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 May 2016
brandon nagley
If not in this place, but the next realm,
I shalt mine love clepe thee with guardian's to surround; thou shalt findeth me, in a Robe of ivory white, anew with the saint's,
Yahweh's chosen, i'll be in flight. Holding mine hand out, for thy own to reach, when passing the gates I've passed; thou shalt seeith the gold laden street's. I wilt signal the other's, that the portal was not breached. As thou wilt experience a million senses for thy eyne, speech, hearing, touch, thing's God to thee shalt teach. Multi-colored racemes shalt brushstroke the heavenly peak's, O' how the energy we wilt feeleth wilt be as the health of newborn's. None more thunderous storm's or anguish back upon the lower ground; now serenity none enmity against the once demons who came around. Shofar and lyres to grace Jehovah's peaceful sound's; as the echoes art vibes that cometh betwixt ourn soul's. As verily, verily, heaven's ourn abode, heaven's ourn abode by which we shan't fear. Cometh closer mine dear; the time is close, how I now heareth the heavenly Host's, ready to welcome us in. Cometh up hither Christ shalt soon say, judgement day is creeping the corner. We giveth Yahweh praise.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou)
©Prophetic poetry
Clepe- call someone's name.
Anew- new brand new...
Laden - heavily loaded or weighed down
Eyne- archaic for ( eyes)....
Raceme- a flower cluster with the separate flowers attached by short equal stalks at equal distances along a central stem. The flowers at the base of the central stem develop first.
Enmity- the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something.
 May 2016
brandon nagley
Beautiful thou art
Gorgeous majesty;
Dazzling thou art,
Mine Filipino dream.

Kind thou art-
Soothing mine aches;
Speaking to me in angel-tongue-
O' how I'm one, with thee mine mate.

Jane, mine Jane, I'll sayeth
It again, O' how I'm in love,
With thee mine best friend;
For we shant end, I'm thine-
Thine alone; as thou art mine,
Mine sun that shines, for verily,
O' verily, with thee I am home.

For if thou were never shown
And not given to me by God;
I'd be lost in a pool, of birth-
Pain's of death and loss.

Though we've payed ourn
Cost, of tribulation's-patience;
Mine love, mine dove- O' with thee
I'm in harmony, with thy heart as my
economy, flowing in abundance.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou)
Art- are.
Thee- you.
Sayeth- say.
Shant- shall not.
Thine- yours.
Verily- certainly- truly.
 Apr 2016
brandon nagley

In her silhouettes lee, I'm unscathed, unslaved,
Sheltered, free; tis she's mine sea, who guideth
me. Lief i'll cradle her, protectively, lief i'll be
the breath she breathes, lief O' lief; serenity.


In her presence I shalt bathe in her scintillating
albedineity, plenty O' plenty, shalt be in ourn
Cup; risen enduring creation's, just ourn love
Is enough, verily, verily, accumulating puff's.


Puff's of the holiness, surrounding ourn locus,
famigerating through the valley's; wherein we
Giveth epistle's for men's focus, that charity,
Forgiveness, and untainted Agápe, mayest be
a missive; for all humankind to copy.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome Poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) dedication
Lee- the sheltered side; the side away from the wind.
Lief- soon.
scintillating- sparkling or shining brightly.....
albedineity- whiteness
Locus- a particular position, point, or place....
famigerate or famigerating- to carry news from abroad.
epistles- letter, letters....
Wherein- in which.
Agápe- love in Greek, a godly love...
Mayest- may in archaic tongue ...
Missive- letter,, especially a long or official one( or message) message surely...
Verily- truly or certainly.
 Apr 2016
brandon nagley

Dacryop's falleth,
Whenever she
Is near; because
I don't deserve
Such a seraph
Of heaven's

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) dedication
Seraphim or seraph- an angelic being, regarded in traditional Christian angelology as belonging to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy, associated with light, ardor, and purity.
Dacryops- tears in massive amount, or just tears.
 Apr 2016
brandon nagley

Aloof, alamoth shalt be as caffoy
To the effulgence; betwixt the
Stretched out firmament.

None more dacryop's; for
Euphoria is permanent.

            Multicolored adamant to be ourn walking step's,
            None ado; an ambassage of love so true, apace
            When airborne-balm of soothe.


