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 Apr 2016
brandon nagley
Iwis, in the overt eye's,
Her, mine Jane;         ii.
I'll lionize.                   Erelong, the psalmody
                                      Of courting gesture;
                                      A consort's
Tambourines shaketh
Whilst sistrum's
Jangle; horn's
And pipes
In the melody
            Sitar and harp peal,
            Shofar's explode
            The comet's; un-
            earthed by seven
            seal's, reeling in
            Renewal and
            birth's of one
                                     Free will is chosen,
                                     though by Yahweh
                                     abideth we; unclad
                                     to the human fad,
                                     In love- O' blessed
                                               To be.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( pookie dedication)
Iwis- certainly,surely.
Overt- done or shown openly; plainly or readily apparent, not secret or hidden.
lionize- archaic for - give a lot of public attention and approval to (someone); treat as a celebrity...
Erelong- before long, or soon.
psalmody- psalms arranged for singing....
Courting- be involved with romantically, typically with the intention of marrying. ( wanting or trying to marry one ) a man courting a woman. Old tradition more romantic in other countries a lost art if you may. And lost true romance...
Consort- a wife, husband, or companion, in particular the spouse of a reigning monarch...
Diadem- crown with jewels for a  king or queen.
Meet- ( fitting, or proper) archaic way of meet .
Sistrum- a musical instrument of ancient Egypt consisting of a metal frame with transverse metal rods that rattled when the instrument was shaken.
Peal- means- a loud repeated or reverberating sound of thunder or laughter.
Shofar- a ram's-horn trumpet used by ancient Jews in religious ceremonies and as a battle signal, now sounded at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Yahweh- a form of the Hebrew name of God used in the Bible. Just like Elohim is another name, and God also calls himself ( I am) meaning always was and always will be... He is the alpha and omega beginning and end. Before him was nothing and will be nothing after him! He always was and always is!!! The almighty!!!!. Jehovah is another name for him... (:: christs father God.
Abideth- or abide- accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation....( especially abiding in God, obeying him).
Unclad- **** or naked...
Fad- an intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived and without basis in the object's qualities; a craze.
 Apr 2016
brandon nagley
Je vous remercie, for pulling me out of the pit.
dhanyavaad, for bringing a glimpse of idyll, with all the laugh's, comforting; thrill's. Gracias, for lending me thy palm's, in rough wind's and calm, to thee I knoweth I do belong. Dankie, for giving me shelter from the rain, wiping away my red spilt stain's, giving me liberty to be me again.

Faleminderit, thee I shan't forget, for its thee who hath payed mine rent, by thy sacrifice and affections. Āmeseginalehu, Jane of Asia, pearl of truth, i reside in thee, as thou me; mine poetic muse. Shukraan, mine unending dawn, mine burning sun, whom cometh from God; blazing lamp of the gates of heaven. Shnorhakalut’yun, ourn flesh of old, together doth know, in creation's show; tis we art one. Təşəkkür edirəm, star of the cosmos, Reyna: best friend.

Eskerrik asko, mine wholeness and whole, the actress of angelic shows, always smiling for hostly camera's. Dziakuj, illustrious calligraphist, bringer of kisses to mine Lip's, empress from head to toe, touch of bliss. Dhan'yabāda, amongst the cherubic Armada's, protecting me, gardenia breeze. Diolch, mine lass, in future I'm waiting, for we shalt forget ourn past; to embrace and engulf into another's gaze.

Salamat mine braud sharat, by patience and many nap's, I slumbereth mine sight's to awaketh to thee. Xièxiè honey bee, treasure trove of godly sweet's, in the air aloft we'll greet; Chandelier's of marble we shalt sparkle. Mahalo, daughter of halo, ethreal's own, tuning veil, lift up thine brows, accept mine mail, for it shalt be sealed and packaged by the crimson of mine heart.

