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 Oct 2015
I'm mean,
I do crazy *****,
I throw fits,
I hate everyone,
I always act like I don't give a ****,
And i'm totally not a Kardashian,
But thanks for keeping up with me.
 Oct 2015
I'm scared to show my poems to people I know in real life because i'm afraid that they'd judge me.
So I just thought about this tonight and all the things in my head as a self-entitled poet and all the things that scares me and this is just one of them. Now, what I want to tell you guys is if you have a confession too you can just  comment it here and promise I won't judge you. I just want to know that somebody else out there feels the way I do.
So yeah, waiting for your confessions. Good night from the Philippines :)
 Sep 2015
Cyrille Octaviano
I did my best and
shared with you my smile
I made you laugh, you made me care
I put on a mask for you to see-
Life's gonna be better for you and me.

Every now and then,
you shed your skin
Firing darts right through me
Doesn't that make you grin?

My happiness is a lie
But I try not to show it
I'll take you to my world
Open your heart, you won't regret it

But don't bring back the past
Please pull me away
Leave or just stay
I won't care anymore~~
And the memory perishes

It was a long time ago.
© Cyrille Octaviano, 2015
 Sep 2015
Loving you
Is like
Walking on
A bridge
With every
Piece of wood
After my
Every step;
There is no
Turning back.
 Sep 2015
Sally A Bayan
i cried a river
(fourteen lines)

my restless soul had sailed on troubled waters
while deep inside,
it wept...unceasingly,  
it wept too long,
til it had cried a river
then came a point, when
i had to deal with the consequences of my actions
a most painful moment, to see the victims of my decisions
i wanted to reach out to them...touch them...comfort them
but, i couldn't...
for, i am now floating...drifting with the water flowing
and so, i now face my next life
i do not deserve a restful one...but i do wish for that
i am still lost...groping...even here...but, i must sail on...


Copyright September 30, 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
 Sep 2015
as the plane came in to land
i believed i was descending into the very gates of hell
the mountains circling the area jutting like a devil's jaw
waiting to swallow us whole

ripping holes in the sky
clouds bleeding an unnatural red as the sun set.

in the hotel i turn off the light
and lie in the humid darkness
listening to the storm raging outside

the devils are hungry now
their stomachs yelling angrily
their eyes flashing bright across the blackness
as they hunt for their prey

and the sky cries heavy rains of grief
for its wounded victims.
Generation X , sold out by a New World Order , fathers lost their pension to Reganomics , Baby Boomers took 911 , shot holes in the Constitution , killing proletariat , old as the strata on the canyon walls , welcome to the Holocene Epoch and ***** deals , wasted lives and politics that **** ! Change is the same barracuda caught all over again , don't defend your castle with my final drop of blood while your singing America the Beautiful on the Washington Mall , put out your hand , try to break my fall , with eyes shut , typing in coordinates on a 'Smart Bomb', or flying a drone over the castle wall !
Copyright September 27 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
 Sep 2015
subtract sanity from misery
add a little violence
multiplied by duplicity
those voices never silence

divided by the mystery
carried over to tomorrow
this beast that lives in me
the sum of all my sorrow
 Sep 2015
Gwen Johnson
Sometimes I love this broken world
Sometimes I just love that it's broken too
 Sep 2015
Gwen Johnson
I used to be afraid of picking up broken pieces
For a fear of getting hurt
But now it's an obsession
I observe the sharp edges
Run my fingers across jagged points
If I bleed I hope it might act like glue
I want to mend the broken pieces
Because I'm broken too
And maybe if I fix this
I can be fixed too
 Sep 2015
Gwen Johnson
You come to me in a memory
You come as something broken
Something lost
Something long gone
You come as a message in a bottle
However the bottle broke
And the message is soggy
You come like midnight
A little too quiet
Or a little too loud to be happy
You come as a barrier
You get in the way of me moving forward
You come like an ice cold winter morning
A little too frozen to fix with coffee
You come as a memory of who I was
You come to tell me what I'm not
You come to me when I think I might be alright
But I'm not
You come to me in a memory
To remind me that's all I've got
A memory of something I lost
 Sep 2015
Oliver Rae Calvin
I thought I've felt love,
but in reality the only love
I've known is the soft kisses
the bottle of alcohol has left
against my dry lips and
the sheets that hold my
tired and lonesome body at night.
The morning hangovers
remind me I'm the boy
who is destined to be
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