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 Oct 2017
A little fellow is delusional about saving the world
Just when he is about to be his hero
A usual alarm distracted him
A familiar character emerged to disrupt his mission  
Soon he grasped it is his mother asking him to rise
and he battles himself to part from his favourite rug
Not glad about his victory dragged himself to be groomed
The minute cold water dashed his face
A blare seized his attention he recognized the petrichor
He flees from his spot in eager beamed through the french windows at the mist
Slashed the azure, gushed through the blues
Edge of the gateway his mum spotted elation in his eyes
A hope desired in pair as both shared the exact expression
He is pulled off the scene to be prepped
The overcoat and the boots are out to be used
His smirk displayed how overjoyed he is viewing his blue tiny feet
Anticipated to relish the mist he clutched his mum's pinky
Escorted towards the field skipped a step or two
Arrived at last he felt heaven touched his soul
Without further buzz, he ducked his mum and rushed like the mist
Bouncing and splashing all over, the puddles are scooped and danced in too
Sand angels everywhere turned the lay into a fairyland
His sensed unable to describe the affection
Drenched by the pour yet wants to relish till drained
Even without a Kodak time is captured in mind
By the queen positioned beneath the red umbrella witnessing the precise wish for the two
The rain committed to accomplishing the rainbow till extinct
At farewell, faith is a gift leftover for both
Expected to fall in before long
The season cherished the most
 Oct 2017
Ryan Holden
She was born to be the only
woman and saviour just for me
Taking twenty three years to see,
Me laid alone,
hand near my phone
waiting for her message
in a bottle of notes.

Just praying my dreams
were all that they seem,
As we intertwine,
Love bursts at the seams.

Capturing our souls as we fly
over the humid moonlit sky,
Being able to wave goodbye
at all the other times we tried.

For you to finally be mine -
In heart, and in mind,
With joy, and with time -
Because this ink comes from my soul,
my princess, my life,
Can you still not see
we were destined to rise and shine.
 Oct 2017
David Noonan
I used to keep score of every teardrop that would flow
Until like some punch drunk boxer you couldn't give no more
Bells they sounded and to corners we returned
Red to red dirt ground, blues retreat to blossom in bloom
As our hazy Mondays blur through to vague Thursdays
What we had in November was lost come September

A galaxy of oceans separate my disappointment from my disappointment in you
Yet for a chance encounter on a lonely Friday night
Our shadows would dance bathed in the crystal moonlight
For magic it weaves through the diamonds of a roadside bar
Our senses unravelled by some mystical cabalistic charm
So why should we ever try to make sense of it all
Seconds out - round two, don't ever stop, don't ever fall
A tooth! my first!
exclaimed the small boy
Eyes filled with tears
of pure simple joy

He ran to his mom
clutching it tight
and burst in the room
squealing with delight.

Many questions he asked
one after another
about the tooth fairy
perplexing his mother

She listened intently
with him on her knee
"write them all down
for the fairy to see"

The boy set to his task
with paper and pen
and slowly wondered
where to begin

"Where are you from?"
"What do you do with the tooth?"
"How do you fly?"
Please tell me the truth

With the letter all done
he placed it under his pillow
then slid into bed
just like a minnow

He fell fast asleep
dreaming his dreams
and awoke the next morning
with a jubilant scream

A reply he did find
under his head
He opened it fast
to see what it said

"A time long ago
there was a boy just like you
who saved us from tragedy
when humans were new"

"Great battles were fought
with creatures of all kind
and magic was something
quite easy to find"

"But humans grew old
and got very greedy
then corrupted themselves
into something quite needy"

"Power corrupts
unless you're quite wise
We could all see the signs
no more light in their eyes"

"They tricked us quite often
and hunted us down
stealing our magic
for their own crowns"

Centaurs and Fairies
Dragons and Elves
Among many others
started saving themselves"

"We learned how to hide
here in plain sight
by changing our vibration
so as not to fight"

"Then a spark in the dark
flashed bright and true
and we knew in that instance
just what to do"

"A child was born
innocent and pure
with him knowing
He was our savior"

"A secret he hid
within his own tooth
a secret of magic
the heart has in youth"

"Magic that courses
through children like you
who understand love
in all of it's hue's"

"The teeth we collect
and crush into powder
to Help us retain
our magical power"

"For magic is something
that comes from within
of pureness and love
but not evil or sin"

"A warning there is
and hear it you must
If you force a tooth out
it will turn to rust"

"Powder from teeth
forced out before ready
corrupt the pure magic
making it unsteady"

"This kind of magic
creates creatures not nice
Like goblins and trolls
so always think twice"

"Now let me be clear
about all that I've said
Feel with your heart
and not with your head"

"Face and embrace
The beauty of you
Believe in the magic
and let it accrue"
 Oct 2017
Christopher Leibow

in the wind….

now in the falling



calling us home…

Namu Amida Butsu


Just as I am,
right now

floating in an ocean of light –
the Great Compassion carries me across,

–  Namu Amida Butsu


” Chanting “Namu Amida Butsu,” which translates as “I entrust myself to the Buddha of Infinite Light and Life,” is not a form of petitionary  prayer or mantra. It is a means of communication between a relative being or consciousness and the Buddha deep within. When I chant, there is the expression of Namu Amida Butsu not only from this side, but also from the side of the Buddha. “ T. UNNO

My mouth,
Amida’s breath.




From the West
calling me home

my true self –


Blinded by
passions , I
complain out
loud in
the darkness
of my own


not noticing

the one
the boat
to the Other

shore, not
in the light

namu amida butsu


The Voiceless voice;

she calls out from within,

with these lips

& this breath.
Namu Amida Butsu
Namu Amida Butsu

even as I am,

the Buddha
& I are one.

Namu Amida Butsu
Namu Amida Butsu



My blind self
pierced by Amida’s light
illuminated and dissolved
into the great ocean of compassion

into the Oneness of life –
Palms together, embraced

just as I am.
Each step with the Buddha,
my truest self, my Amida self –

the deep flow of the oneness of realty –
all beings one with me,
palms together

and bowing,

“namu amida butsu,”
“namu amida butsu,”

embraced just as I am.
 Oct 2017
Ronell Warren Alman
You may have fallen
But, you can rise again
Just dust yourself off
Continue on my friend
Let the battle build your strength
Have a great heart
Move forward in a positive light
Be the one who provides a valuable spark
Let's get something straight! ... You are never going to have all of the answers!
Life is always going to keep you feeling uncertain about one thing or another!
Just when you think you've worked it all out, something else is going to ***** you up, mentally!
Stop! ... Stop trying to figure it all out at once! It isn't all going to fall into place--like so many people will have you believe!
Let's be honest with ourselves!
Accept what you cannot control! Accept that nothing stays the same! Accept that life is ever evolving! Accept that even you, yourself, will change, without notice, without realising!

We are only human, we don't use our brains to their full capacity--we don't know how to! We can't control the amount we use, simply because we want to! Intention, and putting your mind to it, isn't enough. And even if we could, that wouldn't change anything, because we cannot control others, or the universe!

It isn't your fault!
We all make mistakes - how smart you are, has nothing to do with it!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
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