Mèsi, for edifying me, teaching me nuance, and many way's to perceive; in thee I believe, O' in thee there's glee, of a woman not of this burning ***. Gomabseubnida the one I've awaited, the one I hath never forgot. Efcharistó, mine darling of island's view, mine Filipino perfection, chocolate eyed stew, of all that's grand in a world of departed riches. Toda, mine far-flung gaiety, the part of me I seeketh to meet, the part of me I yearn thy beat; Savlanout, Savlanout Jane sardua, Savlanout, Filipino rose.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou) dedication
All the weird foreign words starting out sentences all mean thank you in different languages....
Idyll- an extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque episode or scene,.
Hath- has.
Shant- shall not.
Braud sharat- is a word I created + it means ( bursting beauty)
Savlanout- means patience in Hebrew....
 Apr 2016
brandon nagley
Filipino rose
Heaven's own;
Her winged abode
I want to settle into.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome Poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( dedication)
 Apr 2016
brandon nagley
Amain I want to maneuver
Onward into her incandescent
Cloak, as the igneous smoke
That arises. Mine eye's art
Tired and crying; as I just
Want one fragment of her
Skin to feeleth. O' as a man
For I'm weak, as an extra-
mundane being mine thought's
Come out faster then mine
Word's canst speak. I wilt
Continueth not in the flesh,
For the flesh burdeneth the
Soul; though in patience
And spirit, ourn long-
Suffering shalt be made
As the finest of gold. O'
Loveliest Jane, thought
Of mine thinking's, red
In mine brain, How the
Day's and night's art
Long, though I wilt
Still continueth in
Prayer, hymns
Song. Giving
Glory for what
I do hath. In happy or
Sad, good and bad; I'll always look ahead.
To the morrow wherein mine frown wilt be laughter and the roses I shalt giveth thee wilt be of rose loving scent. O' soon mine tear's shalt be dried, and mine phantom wilt no longer be in rent.
As I giveth gratitude to ourn Potter who maketh all thing's new,
Who bringeth water, with droplet dew, who maketh bird's hath nest's, and babies hath homes, in places of peacefulness. O' if the morrow doth for some reason not arrive; I'll send thee an engravement on mount Malindang, With the ring that never
Made it to thee; and mine kisses to spell thy name.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( pookie dedication)
Amain- at full speed.
Canst- can..
Long-suffering- having or showing patience in spite of troubles, especially those caused by other people.
Rent-a large tear in a piece of fabric...
Wilt- will...
Morrow- tommorrow- next day....
Wherein- in which...
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley
Some swain art twain
Though we art sole;
Some liveth on sand,
Ourn foundation's

Some swain art lost
To temporal sight;
Though ourn birth's
Were matched, to
Meeteth in light.

Burst's that trickled,
Out from divinity,
Christ's foreordained-
Eachother to greet.

Strap's upon toes
Dirt to ourn feet;
Off the planet-
démodé; to
Those who
Hath gold
For safe

Remote from another,
By the blue polluted
Welkin; thus one day
We knoweth, ourn
Pinion's shalt be
As falcon's.

Splitting general edicts,
Trusting in God's rule;
Dying to the globe-
Blithe and mellow

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
Swain- young lover.
Twain- meaning two- in archaic tongue.
3rd form of sole- meaning one and only...
Derma- skin.
Hath- have..... Archaic way of saying it
démodé- out of fashion....
Welkin- the sky or heavens...
Thus- .as a result of this.
Pinions- the outer part of a bird's wing including the flight feathers.....
Edicts- or edict-an official order or proclamation issued by a person in authority( men's law,not Gods)
Blithe- happy joyous
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley

A sapphire raceme, Symbolic dimples,
Radiciform, Ak-Shabreeze, consecrated;
Impeccable temple's.


None remembrance, of bygone vice,
Resumption of the new; perpetual
Life. Ramate by ourn rib's, sedated
By the paradisiacal.


Levitating toes, aloft the colored covenant,
O'er the bended bow, of God's plan's that
Art meant. We yaw the pleasant valley's,
We strum the lyre's of ahava; taking
Slowly to ourn peach rim's, desired
Coconut and guava.


