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we were created for each other
not Adam and Eve
but Adam and Lilith

i was not created
from your rib
i was not created
to appease
your toxic masculinity

i was created
from the same clay
as you

in the eyes of god
As the last
from the stem
    your beautiful heart,
I will
then own  
in my hands,  

              the most
of your
          ALL !
You got in my fingertips
The nerve endings to be exact
I felt you for days after
Not sure
I think you are
A W Bullen
Those cranes have earned

their sack of seed

They pulled these pencil turrets

through a sturgeon curd of feckless wet

to leave them where they lay.

Because of this

i sit indifferent, satchelled

in an unmade bed,

a simple- headed almanac

of beige and sable rhetoric.

My heritage;

an Eton mess

of trampled roman candles

left, by careless midnight masses

that come scratching at my door.
Embrace the fact that it's never good enough,
let it rip you apart trying.
Let conformity 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐝 out
till there's nothing left
but raw bone
and the 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘵, jagged hum
of contrariness.

Be the wildflower no one picks,
the **** splitting concrete,
and the waves that swallow cities whole;
be the needle in the haystack
and bite the hand that finds you.

Bleed out your soul
from broken pens,
let your ink riot across the page.
With the spirit of rebellion
even the unlearned discover
the language of the gods.
ducks with muddy feet
waddle slow, stuck, shuffle legs
spring rain, earth resins

The creator designed earth as if its art
Humans thought they only have mind and heart
If the the slightest proportion was out of sight
The black hole explosion wouldn’t have lead scientists to fight

You know the lord loves beauty
But as they created what’s before me
I knew if your scent traveled to hell, the fire would cool
Eyes drawn to the desert making colors drool

I knew then.
If the devil laid his eyes on you he would feel the weight of his sins and repent.
Your lips hide mysteries I beg them to present
You keep thoughts running to “when?”

Lucifer was blind as the fear rushed
Lucifer the king was only made of fire
Only could see what has flushed
But the beauty before me

Will forever be mine

By: Zoulaikha
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