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 Dec 2017
the day the sunlight fell
all motion seemed to end
the clouds ceased to form
the moon refused to come
all I saw was sadness
all I felt was pain
because the day the sunlight left,
I was never the same
things were dry in my mouth
my skin was tense
I kept imagining you
your face
you seemed to smile at me
and then you were gone
you were always gone
running through the back streets trying
trying to be better at who you could never be
and I tried to tell you,
the day the sunlight left
was the day I lost you
but you were gone
you had found a way out
 Dec 2017
you asked for a happy ending
as if it would come true
a wish granted
upon a little star
high above the world
you so desperately wish
that the air you breath
would leave your lungs
and maybe
for a second you could see it
the world
the universe
because if you did
all this hellfire raining down
wouldn't seem so
that's what you are
a walking heart full of
that's what we hold inside
and no one will ever
I thought you'd understand
but it seems I have trusted wrong
and all along I have written you
my love letter passed through
screens and typed with symbols
and I have always hoped you'd understand
all of this because
to be honest...I don't know what I'm doing
I want you here
 Dec 2017
I would prefer to hold your hand
walk through the city's skyline
till the dawn meets dusk
as the world slowly
in our hands we hold precious hearts
I would prefer to exchange them
but it would see i dont have much left to give you
 Dec 2017
if you were looking for a happy ending
i'm sorry
there are none here
 Dec 2017
why do my words always have to sound like tears?
they come across as empty and dry
like I calling out for air when it's all around me
why does no one seem to listen?
as if they don't understand we're all living the same nightmare
as if they don't see how broken each one of us is
so pay attention already!
realize that when you look into that person's eyes,
you are looking at a reflection of yourself
why do I fail to see the resemblance of pain?
the people who read this must understand
the people who's eyes skim the surface of these symbols
they must understand
they must see
they must cry over the same things I do every night
my dreams, my nightmares, my love, my passions
there they all are
lined up and ready to face me
like warm dark sunsets that pass above
and the clouds make shapes of blobs
life seems to look like misery
but its only raining temporarily
 Dec 2017

s o m e t i m e

                 is used when you're unsure
                 never actually comes true
                (nothing ever comes true)

not to be confused with:
right now, forever, love
[listening to Orion's Belt by Sabrina Claudio]
 Nov 2017
he said:
           find someone you trust and keep talking to them

I said:


and he smiled
 Nov 2017
r o s e s   a r e   r e d

v i o l e t s   a r e   b l u e

a l l   t h e   t h i n g s   y o u   s a i d

w e r e   a l w a y s   u n t r u e
 Nov 2017
he is
across the span of a sea
in another place
i cannot find him
he isn't in my eye's reach
i wish he would come home to me
but he has found other places
i could convince him
but that would be a lie
i want him to freely choose
here or there
wherever his heart may feel
however he may decide
my soul rests here
on the other side of the screen
where does his soul lie?
i ask the skies above
all they give me
is sweet rain
and it tastes like my sorrows
 Nov 2017
wistful exhausted eyes
look desperately
at the reflection in the mirror
through cracked lens
and dark circles
tears should be falling
but nothing is coming
only the sore distant pain
of knowing he's never gonna be here
he's always gonna be there
a reminder
in the back of your mind
like a fog you can't shake
but forget him for a moment
because you're stronger than this
you were meant for greatness
destined for beauty
and yet he still hurts you all the more
pulls you down and backward
till you back starting at the reflection
blank stares
sore eyes
wavering faith in the thing called
(inside my mind ... at the moment)
 Nov 2017
SHE is
nothing more than:
an empty box on the shelf
been there since '99
hoping the discount price gives her away
praying that love
might not be so far
from the corner
the dusty cobwebs make her
no one wants the broken down
so she's still waiting for
because that's all she's ever
realized that moments are temporary
you have to save them in paper frames
or watch them burn up in flames
because Hell isn't so far
away from the door
run away from the windows
explosions and gasses
this world is at war
been happening since time went
[this marks the 50th poem i've written since i joined HP. thank you loyal humans. gobble up these words and live in the sun as you were meant to]

— The End —