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 Nov 2014
Vanessa Gatley
Loss  no longer
has meaning
this trip
changed us
its a sign from god
I sense
From the way
u spoke
from how It was said  
you smiled
Hint of red , off your cheek
But now I must move on
                  Begin again
         new start
 Nov 2014
They come in waves.
Kamikaze planes or
lovely flowers and sweet lullabies.
Blood boils,
slapping against my skin,
My love is seasonal,
It won't stay.
Don't expect anything from me.
You will be bitterly disappointed.
I've been super bipolar lately. I'm sorry to all of my friends.
 Nov 2014
Ann M Johnson
As we enter the Holiday season we have so many reasons to be grateful so let be thankful
As we eat our holiday meals and have our fill lets think of those many who have no food or shelter  from the cold

In the land of the free and the and the brave it is not right that so many suffer hunger pains
When you spend time with those you love count your self blessed remember those who are lonely and depressed try to thlnk of others
Helping others don't  usualy  cost alot and has it's  own reward  it is great to see a grateful  smile on another's face not only at this time but any time of year after all poverty  never takes a holiday
I wish for you my friends that you are grateful for your many blessings
 Nov 2014
I wish I'd never met you
And opened up my soul
I wish I'd never wasted
My time because it's gold
I wish I'd never known you
Because of how hard it's going to be
I hate that I love you,
I'll never hate you—
Don't you see?
I have a love hate relationship with love
 Nov 2014
you painted a beautiful sunset,
full of color and life,
and said it represented me.

you said i was art.

three months later,
you poured black over the canvas

 Nov 2014
Jamie L Cantore
In unconventional form my thoughts are not restrained,
nor is my curious charm, for neither shalt be tamed,
and those unchained thoughts fairer are
when incongruently arranged; and wilt be perceived by
sights power and the apprehension gained.

Therefore, against all burden I resist, and readily carry the
suppleness of my worthy bearing
-here where I literally speak no words in a
wordplay tryst unerring.
 Nov 2014
Amitav Radiance
In one-to-one with silence
there is an unknown language
which does the talking
otherwise drowned
in everyday languages
not the mind
but the soul does the talking
a vortex which pulls you in
towards the you, within
unknown for a long time
the one that lived, neglected
let silence prevail
as there is so much potential
to be in touch
with the world within
which needs devotion
a prayer, in silence
bring you back to yourself
 Nov 2014
Peter Pan
I don't know where
     My mind is tonight
         Probably floating on a cloud

I don't know where
   My heart is tonight
      Probably curled up next to yours

I don't know where
     My soul is tonight
         Probably lost somewhere in between

I don't know what
I'm doing tonight
With all my missing pieces
 Nov 2014
Griffin Schapp
I watch the blood drip
leave a stain upon the
I cry tears of joy
knowing I'm still
 Nov 2014
Just Melz
who used to touch me where I didn't want you to, reaching inside me, where I'd *never
let anyone before, I was only eleven, I shouldn't of been treated like a *****...
   I hate you

who took advantage of me, when I was just thirteen, taking what innocence and trust that I had left, breaking my spirit down to an empty shell...
   I hope you rot in H£LL

who just watched what they did to me, judging me, saying it's my fault for dressing slutty. I was only fourteen...
I hope I'm never like you

who made me believe I was not a used rag doll, gave me trust and hope, only to reach my sixteen year old core, then ripping it all to shreds like never before...
I'll never forgive you

who said you loved me, made me think it was the real thing, helped me forget the past, at only eighteen, you gave me my wings and hope that it would last, then when you realized I just wasn't enough, you went and found some different lust, at twenty-five, you decided you wanted a new life,  but our kids mean the world to me, so I can't regret you, but I can erase your memory...
I hope she cheats on you

who finally made me think I'd found the real thing, then broke me down, then picked me up just to throw me down again, over and over, then used the fragile remaining shards of my heart to cut out my soul and leave me falling apart...
I wish you nothing but pain and despair

who I laugh and joke with now, who I wish to know more, who makes me scared I'll end up with a broken heart like before, who seems to truly care...
Please, don't forget how fragile I am
who I may or may not have met yet, don't hurt me, don't make me regret. I won't be able to handle losing another, I wanna be happy with you, I wanna know forever...
**I hope you'll love me too
I've never written about a few of the things mentioned in this, it was quite difficult for me, Tbh.  Feedback would be greatly appreciated.  
Thank You.
 Nov 2014
Ena Alysopriono
Depression, self-hatred
It seems everyone is affected by it
Whether personally
Or if it is a family member
Or friend
Sometimes people don't even know
They are affected by it
Why is their brother so drawn away?
Why does their mommy not want to get out of bed?
Depression cannot always be prevented
But it can be beaten
With love
If you show people you care
They realize
No matter how one it takes
That they make a difference in someone's life
And that can be enough
To save them from taking their own
So please
Show people you love them
And care about them
Try not to be cold to people
Because you don't know what they are dealing with
And that sneer you give them
Could be the last straw
The one that breaks the camel's back
And all their strength and willpower
Comes crashing down
Give people something to hold on to
Until they can find Hope
Just showing someone you care can help. It is important to show your love for your friends and family, but it can be just as important to show someone you don't know that you care. Smile at someone in the hallway at school, or when you pass someone in the office. If you are too shy one way to do this before you get you confidence up is complete Ember Evanescent's DearBlankChallenge, which everyone can and should do. To learn about this search #dearblankchallenge and read the description.
 Nov 2014
SG Holter
Did I offend you?*
the new foreman doesn't know me
that well yet.
I move quickly. make noise
when I work. might not always
pay the respect others feel
themselves due.

sir. I've been declared dead once
already. my surgeon was a veteran,
he still gets chills when looking
back at how my heart
started up again after the final,
desperate zap.

this combination of high blood
pressure and Warfarin has me
knowing full well that I hover
above my grave at all times.
one sneeze or a falling object
combined with the right amount of
everyday bad luck

could see me either dead, or worse;  
needing help to feed or  
wipe myself.
it takes more than constructive
criticism to ruin my day.

more than mere words.
more than thoughtlessness.
more than a bad-beard-day,
a traffic jam or the kind of remark
that a foreman fresh to the site
might dispense to seem
confident to the boys.

my world is a friendly one.
it's easy to understand and forgive
when you've been so close to death
that all those who haven't, are 
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