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 Jan 2015
I think I loved you most the winter your heating was broken
And we’d stay inside all morning
Pretending to complain that we couldn’t get out of bed
Our clothes becoming little islands on the floor,
Ones that we could not quite find the courage to visit

Your hand stayed glued to my hip,
Your breath warming my shoulder
Like a long drag of whiskey
That kind that had a home so far away,
In a glass bottle on top of your refrigerator.
The one that would not be opened
Until that fateful day in February,
When everything went wrong

And on that unbearable night
When you joked that you’d freeze to death if I left you
There was a long silence
Like it might be true.

Now it’s warm enough
That I show too much skin when sitting in bars
And you avoid me like the plague,
Whispering in any girl’s ear that’s near to you
Every time you see me watching out of the corner of your eye

We should have stayed inside when the ice began to melt
Because I think
When those doors opened and we finally ventured outside
The world had changed,
And so had you and I.
 Jan 2015
John Ashton Upston
The once little, little prince,
stood wide-eyed, unto the sunless sky,
there, winged was she,
Rapunzel fair, princess no longer for he.

You see, he doesn't remember now,
how long ago it was he was told,
To find a princess, locked far away,
and if patient be ye, so too will treasure most pure,
his own.

And when, after many years traveling hence,
he arrived there upon the scene,
of the long, lonely tower, spiraling up,
there on and until the single window,
opened gently, and residing faintly,
laid a dream, he could not appease,
nay, no matter how much he rubbed his eyes,
Still, did the little prince look up and see,
Fair Rapunzel, in all her resplendent beauty.

Wait, she said, smiling gold,
In just a few years hence,
She laughed, merrily,
Will my hair grow long enough,
for you my dear Prince,
To come on up and truly rescue me.
For now it is good to talk,
and dream and be, for surely still,
must my luck be overwhelming,
with you here, to keep me company.
With just, YOU, here, little prince,
eyes nearly watering, she whispered,
And now not for me to be so lonely.

The little prince's heart, somewhere long gone,
Along the way, had already flittered up,
Though she could scarcely feel it,
With tower keeping them at bay,
Indeed it it land on her doorstep,
And there, long, did it lay.

So for many years, the Little Prince,
And Rapunzel did lay,
Her up high, and he down low,
With her hair, growing more each day.
And he was happy though, he was not sure,
If he was more trapped than her,
encased, but with each days growth,
of her luscious golden hair, did each time,
take a bit of his aching heart, beat by beat,
before mind barely had a say.

And then, alas, a few seasons hence more,
Around the corner was he, into her arms,
But cruel fate did lay, such plans for naught,
For at once her hair doth shed, and wings did she partook,
Yea, Little Prince, said she, Though doeth I love you so,
And the price I paid was dark and grave,
No bargain have I pursued could ever be forsook,
As this, one feeling, oh to fly over stone,
valley, canyon, and brook,
To be free, untethered, beating release,
Now I am my queen, and you,
She looked down softly,
Not even my cook.

And the little prince looked up in awe,
Always believing in that which he was seeing,
awful though was his mind, that, Even still,
as his heart did empty,
did it endeavor, hurriedly quick,
To deny that reality, of waiting for a trick.
I was a game, he thought, but still,
if this be a quirk of god or fate,
Even now, in its very face will I,
Lucifer, be, Agnostic in this,
my hell.

So he closed his red eyes,
as his angel did ascend,
ne'er close did he ever reach,
Just a story now,
for children,
and growing young men,
Don't wait so long for someone,
you love in a tower,
or else you'll find yourself,
too, A...
Little Prince, not so little,
So much symbolism. For me. For life. For others. And, I must admit, not even did I see that ending coming.
 Jan 2015
nothing beats the euphoria of waking up next to her. the ecstasy of waking up next to the girl of your dreams. but she's much better than that because she's the girl of my reality. when i wake up before her, i just place my face a few centimeters away from her's. and i try to survive on the breath that she's done with. the way her lips quiver while she's dreaming makes me want to have her for breakfast. if only god allows it, there won't be a morning where she doesn't wake up with good morning kisses between her legs. her moans would be my ringtone and i don't care if people stare at me when someone calls, i'll even wait till the part where she screams god's name in vain. i'd gladly go to hell for her and if the devil asks me if she was worth it, i'll laugh and light a cigarette with hellfire and say "i'm actually waiting for her here."
 Jan 2015
Sydney Ann
I would give anything to tell you
To explain
You just don't understand
You say you're not over her
How she hurt you
So what if I like you
It's not like that
I love you
I want to help
But you ignore me
Remember how I asked you to sit with me?
You sat with them
Even after you said they aren't your friends
I cried.
In public.
This is rock bottom for me
How badly do you want me dead?
Just keep spilling the tears onto my keyboard,
Let's see how long it takes
 Jan 2015
Sydney Ann
Will someone please help me?
I'm begging you on my knees.
Give me some inspiration,
'Cause darkness is all I can see.
Someone lend me some courage;
There's a noose around my neck
It's itchy and scratchy and always at mind
the thought of the end
Sounds simply divine
I've got it all planned
But if you'd give me  hand
Maybe I'd start to live again.
I am at the end of my rope tonight.
 Jan 2015
Dustin Matthews
Love is just a word,
until you meet your soulmate.
© All Rights Reserved Dustin Matthews
 Jan 2015
Mohd Arshad
Notes (optional)
 Jan 2015
Andrew Durst
Even in the
of all my

saying your
feels like
a breath
-Andrew Durst.
 Jan 2015
Carl Joseph Roberts
I Know My Work Is Done

I looked down in pure amazement
And watched my son arrive
Counted all his fingers
To make sure he was alright

I would sit with him for hours
And rock him through the night
And I wondered how the child I held
Would somehow change my life

He would place his tiny hands in mine
So I could guide him on his path
Would not be afraid to tell his friends
How much he loved his dad

I remember him requesting me
At all his high school games
And when he'd see me in the stands
There'd be a smile there on his face

I would give to him all he needs
To help him grow into a man
Made sure he knew to show respect
And to lend a helping hand

He would ask for my opinions
On events within his life
And wanted me to stand with him
As he married his new wife

Now he looks down in pure amazement
As his new born son arrives
I watch him counting fingers
To make sure he is alright

I know now how he changed my life
As I watch him with his son
I can see the love that they share
And I know, I know my work is done

Carl Joseph Roberts
Please add to a few collections and help it trend.
 Jan 2015
Mohd Arshad
A positive mind
Plucks up a flower;
A negative mind
Does a thorn!
Notes (optional)
 Jan 2015
Dustin Matthews
You run through my veins,
I can't live without you!
© All Rights Reserved Dustin Matthews
 Jan 2015
eunsung aka Silas
Drifting into oblivion
everything fades into a blur
a faint glimmer of hope lost

Swaying in the wind
weightless heading for a thousand swords
in a stream of fallen dreams

Grasping my heavy armor
I sink into the water
pierced by your nightmarish lies*

Where the truth is beyond the grave
poison lives within the veins
and from death we are but an inch away
Collaboration with Jamie King:
Italics are my words. 2nd and last stanza are Jamie's words.
 Jan 2015
Once upon a time:
that was the story
never to be told

but a serotinal wind
made the falling leaves
fly and vivid colours

looked for a canvas.
Blurred and unimpressive,
the story remains unread.
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