Yealing's of another time, artist's of the
third peculiar mind, by the creator's
Design; finding another, amid the
Pearlescent hue.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( ahava) dedication
Raceme- central stem with flowers on small stalks.
Radiciform- means- like a root.
Ak-shabreeze- word I made meaning ( riding the storm's)
Bygone- past or former times
Vice- immoral or wicked behaviors. ( sins)
Resumption- the action of beginning something again after a pause or interruption.
Ramate- branched.
paradisiacal- of or relationship to or like or paradise.
Aloft- up above
Colored covenant I mean the covenant God gave to man kind with a rainbow telling man he's never gonna flood us again as he did. Though in the end renewal comes by fire...
O'er the bended bow. - means over the bended rainbow.
Yaw- means to move side to side.
Lyre- is an ancient like harp thing that would have been played in ancient Israel during king David's's heavenly!!!!
Ahava- Hebrew word for love.
Peach rims- me and Jane lips... .
Yealings- are people of same age. I dont mean earth wise I mean in heaven. Everyone looks about same age alot of stories I've heard and when die old you go to about thirties or so. Quite amazing!!! Of course if in heaven!!!!
Pearlescent- resembles pearl like colors. Or resembles Pearl...

Note- this is second spoken one I posted on SoundCloud as well.
Just look me up Brandon Nagley  on you can find this title of the poem. At end of poem speaking one I sing a bit... Romantically of course lol. Enjoy thanks for reading poets!!!
Below is what to look up on SoundCloud. Thanks everyone.
(Finding another, amid the pearlescent hue) SoundCloud. Com
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley
Mayest thy body be healed
By Jehovah's hand's
Of heaven's field's;
Wherein his tonic
Is spirit, light, and

Mayest thy ailment's
Leaveth, and thy
Sickness to
From the source
Of all creation, compassion,
That cometh from above.

Mayest Yahweh's Angel's,
Around thee be vangled,
As thine husband comfort's
Thee, breathe easy in and
Out, remember by Christ's
Stripes thou were made
Free, not just from sin;
But all thing's of Satan's

Mayest the seraph's
Be sent to thine heart,
Mayest the demon's
Depart, who feed off
The living, whom
Breed on sickly
Planning, though
Remember Mrs. Sardua;
The Almighty's word's- Fear thou not, for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley \ Mrs.Sardua dedication ( Jane's mother, Mrs sardua) prayer dedication
Vangled-or vangles is a word I made up meaning ( protective source of gods power, protecting angels of gods highest degree and healing power...)
Yahweh- another name in Hebrew for our Christian God just like Elohim, or the almighty, or great I am. Or Jehovah.
Wherein- means in which.

KJV bible-
Isaiah 41:10 - Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness....

Jane told me her mother was vomiting all. Morning and was very sick. Her mother's getting older as is her father... Any Christians out there who pray I ask you can pray for Jane's mother Mrs sardua for her sickness and vomiting to go away. Would be a nice gift for Mrs sardua especially on Easter Sunday. The day representing our Savior raising again from the grave Yeshua ha'mashiach- ( Jesus the Messiah)  raising the third day being seen by many the fourth day and even after that for fourty more days.... If you can pray for Mrs sarduas complete healing physically and healing for Jane and her families worries would be a blessing... Thank you very much.
Sincerely Brandon Cory nagley.....
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley

Lief O' Lief, or the gloaming,
Inly beholding; the imperium
Betwixt ourn palm's.


Beckowing song's, thro the chamber's
And corridor's; Crystal chandeliers,
Whites in the luster that Pierce.


An abatjour, bringing elan up through the floor's,
A woo for mine girl;
Mi amour', mi amour'.


