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 Mar 2023
My words and actions were empty
And, so was I, when you held me

And your hand, strong, on my back
Wasn't a support, but an act

All the stories of us you spun
As fake as the smile I painted on

Until from within the spotlight's glow
I saw it was all for the crowd, for the show

And I ran because nothing was worth this
Ran, like a puppet from her ventriloquist
Let your mind be your own and still seek wise counsel
 Mar 2023
Sarita Aditya Verma

Red rose in ribbons
Fragrance of evanescence
Life a lit candle
Photo inspiration- HaikuJam, Instagram
 Feb 2023
You reached for the stars
and put them in my eyes

I keep them locked
behind my eyelids


that you´ll change
your mind
 Feb 2023
Niki Gray
Pain is better than numbness,
because at least I can feel
my life not just move through it.
Thank you for taking the time to read my poetry.  Also a thank you to all my family and friends that remind me to be the best me I can be.  Thank you Sheela, Courtney, Christian, Favour, my daughter Sydney and my son James.  Also, a big thank you to my husband Jim.
 Feb 2023
Bare and bruised,
she visited the woods.
Stripped of joy and comfort,
she slowly trudged through her usual path to talk to the trees.
With stretched and open arms
they listened to her
perpetual wail.
Her vision blurry.
Her voice unclear.
The tears have yet to dry.
The grief’s still there to stay.
Then rays of magical light dappled through the trees.
Scattering glitters to the tiny green buds of her favorite sakura trees.
Shining through her heart,
a tiny corner of herself
that’s still her own.
Her sanctuary of patience and strength,
An important refuge that continues to love.
Komorebi: Sunshine filtering through the trees.
The scattered light that filters through when sunlight shines through trees”. It is made up of three “Kanji”
Ki= “tree” or “trees”
Kagayaku= “shine -through” or “escape”Taiyo= “sun”.
 Jan 2023
Everything starts
As a blank canvas
Just waiting
To be given meaning
I give meaning to myself
 Jan 2023
rose hopkins
When I was young  and time was infinite
I was spontaneous,impulsive, impatient.
Now I am older
and life is precious
and timeless becomes time
with an end in sight.
Love becomes more visible.
I am adventurous,
pensive and patient,
riding the next dream
into a timeless future.
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