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 Jul 2015
Stellar Notions
I've been gone for so long
I can't remember who I was
before I turned to this
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Deepest desires,
Wishes not fulfilled...
Casting a loving spell
Numbing one like pills...
Farce doctrine
Spread between the line's
No if's, and's, or questions,
To release one from their mind...
Just a life of happiness
That spits from the tongue,
A lounge do I seeketh
Wherein all canst be kisses and hugs...
Blood runs deep,
But with water it doth well.
I shalt climb the devil's dune
And smile as I will...
I won't be held back
By a fake countenance of laugh's,
I've seen prison cells
Far better than that....
Ill keep mine shoulders aligned
And move on ahead .
I was here once before
Amongst the living I was dead...
Yet none noticed me, because I was crystalline
So I passed on through..
I wilt be in mine abode again
Wherein all canst be as they art, and all art absolute!!!

©Brandon nagley
© Lonesome poet's poetry
This isn't for noone just thought of this I like it ():
 Jul 2015
Nicole Dawn
If one star went missing,
Would anyone notice?
After all,
There are billions of stars
What's just one?

If I went missing,
Would anyone notice?
After all,
There are billions of humans
What's just one?
Feeling very insignificant....
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
The best part of love,
Is even when we think we can't love much more than we already do...
Due to the fact were already over the top in love....
Ourn love seems to groweth daily even more....
And just when we think it can't get better than this
Because we're already to madly crazily in love!!!!!
That amour' seemeth to cultivate ten-fold.......
By the second,
Minutes .....
And it feeleth soo grand!!!!
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
The greatest thing about H.P
Is getting to know other poet's
As tis they
Get to knoweth me....

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Get's me so high every day...

©Brandon nagley- ( Lonesome poet's poetry) trademark
 Jul 2015
Ignatius Hosiana
A man who hasn't ventured thinks you risk falling off the Horizon by walking close to the edge of the world,travellers know that It's merely setting new limits & curvature.
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Text messaging- Bringeth miscommunication between two Lover's,
Old fashioned telly call- where two canst understand one another clearly......

Which one art thou?
Old fashioned telly loser like me?
Or text message misunderstander?

Lol just truth here
Miss old fashioned calls
/: what's happened to our worlds communication lines and we wonder why we war with another lol come on!!!!
I miss an old fashioned phone call with one where communicating is clear not broke down because texting noone gets noone and messages send to slow and than people think people are ignoring another or take ?s or answers wrong lol any out here like me?
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Just as
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
I've been through the fiery furnace.......
And as them,
I cameth out unscathed and untouched without one burn mark...
I'm a spiritual being,
I'm protected...
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
For all you reading me autobiography writings there are four parts so can't read one and say you know me lol gotta read all

Your friend BRANDON
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Anyways more about me lol.. So yes believe 9 is big number to me and 23!!!! Not crazy just pure facts!! More about me. Well me mum BTW always see's the number 3:33 on clock ironically Christ's death age giving me and her a sign.. See I'm not like humans I tell you all for reason .. I see dreams visions so on. I'm not a psychic but I see people inside their souls. I see ones hurt fears pain depression and beauty... I have had dreams of an asteroid / asteroids coming down in a mall I was in destroying so much.. Also a dream I had of me in me apartment building parents weren't in dream but all was scorched around me.. All apartments were on fire while I was on porch trying to get help but I wasn't burnt as if God protected me... See I'm a believer in bible prophecy believe it or not thy own choice and everything is adding up to more to come. And me dreams add up with what's to come and happen to!   It's been confirmed what the gvt is hiding is what goes been showing me since a young boy... More of me I love Mexican food. Italian food . Asian and middle Eastern food. I'm Irish Scottish native American from mums side and french on her side. Though grew up on mashed taters gravy and fried chicken lol mm.. Her dad and mum came from Ireland and Scotland.. Dad came from Greece as his grandpa. And his sides all Greek lots of English to and french all way back to 1604 in our ancestry book from ancestry. Com also swiss in me to... His English side came on ship on the Mayflower to USA!!! I love native american culture / American and south american. I'm into lots of their customs... Their beliefs . they knew stuff long ago our gvt tries hiding like for instance!!! U think all their pics of quote ( star people and ant people) drawn in every native culture around the world and men in space suits and flying craft is some native myth? Wake up world and America..... So its same thing in all cultures and religions around world... I believe in angels good and bad .. Those factual as so many have seen them.....  And died came back to tell of them God heaven and hell... Though I'm fifty fifty on aliens... Yes I believe God made many kindoms dimensions principalities so on.. I just know facts their is Satan and his fallen angels who were sent to earth because they betrayed God.. So u wonder why all evil in world that's why..... God gave his angels freee will like he does us to serve him. If he didint give us free will to love him and eachother wouldn't be love would it?? Would be forced like ****... Anyway that's more of me... I hate racism not racists... I love all peoples cultures nations so on.. I don't hate gays or transgender people or diff colered peeps... I believe in forgiveness and love no matter if one wants to **** me or hate me I will always  forgive and love... Number one if even God didint want me to do that!! I still would *** that's just the spirit I am.. I'm not better than noone else at all... I'm a sinner . I've lied in past ive stolen.. Robbed from past drug addiction.. I've hurt alot due to me selfishness and due to demons messing with me with that addiction... So I feel guilt daily trying to move on from what I did to others though I can say its humbling even telling u all this.. But this is me... Not done more biography in minute .. ();
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Wherein love is,
Forgiveness endure's there as well.....
Because tis as I've said before.
Forgiveness without love is not love,
And love without forgiveness is not love...
They must be a duo in order for true love to be...
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