We shalt accend, adamantine. Adaxial, tacent in talk;
Taction bloprined. Jerusalem's city, renewed, refined.
Inviolable Yeshua; afar off, Jesus abideth here,
readeth the sign.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Prophetic poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( àgapi mou) dedication
Lief- means soon...
Or- means before...
Gloaming- twilight.
Inly- inwardly.
Beholding- seeing.
Imperium- absolute power.
Betwixt- between.
Beckowing- a word I created yet there may be others close to it not It though I made this word meaning- ( singing in the HOLY spirit of God).
Thro- archaic for through.
White's I meant as - whites of the eyes...
Abatjour- means skylight or a device that directs light into a room
Elan- energy.
Woo- or to woo someone- try to gain love of a woman especially for marriage purposes... ( mine queen Jane (::::    ).
Accend- to Kindle, Kindle.
Adamantine- unbreakable, unpenetrable meaning can't penetrate it.
Adaxial- next to or towards the axis.....
Tacent- silent.
Taction- touch or contact...
Bloprined- word I made up meaning ( perfect at the utopian moment).......
Yeshua or Yeshua ha'mashiach- means Jesus the anointed one or Jesus the Messiah in Christs oringal tongue as he would of spoken and known Hebrew and Aramaic tongue and language... Yeshua was his real name... We got Jesus from Greek texts how they pronounced it then we said Jesus.... Same as Yeshua.... Fun facts..
Inviolable- means- never to be broken, also never to be dishonored.

Now uploading new poems on SoundCloud... Can listen to this poem at

Brandon Nagley on SoundCloud... Find this poem.
Yeshua abideth here, read the sign( poem by me: brandon Nagley) - SoundCloud. If scroll down may find it. Thanks...
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley
Spring and fall;

O' do I loveth
Her; always
Dear God.

Rain, light
Dark, night;
O' the way's
Of her plite.

Sun, star's
Moon, sun;
Verily she's
Mine chosen

Destined to
Be, O'er we see;
Cherub's on harp's,
Playing fourty

Flutes, horn's,
shofar blowing;
Empyrean opening,
Past sin's atoning.

Peace, comfort
Joy and hope;
Inside her arm's
Mine head's

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( anasa mou) dedication
Plite is a word I made up- meaning ( unearthly atmosphere, heavenly atmosphere. Heavenly aura. Either one)
There is a real word on internet called plight. But this is my own word . plite... (:::
O'er- archaic for the word over....
Harps have ones with different strings. Their usually fourty to 47 strings... Chose 40 because very significant number in the Bible and to God... As he has his way's with numbers . as the universe is based on numbers... How God set them to be..everything is perfect...
Verily meaning truly.
Shofar- a ram's-horn trumpet used by ancient Jews in religious ceremonies and as a battle signal, now sounded at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur... What many Christians think to could be blown when Christ calls his followers up( come up hither) the rapture or catching away. Or harpazzo... Would make sense to use shofars though scripture does say trumpets... Well shofars sound like trumpets especially if being blown by angels in heaven...
 Mar 2016
Earl Jane

Oh my sweet darling,
The moment I taste your love,
I got addicted.

Daily I savor,
Oh how you satisfy me,
This tang I indulge.

I only yearn this,
Your love penetrate in me,
Eternal delight.

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3 <3

I love you ssooo muccchhhhhh your love is the best that I ever received... i love you ssooo much and i love you aloneeeee.... thank you for everything.
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley
(Greek translation \version)

Ischyró, sígoura
tha aposvestoún

Parelthóntos, en afthonía,
lefkí stefáni tou


paratiritís kípou
Pýli tou katóchou;
Chrónos ágnosto.


Ékti aísthisi, Pra shatrent,
Eyne tis astrapís;


Ái tis pragmatikó, ái
tis símaine. Pántote
i feeleth; zontanós
kai to periechómeno.

(English translation)

Puissant, certes
whittled on


Yore, galore,
white corolla's


Garden watcher's
Gate keeper's;
Time unknown.


Sixth sense, Pra shatrent,
eyne of lightning;


Aye tis real, Aye
tis meant. Aye
i feeleth; alive
and content.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou)
Puissant- means powerful or almighty ..
Certes- means in truth or certainly .
Whittled means like carved ..
Yore- former times! Long time ago.
Galore- in abundance
Corollas are like petals same thing...
Sixth sense- a supposed intuitive faculty giving awareness not explicable in terms of normal perception.
Pra shatrent- is a word I made up meaning ( Aware of all spiritual things and non spiritual, aware of both ...
Eyne - archaic for eyes.
Aye- is yes in old form.
Tis- it is ....
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley

Today, O' today
I got her letter in the mail;
Filled with pictures of mine
Queen, she sent me
Poems done by me, in her


Today O' today
I got lipstick kisses on
Her notes, the red stood
Out of all she wrote;
As her amour was
So fine.