                                           Cheek to cheek, Rosy blush
                                           ****. Top-to-feet, robed by
                                           Heat; from white sustaining


Mine lady, closer-feeleth me. Graze mine inner
Being. Touch mine blood that sing's; when thou
Art close. No longer art we the norm, we're now
Perfected from the storm's.


Surmounting through those once


O' now we art untouched, protected
Alongside high-rank Host's;
Beauty is the most enlightening,
Being seen through thine
Glorious view.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( pookie) dedication
Aloof- means at a distance, but within view .
Alamoth- music played in high notes...
Caffoy- velvety fabric..
Effulgence- brightness taken to the extreme.
Ado- fuss, bother.
Ambassage- message.
Apace- swiftly , quickly.
****- a person's face
Dacryops- wateriness in the eyes ... ( like tears, tears)
Adamant- rock or hard mineral.
Balm- medicine.
Infernal - of, relating to, or characteristic of hell or the underworld.
Betwixt- between....

If wanna hear this poem can find it on soundcloud. Com look me up if bored enough lol type in Brandon Nagley on SoundCloud you'll see this poem in their (Beauty is the most enlightening, being seen through thine glorious view) thanks for reading...
Thanks Brandon Cory Nagley....
 Apr 2016
brandon nagley
Verily, verily, I wilt thole
the strenuous measure
Without thee in mine
Reach. Thine countenance do I seek in
Sainthood luster;                                      O' how I needeth thee mine
                                         beloved of cherubic power,
                 Tis the moonlight hour's I dieth to layeth mine brow
Upon thine own.

Sweat cover's me, I needeth mine
Abode, for thou art mine home;
In which I hath sought after
Since afore the age of Noah.
                                                         O' how this locution screameth out loud to the crowd's of emptied lonesome-hearted mad
Men. Mine darling, àgapi mou, best friend. Tis not the end-
Only the beginning.                        I glance keenly dearest jane-

Into meadow's wherein the pool's of life art made for one man
And his wife, as godly intended;

                                                      ­   Foregone art the soul's that shalt
                                        wait ourn arrival, they've been waiting endlessly to enter us inside.
O' Queen Jane, Filipino treasure of mine;

O' how we shalt dine and feast amongst the golden pathway's and see-through streets, bare **** feet to lead ourn spiritual direction, ourn agápi reflecting Yahweh's glow in three-
Dimensional complexion.

One day to be as babes, Unchained, not slaves to menfolk's rule-

A place wherein one enters by the amount of love they've given
And hath shown, a kingdom
                                                   Wherein we shalt be renewed.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedicated
Verily - truly
Thole- endure, suffer.
Wilt- will.
Tis- it is.
Layeth- lay.
Afore- before.
Àgapi mou- my love in Greek.
Wherein- in which.
agápi- love
Foregone- past

If wanna hear this on SoundCloud. Can go find me
SoundCloud and look me up Brandon Nagley
Type in my name should see poem ( glancing into the pools of life) though part or two was cut out because stupid recorder... Or well. Enjoy
Thanks for reading!!!
 Apr 2016
brandon nagley
In a secret chamber mine love-
novel to other's, we shalt repose.
Thought's to not only be understood
In the physical, but in the kingdom
Wherein living water floweth
From ourn soul's. Pinnacle's
Defying scientific theory of
Time and space. For where
We shalt be there art sea's
Eternally unspoken; Only
By God shalt one seeith the
Glimmering turnstile, none
trespass allowed there, none
agápi to be defiled. Here, this
Place we shalt floshtarize in
unbarring liberty; a cordillera
Aloft the breeze we shalt ascend.
Ourn spirit's wilt twist and bend
To the notes of saintly chord's. O'
Anon mine girl, anon; we shalt sip
From the grip of turquoise pond's. As
The treasures we wilt collect, shalt be
providential, ourn residential abode-
white as snow, O'er the Show
of the most essential.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) dedication
Repose- be lying, situated, or kept in a particular place.
Novel- strange,
Chamber- room.
agápi- love in Greek tongue.
Floshtarize- this is a word I created as I do many.. This word I made means ( unite spiritually becoming one being)...
cordillera- a system or group of parallel mountain ranges together with the intervening plateaus and other features.
Aloft- up in or into the air; overhead...
Wilt- will....
Anon- soon ( archaic form).
Art-  meaning are in archaic tongue.
providential- involving divine foresight or intervention..
O'er- over ( archaic way).
 Apr 2016
brandon nagley

The gloaming is soothing in her presence.
Forthwith, raptured by her glimpse;
I mayest be penurious by worldly
Standard, though with Yahweh
Next to me, and mine queen
Sent to me, I'm opulent
With none enemies
As tis mine soul is


None ill-will in me breed's, I've
Walked the path of native tree's;
Wherein the places I canst ramble,
Art not from men's thought's; thus where Lucifer
Gamble's, and soul's art cleaved.


