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 Mar 2018
Ashly Kocher
My work is raw
Edited (mostly)
I type on my phone
Let my fingers work it’s magic
I write because I love it
My imagination runs wild
From happy to sad
To anger and despair
From real to fantasy
To my life and the world
This is what’s its my head
Again, raw and unedited writings..

This is how I write and come up with my work. May not work for others but I think it’s ok for me
 Aug 2017
What if love was like the sun
and the moon was the essence
of heartache, a darkness
passing by every now and then
like a coldness that makes us lonely
on a long Monday afternoon,
would it be forever or only, hopefully,
for just an hour or maybe two?
 Aug 2017
Rosa Lía Elías
for every tear
that slides across my face
a smile is preparing
to bloom in it’s place.
© Copywrite Rosa Lía Elías
 Jul 2017
when grey storm hit the skies,
and breaks it so it cries,
when rain rolls down your window
does your mind drifts to her eyes ?
 Jul 2017
You sighed so much
your lungs almost collapsed.

Is existing the same
as living?

You tell yourself
that "today is the day"
day after day
after day
after day

But depression drags you
back to your bed.
It tells you
"there's another day"
haven't posted in a while b/c i was busy with uni. Actually I need to study for an exam on wednesday and I barely started. welp.
 Jul 2017
She says
She sees darkness
In my words
A tent of rage
Abandonment, desert
Missing pieces
Of my being
Yet I'm not quite sure
What she's seeing

Perhaps my muse
Is somehow confused
And third eye blind am I
'Cause the things that lurk
Within my darkness
Are whats keeping me alive
Traveler Tim
That would be the lovely Cne' (-;
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