Today O' today
Anon mine spirit's soared,
That fashionable vellum
O' I adored. O' Jane Sardua,
O' Jane of Earl. O' rose of Asia;
The Luzon's pearl.


Today O' today
I smiled again, because mine lover,
And mine best friend. Her ardent sonnet
Displayed her touch, grabbing mine soul,
In heaven's blush, silently tear's came to
a rush; from joy's overtaking.


Today O' today
O'er the blue, I made mine stay.
Consatero, ah veray,
Queen Jane, Queen Jane,
Of Asia's praise;
Today O' today
How I fell in
Love again.

©,Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( àgapi mou)
Vellum- smooth writing paper...
Anon- at once, or immediately.
Blush- not of embarrassment... Meaning as of color...
O'er- over in archaic form .
Consatero- is a word I created meaning... ( blissful in sound and color)
Ah veray - is another word or words put together meaning- ( venerated ( meaning regard with great respect) and elevated in honor and glory ..

Note- I made this poem about the amazing love letter Jane sent me in the mail. The old fashioned way of sending love if ones far away how it used to be sent and still should be sent. Though everyone's so inter-web connected now they've lost touch with humanity in themselves and others... As big reason I took break from poetry sometimes we need it. Now I'm back. Plus I've been sick lately and not doing best but I'll be OK with God with me... Jane sent me a lovely envelope an envelope I've never seen before with a beautiful skin texted layer... Her handwriting is so beautiful, and her message in the two page letter touched mine soul where I did have tears because seeing how much she loves me really makes me feel blessed again and again daily!!! And she sent me three pics... Older ones. One of her as she was a little girl. One during elementary school and a later one... Alll so beautiful and queen like!! And she is a well know calligraphist and getting better by the day. Though really a starter shes already professional as she's getting professional lookers looking her way ... Calligraphy is the old fashioned style handwriting practiced from long ago. Like the beautiful old way of writing you used to see in poetry. She sent me poems that are mine own poems though handwritten in her calligraphy!!! Such a gift it was as I was very down yesterday and this was a pickmeup!!! A blessing!! And a treasure I will cherish until we meet and beyond!!! Thank you so much mine Reyna Jane... Soulmate... Best friend!! Lover...alll... My àgapi mou. Zoi mou, anasa mou!!!m se letrevo queen!!!!!

Note - wanna follow Jane and her calligraphy on Instagram you can find her I believe at yellow_majesty or Earl Jane sardua maybe that is try Earl Jane Nagley... But try yellow_majesty first. Also Earl Jane Nagley on fbook. To ask her for info on her calligraphy... As she needs support ... Thank you friends!! And thank you for all of your support!!! (:::
 Mar 2016
brandon nagley
Consider the lillies of the field
Mine love, they do not toil
Nor spin;

Consider God's love for
Both of us love;
Heaven we shalt get in.

Consider the lillies of the field
Mine love, they do not worry
Of the morrow;

Consider ourn blessing's mine
Love, for we art preordained,
Predestined, exladranes-
Some calleth us mad,
Crazed insane.

Consider the lillies of the field
Mine love, O' how ourn Lord
Taketh care of them all.
As he taketh care of us
Fairest Jane of them all.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley dedicated ( Filipino rose)
exladrane- a word I made up meaning ( extrasolar travelers on a path to a destination most men and women can't go)
Morrow- means tommorrow..
Lillie's of field I got from this-

Matthew chapter 6:25-34 king  James bible.

25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

This is telling gods children as Christ is one speaking...
Tells us why worry of tommorrow? Arent the lillies of the field clothed? Don't the birds have homes and nests... Arent gods creatures taken care of? So he tells us not to worry. But instead seek God's kingdom first and his righteousness and all other things will be added onto us. Though we must seek first gods kingdom. Christs father Gods kingdom....this is telling mine Jane don't worry of tommorrow or the next day. But just think about today for the morrow worries of itself.. And truth! I have problem with worrying so this message does go for me to. Lol I seem to forget alot God is in control and is in charge ...not Me. Him!!!

Toil- means overworking in short terms...
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