Mine feet and toes, taketh me where I need
to go, as tis the holy ghost; that dwelleth in me.
The Trinity- "father, son, and holy spirit", whereinto
Jehovah's brilliance reflect's sky ceiling's. As mine Jane is
There in dark or bright-in wrong and right, when thunder strikes,
Or in the fog unknown, when mine heart's alone, and skin need's touch, mine Jane giveth me love, a love uncrushed. A love so much; God as her lead, she dances for me, with her angelic wing's
Inside mine sleep. Her pictures I keep alongside mine wall's, to remembereth the intercession, and the bestowal from God.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) dedication
Gloaming- twilight or dusk.
Forthwith- immediately..
Mayest- may in archaic form.
penurious- poverty stricken, or poor...
Yahweh- Hebrew name for God.
Opulent- ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish, wealthy....
Ill-will- hatred, bitterness towards anyone.
Wherein- in which.
Afore- before.
Art- are.
whereinto- into which.....
Tis- it is .
Father ( God,) son ( Jesus Christ) holy spirit- "Trinity"
Jehovah- another name for Christian God in Hebrew.
Brilliance- intense brightness of light....
Cleaved- means split.
bestowal- gift, to present as a gift; give; confer.
 Apr 2016
Earl Jane

Wake up my darling,
Your eyes I want to behold,
Empyrean turquoise.

Wake up my darling,
Your ears I want to whisper,
Listen to my love.

Wake up my darling,
Sway with me as I kiss you,
Your lips I'll indulge.

Wake up my darling,
Feel me as I enfold you,
Feel my warmth, dearest.

Wake up my darling,
It's another new bright day,
To show you my love.

Wake up my darling,
Let me lock figers with you,
Jointly, we stride brave.

Wake up my darling,
Let me sing my love to you,
Feel peace in my song.

Wake up my darling,
Wake up and savor my love,
This bond we relish.

Wake up my darling,
Yesterday, now, forever,
Our love will not end.

Wake up my darling,
Together let's praise our God,
For blessing this love.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3

wake up peaannuuuttttt !!!!! ♥ ♥ I miss you a lootttt !!! Aaaaa lloootttt !!!! Thinking of you lots !!!! I love youuu ssoo ssooo mucchhh!!! God bless our love.. I cherish you a lot !!!!! A looottt!!! I am patiently waiting for you!! I love youuuu mmmoosstt!!! Mmmeee mmmoosssttt!!
 Apr 2016
brandon nagley

Certes, where wouldst I be, without the visitant who visited me, hallow and calefacient is mine sweet. Her camaca flaxen brown far east bisayan covering, like the wind upon her bones; Cling's on to wing's crystalline, hovering.


Many callisteias doth she hath, even in her most burdened of day's, light echoes the wall's of her laugh. Her nacre eyne, as a naos doth garnish the sign; spelling "ángelos mou".


I phlebotomized pond's of despair's tether's, I implored God for the mate of mine soul; even pictured this vasílissa in mine pounding blood's fetters. Thus one moment, in death's valley, undeservingly the Trinity whom always was and is; gifted me mine other-half, the woman from Asia's tribal secrets, the one with a aureole surrounding her chest.


