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 Sep 2017
Alex Bex
Only for an instant
can you witness the parting
of the mist over the ocean.

The heavy
pink curtain collapses,
swallowing the wavering shore
in its fumes

divides the sky in separate columns
          of gold and silver
in a single sensual gesture;

no existing border could be made out:
The dunes were a few meters
higher! The sky reached out to us
in the shadow of the water lines.

©2017 Alex Bex -
 Sep 2017
a twig
    a bit of


the tug

I feel

to life's

all that's
      in me

I feel

       of a curve
            an undertow

in sudden
      cold a

than any
            I spew
 Sep 2017
Rob Rutledge
We were poets,
Hearts etched upon our sleeve
The lords of our intent,
Words bloomed for all to see.
Each branch of thought considered,
Whittled to express.
Carving the forest in our likeness
We paved the landscape with our breath.
Woods would sway in idle days
Sunkissed glades lay bathed in gold.
Nights waylaid by dancing maids
Cheap ale and tales of old.
Fires burn, flames unfold.
Embers remember
Tender clutch of the cold.
We tend to forget the bargained,
The sold.
Up rivers and creeks,
Paddles, disowned by the meek,
Cast away to distant shores.  
Glades decay,
Fade to grey.

We become poets once more.
 Sep 2017
Poetry First
woo me, untrap me, free me –
         lug me into Woods of Freedom,
              bright and of unhindered green
                    perched on Tree of Life
                         as we chirp lyrics of love
                          wrap me in your arms
                        to coil me in twirls
               of your affection umpteen

                     embed me in the Abode Of Bliss
                            in ambrosial chamber
                              of desire and emotions
                                possess my soul
                                and as pour pearls of bliss
                             release me in the River of Amor
                        in currents of it’s rapturous swirls

                  under the silver allure of moon
                      flames on the Mount of Desire
                             let rise the fire and consume
                                 until come falling within us
                               a million stars exploding
                  ­          then from the Bed of Stardust
                                    to world let’s arise anew
                                           amid beams of bliss
                                           with a bow   to know
                                    of love’s bounteous bestow
 Sep 2017
Paul Donnell
This song reminds me of all the fuzzy day dreams.
I'm obsessed with the memories,
Crystals and some christmas lights to your porch upon my bike.
The short hand soliloquy,

"Do you remember me?"

Like it'd ****** matter
the memories are battered
left upon the floor for me
the flowers wilt and birdies scream.

I listen to the moon she always speaks of you
craters on her perfect face foreshadow bombshells placed.

left alone and once again patching up my damaged head with traveling and alcohol...
cigarettes and crystal *****

Shock wave freeze frame
**** the part that eats my brain
under the sun I
late night short circuit stacking consecutive syllables
song shift
air lift
check box claim one,
when can I
share love.
 Sep 2017
Alissa Rogers
I was once a vine,
clinging to you-my tree.
When you cut me loose I died,
and in that I was free.

In this life I am the tree,
and you my dear, the vine.
Now it is I that need let you die;
cruel are the paths of the divine.

Another life, I pray,
comes just around the bend.
Yet if we do not meet, know,
your memory can not end.
"The Tree and the Vine" Part 2
The chair is sighing
The walls walking
The mirror feeling sick of my ugly face
That curtains are annoying too
I don't see the window in the
silence that chocks the sparrow
The trees has made me a prison
My dreams are long
Longer than the shadows and
with their lappets I'll sew a dress
Its buttons up to my eyes
An afraid balloon may be plays
with the hands of a child in the
And the victim would be a lady
tomorrow letting go all her
childhood in hands of the wind
I look at my future
1- I love to be in the arms of a man
In the hands has not touched any
woman's *******
2- I see a pregnant lady coming
down the stairs not thinking of
her tomorrow
lullabying for the dolls
-I've forgotten all the names of my dolls-
3- I have a child
tying her shoelaces
Taking her warm hands
I can't say how much I love her even in my eyes
Backing home from a daily shopping,
she sings with her childish voice passing through
the alleys
4- I'm old
Mum and dad are not with me anymore
They had to go
The photo frames, just excuses
for touching my memories
The chair is still sighing
The walls walking and
It's just me
Dead this time

صندلی آه می کشد
دیوارها راه می روند
از زشتی صورتم
استفراغ می کند
پرده ها هم مزاحم اند
پنجره را نمی دیدم
در آن سکوتی که گنجشک را خفه کرد
زندان را برایم ساخته اند
خواب هایم از سایه ها
بلند تر می شوند
با دنباله اش
لباسی خواهم دوخت
که دکمه هایش از چشمانم
بسته شوند
از دور
در دستان دختر بچه ای همبازی می شد
قربانی خانمی خواهد بود
که تمام کودکی هایش را با باد
رها می سازد
به آینده ام نگاه می کنم
1- دوست دارم
در آغوش مردی باشم
که دستانش
سینه های زنی را لمس نکرده اند
2- زنی باردار را می دیدم
که از پله ها پایین می آمد
بی آنکه به فردایش بیندیشد
برای عروسک ها لالایی می خواند
-من اسم تمام عروسک هایم را فراموش کرده ام-
3- کودکی دارم
بند کفش هایش را می بندم
دستان گرمش را می گیرم
حتی با چشمانم هم
نمی توانم بگویم
چقدر دوستش دارم
از کوچه ها می گذریم
با صدای بچه گانه اش
شعر می خواند و
از خرید روزانه
به خانه برمی گردیم
4- پیر شده ام
دیگر پدرومادرم در کنارم نیستند
آن ها هم باید می رفتند
قاب عکس ها بهانه اند
تا خاطراتم را نوازش کنم
صندلی آه می کشد
دیوارها راه می روند
فقط منم
که این بار مرده بودم
please excuse me my dear friends
i re-post this poem
because i want to know your more comments
and this is my favorite poem
when i wrote it, i was 18
and doctors said to me you can't pregnant
in that time, i was so angry and sad then i wrote this poem

this poem is my dream that never comes true...
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