It was so asinine to think you cared at all.
you make it out like you wanna meight, but end up stealing
my heart, which isn't condusev in my healing.
You make me six. With me, you didn't have a rival.
I used to think you were necessary for my surfivel.
therefour, from here on, I won't allow you to crush me,
no more threel seeing my reaction when you touch me.
I don't understand people who just get together
to make you think you won and blow you off like a feather.
I half had enough and this topic's not moot,
I have zeroed in on my target and i am ready to shoot.
 Mar 2015
IvyB Xx
"My very existence is compelled and based on your own.
It has been for a while now.

My heart becomes quickly complex with just a mere thought of you
with you physically near, I find it hard to breathe.

I find myself falling faster each day,
Surprising myself just how I haven't crashed yet.

And I keep on diving,
Silently pleading each day your hands will come out and catch me,
Forever placing me in your heart.

Yet you continue to look on.
Gazing beyond me, your naked eye looking onto others.

I inhale into false hope, living off of it.
You're my drug, piercing my veins.
My addiction and cure.

Save me.
Ivy Botticelli
 Mar 2015
I drive away from you, shivering.
the spring sun was deceiving,
I thought it would be warmer today.
but the cold cuts through the air like the words you only ever implied.
because I told you I loved you today and you told me that you had to pick between two 'perfections'.
and you knew her skin first.

wet blurred eyes, freezing over,
i slam on my brakes.
baby deer are scattered among the
road and field adjacent to the street.

and this is the second time I feel
guilty for existing today.
 Mar 2015
Shannon Delaney
There’s a hammer in my heart,
Maybe a ticking time bomb
I don’t know which,
But something deep inside me
Is counting down
Or breaking open my chest
All I know is the feeling
That I get when I lie in bed
Your memory a ghost
Still holding me in my sleep
I wake only to a constant timer
And a horrid, rhythmic thumping
In my rib cage
That will never leave
 Mar 2015
The twisted reality is that bones break. People literally break and you dont always get better. Lives end, stories end, and people rarely get new beginings. The twisted reality is that none of what you thought as a kid was true. Not everyone can be president, and you cant be who you want to be. The twisted reality is that there are monsters in some little girls rooms, and thier moms cant make them go away. The twisted reality is that nightmares only end when you do, you dont get to wake up and think everything is fine. The twisted reality is that your parents lie to you. Not everyone is beautiful, not everyone is talented, and not everyone can be special. The twisted reality is that someone in your current school will become a 'villian' before thier life is over. The twisted reality is that we are all villians. Doing horrible things for what we think is right. The twisted reality is that most people will ignore what i am saying. Live in the lie. The twisted reality is people die thinking everything is fine.
I know its long and in paragraph form and that usualy means it wont get any views. But i think this one is worth it...
 Mar 2015
No one knows how I honestly feel,
Because I cant bring myself to tell them.
 Feb 2015
Spencer Craig
I love you like hypebeast love fads
Except I won't drop you like the ones they've had
They don't unspderstand in their ghouly sets
I could be your romeo you my Juliet
But if one of us dies the other can just be sad
Wrote this poem in detention. Why **** yourself over love? If the person really loved you they would want you to live on
Jeg skyller kold kaffe ned
For samfundsnyltere er der nok af
Og jeg tager gerne
Beholder gerne
Alt hvad i kan gi
Så jeg kan ryge en ekstra joint
Sniffe en til bane
"hey drenger prøv nu lige at hør her?
hjælper i mig ik lige med at finde blodåren?
for jeg skal sgu sniff' en bane hass"
?i kan alle få en finger
Stukket op
For jeg tager gerne
Beholder gerne
Alt hvad jeg kan TAGE
 Feb 2015
The Jolteon
Others may like you
But do you like yourself
That is the question
They failed to tell
String it along
Like one huge game
Play the right moves
Say the right things
To uncover the truth
Just hold your breath
Others may leave you
Just try your best
 Feb 2015
There was a boy, blue drowned eyes with the horse hair rooted from the top then drooped in the face.
Hair so itchy and greasy,
It caused acne.
He was thin, sideways toothpick and collarbone shown.
Isn't his fault he doesn't like the taste of sour dough bread and tap water.
People at school abuse him.
They don't understand why he wears the mustard stained turtleneck every Tuesday,
There's no washing machine.
Socks are worn through every winter,
They start to soak and mildew.
His toes freeze up.
He clutches his stomach and bites his lip,
If anyone heard the grumble they'll wonder.
There are no games at his house, no swing, no back porch.
No carpet to rub on, no Christmas.
He wears his flannel pajama pants that flood to the knee.
His mama and pop love him so much,
They squeeze into a home with one room.
The boy gets the room.
The boy's heart is as big as it'll ever get.
His compassion for dance,
His compassion for learning.
He may not have a penny in his holy pockets,
Or a brush for his knotted hair,
But with the support from moma and pop,
The boy can have sky blue eyes that don't drown.
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