Now, after generation's of awaiting, just to touch her luminescence I won't tire, nor debate the timing; for all
Cometh in good time, I just thanketh mine Yahweh.
For its his daughter he didst send, thus me didst he
Openeth mine eyen. O' blest divine, O' blest divine.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) Dedication
Certes- in truth.. ( archaic old word).
Wouldst- would...
Visitant- not many know this word - means supernatural being.
Hallow- as a saint, sacred, holy.
calefacient- something that causes warmth ..
camaca- fine silk fabric
Flaxen- pale yellow,
Flaxen brown -her skins a mix of flaxen yellow and brown two different shades and beyond gold. Heavens golden beauty.
Far east + Asian.
One of her tongues she speaks in Philippines is bisaya tongue.
Also this.plural noun
a group of islands in the central Philippines, including Panay, Negros, Cebú, Bohol, Leyte, Samar, Masbate, and smaller islands.
Expand, Spanish Bisayas  [bee-sah-yahs] (Show IPA).
Crystalline- having the structure and form of a crystal; composed of crystals, also meaning clear...
callisteia- awards given for beauty.
Doth- does
Hath- have...
Nacre- mother of pearl.
Eyne, or also eyen is archaic both for - eyes.
Naos- temple; inner cell of a temple.
ángelos mou- means - ( angel of mine) Greek tongue.
phlebotomized- archaic for bleed, to draw blood from, bled...can be used as bleed. Bled.
vasílissa- Greek for queen.
Fetters- restrain with chains or manacles.
Thus- therefore, as a result of...
aureole- a circle of light or brightness surrounding something, especially as depicted in art around the head or body of a person represented as holy.
The Trinity- the Christian Godhead as one, God in three persons: Father(God), Son(Jesus christ), and Holy Spirit.( same as holy ghost sent to us in time for need and help and to overcome, as the HOLY spirit flows directly out of gods throne. Told by thousands who have died ,returned to tell all same factual evidence...( fun fact, for anyone who knows not christ or the father God.)
Eyen- also means eyes- archaic way.
Blest- archaic for blessed....
 Apr 2016
brandon nagley

As she's in the land of Nod,
rustling azaleas in her
ancestral awe. She don's
the ensemble for the next


Her body like a cradle
Rocks back and forth
As a swaddling babe;
She's musing of ourn
Meeting, and it's
Patient way's.


Tis I as well who see-
saw's in mine bed,
Pretending she is
Next to me, swaying
the thread's, peeping
out mine window,
Awaiting her wake;
Counting down the
Hour's, to seeith
Mine Angel's

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou dedication)
Land of nod- state of sleep.
Don or Don's- means put on (an item of clothing)....
Morrow- following day.
Ensemble- set of clothes chosen to harmonize when worn together.
Swaddling- wrap (someone, especially a baby) in garments or cloth.
Musing- thinking.
Tis- it is...

Note- will have this on SoundCloud in few hours if you care to listen to it lol thanks friends and supporters for everything ...
 Apr 2016
brandon nagley
She came covered in satin-silk hair,
Displayed by rainbowed Ray's;
A visage of God's awe,
And wing's that flew uncaged.
I kneweth her once afore,
In the natural form of grace;
The welkin's own, a soul I've
Known, regalia clase.
O' athwart twas I,
That seized her
Breath, the
Roaring sky's o'er
Happiness. She tucked
Her head, into mine chest;
As the rest played out
As a utopian scene.
Twas not a dream,
Or drug induced
Illusion, some get
Amour confused
With the devil's
Confusion, though we
Art an infusion;
Two antediluvian
Specter shades,
Her color is yellow
For the sun, mine is blue;
From the deepest of water's,
And the river of life
Out of God's throne
I pulled Jane through.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) dedication
Afore- before
Regalia means -the emblems or insignia of royalty, especially the crown, scepter, and other ornaments used at a coronation.
the distinctive clothing worn and ornaments carried at formal occasions as an indication of status....
Clase- word I made up meaning- classy and tasteful.
Welkin- heaven or sky.
athwart- across; in opposition to; sideways; transversely.
Twas- it was..
O'er- over..
Art- are
Amour- love.
Infusion- the introduction of a new element or quality into something.
Specter- ghost...
Antediluvian means- of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood.
 Apr 2016
Earl Jane

Ohh, longsuffering,
This love cure all the aches,
Replaced with surety.

Yearning and longing,
Are heightened each precious days,
Thirsty for your lips.

I hunger for you,
Your warmth and touch I dreamed of,
You, so close to me.

Angelic visage,
Played in my heart, mind and soul,
Each single moment.

Vision of future,
Lock fingers with you my love,
Conquering the evil.

Together with God,
Praying, praising Him always,
This love to exist.

These tears there'll be none,
Our love covers it with joy,
Pure and bona fide.

Oh thank God above,
For heaven inside our hearts,
Keeping us stronger.

No storm can vanquish,
No trials can separate,
Invincible love.

Jointly, me and you,
Bonded for everlasting,
Brandon & Earl Jane.

with love <3 <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3

i love u ssoo much my king happy 8th monthsary i love u with all my heart and soul, ssoo ssoo much !!! Meee mmoosstt my loveeee
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