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 Nov 2017
Lily X
You had me.


From the very start. And you knew it.

It’s strange; how different you are to me now.

But, how foolish of me to believe a conman’s pitch?

But, how could I not?
It was the best kind of lie; one I wanted to believe.

My heart stopped beating each time I looked at you.
How could I overlook my own cardiac arrests?
Your tongue was so smooth, I didn’t notice it was forked.
Your words sounded so good, I didn’t realise they could be false.
I fell so hard, that I didn’t even think that I could hit the ground.

But, of course, I hit the cold concrete.
In fact, I crash every time I remember your face.

Because sometimes the cruelest of liars are the easiest to believe.
 Oct 2017
Has there ever been a person that you’ve met, loved, and lost all in just a couple of hours?
It may sound weird,  but it happens.

He spoke the first word
I spoke the last.

His eyes cut through to the center of my soul. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he knew that what I wanted was for him to talk to me.
Like he knew before I did.

It really is strange to think about, how I don’t know where he is, nor do I have proof that he exists.
He does.
He exists to me like the inevitability of death.
Just as dark, just as strange.

I often think about him, thinking about me.
I really don’t know though, if I ever cross his mind.
I guess that is why it is so strange to me, that we see the same moon, live similar lives, but we may never see each other again.

He spoke the first word
I spoke the last.


And to think, I could’ve changed that.
I could’ve I could’ve asked him for some way to continue our conversations.
To allow us to grow closer.

But I didn’t.

I spoke the last word.

I watched him leave the room.

I watched him exit my life.

I wonder how my life would’ve changed,
If he uttered the first word,
And the last had yet to be spoken.
 Oct 2017
ghost girl
did you love me?
did you ever love me?
I was a bath to clean
your ego. I was the
food when you were
hungry. I was an open
mouth when you
needed to feel
good. I was something
to you, when you
needed it. I was something,
even when I was
nothing. I think maybe
you wanted to love me.
I think maybe
you never knew how.
I think maybe you never
loved anything
in your life.
so maybe you tried.
maybe you could.
but you did what you
do best. you lied and
you broke me, just
like you've done to
everything you've
ever "loved."

and you missed me
when I left, because
I made you feel whole.
I made you feel like
you didn't break everything
you touched. I made
you feel like you weren't
as worthless as you were.
I made you feel,
I was the love
you wanted to feel.
and when I left,
I left you a husk.

and I'm not sorry.
I fed you, and you
starved me. but nothing
could fill you. so I left
while I still had something of

and I hope you crumbled.
I hope you are ash.
and I hope you never
ever rise.
 Oct 2017
I have made mistakes in the past
I have been broken
I thought you are ready to leave
Yet I was forgiven

I was desperate for love
Been desperately giving myself away
I thought you are ready to leave
Yet I was still forgiven

I told you too many lies
Even While looking at your eyes
I thought you are ready to leave
Yet I was still forgiven

I told you I cannot trust
To them it was nothing but lust
I thought you are ready to leave
Yet I was still forgiven

I didn't believe that you love me
Yet I was still forgiven
I'll be nothing but a misery
Yet I'll still be forgiven
This was based on the poem I wrote few weeks ago entitled "Love full of doubt"
 Oct 2017
Milica Fara
-In the middle of museum tour She turned to Him with words: "Tell me something about yourself that nobody knows."
He turned His attention to Her: "But what would you wanna know about me? I'm like this lost guy in the planet who's trying to figure out 98% of his life.", saying it quietly.
She saw the universe in His eyes: "I would be honored to hear those 2% you've already figured out and to be by that lost guy's side while he's trying to find himself.", and slowly leaned over to kiss Him.-
 Oct 2017
she understands my heart
she is forgiving
she is kind
she holds me when I don't know why I'm crying
she listens while I try my best to explain why I'm scared, or why I'm anxious, or why I'm sad, or why something means so much to me
and then she never forgets to say, "I'm always here, if you want to talk more"
she has the best taste in music
she got me in the habit of taking my medicine every day
she takes care of me, and pretty much everything else
she cleans the litter box when I'm in too much pain, even though she hates dealing with ****
she even deals with my crazy family

I love her because
she encouraged me to go to all the doctors when I was scared and in denial that I was getting sick
and now
she drives me to every appointment, she sits with me,
waits with me,
and then sometimes she speaks for me because she knows what it sounds like when articulation fails me, and my words get all caught up in my brain, confused on which order to come out

I love her because
she's my good feeling
she makes my stomach flip
she's my favorite smell
she kisses me with soft lips and care
she has little ears and freckles and the best **** smile you've ever seen

I love her because
when I was awful, she loved me
when I was lost in the darkest nights, she made my mind a better place

I love her because I used to spend weeks in storms of dark, listening to sad music and writing sad poetry

and now I write things like this
and listen to ridiculous happy fun music with her and we sing like fools
and she says "thanks for doing life with me"
and I have never been more at peace
 Oct 2017
do you remember
blank sheets in between our souls
while bodies meet behind closed doors
coffee stains in my eyes
the pain of losing the light

do you remember
listening to the music of my words
read out from my mind
as if you were inside
contained in my memory
painted in oil pastel
while you spilled water all over
the canvas of a summer night

do you remember
walking into a forest and getting lost
like children in a playground
and leaving trails for one another
while building a constellation
galaxies away from each other

we lifted each other up
until we stopped
we forgot how to be alone
do you remember me at all

— The End —