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Love is
accepting someone in their brokenness
choosing to stay with their imperfections
giving them solid ground to grow roots
and call your heart home

Love is
finding someone in the labyrinth of their pain
the wreckage of their marred past
the fragments of their broken heart
then you
hold their hand and tell them
you are not going anywhere

Love is
Going to the lost and found
selecting a ***** rag
unwanted and hopeless
then you
wash it, mend it and wear it like
it's a royal gown
show it off like it's the first one
and handle it with care for
it is the only one

Love is
Picking up a stray
spoil it with tender loving care
shower it with affection
and watch it stand strong and tall
ooze with confidence like the lion king
spread it's wings like a majestic bird
bloom like a rose in the desert
and warm your heart
like the morning winter sun's rays

Love is
not having the perfect partner
but it is
having a willing partner
that someone who wants
to make it work with you
no matter what

*Love is
you and I
for T.D.K
I could feel the tension
I could feel all the blood in me
settling to the bottom, within my feet
my feet, now red, under pressure
pulling me down, I could not seem
to fight the weight that was
pulling me down, down and down

my feet now full, now red, like a bucket
full of water, ready to spill, ready to give way
my feet now ready to burst and set free
the tensed blood for once and for all

 Mar 2017
The lies that are brought to the table to nourish your family for another day,
There is pride, your wife. The one you hold dearest,
There is Ego your son,
Then there is gamble, your daughter,
And then there is the dog that hates you but loves everyone else,

As you sit at the table Pride beams as you tell another story,
In her mind she wonders what actually happened,

You begin to slice the juicy ham of victory perfectly glazed with a hint of devilish intent,
And you pass a piece of ham around the table,
Truth begs but you kick him away,

Next the mashed potatoes fluffy with dreams ,
As the peas come around they fall and Truth gobbles them up off the floor,
A reminder of the money spent on each pea,

Finally the carrots , boiled to perfection with anger and regret,

The room goes quiet as you lead the family in saying grace,
Truth begins to bark,
You tell him to shut up but he barks louder,
You kick him, but you miss as he bites your leg,
You bleed the lies and you cry ,
For all of that effort to feed your family was for nothing,
So Pride, Ego, and Gamble turn to ashes as you pick up truth and walk away,
It's a poem
 Feb 2017
You will call everyday,
You will come to the house everyday when your not working,
You will not have friends over at your apartment,
Especially on a school night,


You are so irresponsible,
I should have you come back to the house and live with your mommy, would you like that?


I would make your life hell wouldn't I?


As I speak to my mother on the phone my pride in being independent has been torn away from me, like a **** victims clothes,
This may seem harsh, unsympathetic towards **** victims, but It's a poem
Overwhelmed by a 20 year love
which is still ever growing,
consumed by pure emotions
that are out of my control,

our two souls stick together,
meshed - inseparable,  
as one--we are whole.

Filled with pure emotion,
never lacking adoration,

Just looking at him
my eyes fill my heart
with complete and total fascination.

I fall deeper and deeper
as time goes by--as it continues
to tick away,

I love him with more intensity
and with more passion
every single new day.

I truly value our connection
with every breath,

I know my heart and soul
will remain captured by him
beyond my physical death.

I will take this precious love with me wherever my soul may go,

This love, so well, I fully understand,
and have truly come to know.

A love carved into my heart,
intertwined with my soul,
written from the start,

A powerful love
which my entirety
can never ever part.

I love this love
with each new gifted sunrise,
I love this love
with every memorable sunset,

I love this love
when it rains,
through bad weather,
and not a day do I ever regret...

That unforgettable day
that our hearts touched -
the day that our hungry souls attached,
the beautiful day that we met,
that perfect blessed day
is the day
that I will never

By Lady R.F ©2017
❤ Forever and a day  ❤
 Jan 2017
The cross written in my hand

                    P  L  E  A  S  E
                             ­  V

    For the crimes I have committed
It's a poem
 Jan 2017
The dim light that fell within the boundaries of my thoughts,
Illuminated my heart,
As you told me that it was going to be okay,
The light began to grow,
And ignited a flame,

As I began to crawl out of the cave of my insecurities,
You held out your hand,
Giving me the strength to begin my long battle towards self confidence,

My motivation did not waver,
As your quiet patience has kindled the fire that pushes me on,
I have made progress,
Yet the journey is far from over,

I am still afraid of society's judgements,
But I'm beginning to stop pretending to be the person I want to be,
I am tolerating myself and my real image,
It's a poem

For my mother
 Jan 2017
When I Fail,
I want to be Forgiven,
I want it to be Forgotten,
And I want it to be Forever
But I know this is just a Fantasy
There is a scar I have in the shape of the letter F,
The reason is written in the  poem
 Jan 2017
As I falter with every step I take,
You'll reach out to grab my trembling body,
I'll remember you in my dreamless dreams,
As the image of your face has been sculpted leaving no freckle behind,

Your presence is not forgotten,
As our mother lashes out,
You'll understand that I can't protect you,
You will cry with me when we are alone,

We have become closer through our insecurities,
Maybe our father will understand,
With his insecurities,

Or will the leash that the dictator holds,
Suppress his brilliant mind,
With the future unsteady,
I will wait my turn,

As my insecurities seize me,
I will place the shades that shadow my eyes,
To protect me from others pain,

You will wonder who I have become,
As I am no longer certain myself,
But my morals are still intact,
Even though my confidence has melted away,

Maybe tomorrow will be better,
With the dictator pointing fingers,
I will emotionally endure the consequences given to myself,

I'll cry for your pain,
From the decisions you made,
Gained through the support that I gave,
As you alone suffer,

This will be my sign of remorse for the pain that is experienced by you,
It's a poem
 Jan 2017
ge aw
God, You are my Dwelling Place.

My Rock and my Wings in times of trouble.

You are the Hand that lifts me up when I stumble.

I thank You for Your love and kindness.

I thank You for listening to my voice, my prayers, my cries, and my supplications.

Continue to renew my mind and spirit to conform to your thinking moment by moment.

Every day is a new start.

When my soul is overflowing with anguish, so much so my bones are crushed,

I will look to You to drain it from me.

I will look to You to set my soul free from such an outpouring of grief and fear.

May Your love sustain me; may Your love guide me.

I need Your help, Father.

Thank You for Your unmatched, unfailing, and rescuing love.
 Jan 2017
Alyssa Underwood
Feasting table under a shading tree
Swaddling robe that warmly cleans
Mirror beautifying while it reflects
Sword that pierces yet never rejects
Light penetrating the blackest hole
Water filling and healing the soul

"For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.

"Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

~ Hebrews 4:12-16

 Jan 2017
Alyssa Underwood
Might there be a fountain
where souls long dead from thirst
find spirits raised to life in floods abounding free,
so that what once walked as corpse,
night-bound and blind, may see?
Old self exchanged for Treasure,
diving in tastes such rejuvenation
as can't be weighed by mortal measure—
wine unlike our earth-grown fruit whose petals fall,
from this Vine flowers the pleasantness of Love Divine
which bathes in healing waters all
who come as humble newborn with bold **** to dine.
"Jesus answered, 'Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.'"  John 4:13-14

"Then Jesus declared, 'I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me will never go hungry, and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty.'"  John 6:35

"On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, 'If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.'"  John 7:37-38

"'I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.'"  John 15:5


Structure inspired by a poem from the journal of Jim Elliot

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