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 May 2019
Sabrina S
you will learn that the affirmation of others will never be enough.
you will learn that pleasing others is not your purpose.

you are enough.

not because you have tried hard,
not because you have loved hard,
put on your best face;

you are enough because of who you truly are,
because of your beautiful soul,
because He is with you,
and his grace has saved and covered you along the way.
a reminder we all need and we all should value our worth
 Sep 2017
Star BG
I carry many suitcase of quotes
begging to be transformed into post.
They come to my table
so I may eat from their insights.
So I choose to first feel their music in heart,
then with fingertips that dance on keyboard, I explode in the energy of creation.

End result a posting
on sight where readers faces are veiled,
But I feel their hearts echo.
just a silly vision I had of a suitcase of quotes that I carry around so I turned into a poem on this new day where poems fly into heart.
 Aug 2017
Paul Jones
All I have to do      is care, tend to you
and when you flower,     I will feel human.
22:45 - 10/08/17

State of mind: divided.
Perspective: natural; spiritual.

Thoughts: from thinking - what makes us human is an expanding capacity for love. It's the thought that counts... and your actions that add up.

Questions: What will you do with the sum of your addition?

Listening to: The Lumineers - Angela.
 Jul 2017
To say I've been
Would be a
Of morality
These are simply

But how can I
Close my eyes
Move on
And just live
Now that I have fallen
For a Beautiful Poetess
Named Liz?
Traveler Tim
 Jul 2017
in reality, Kierkegaard
was right, it is up to each
of us to look back and define ourselves
in the bright lights of reality,
were we cruel, self centered,
lost waylaid , we must take credit
no man made me think
or do or cuss or believe,
not a woman's fantastickness
beauty caused me a thing,
I chose, it was me,
who was weak or strong or cruel,
I had choices and all the clues
the answers though  i may have refused to believe.
But essentially i am neither of those things,
not wise or cruel or brutally honest,
everyday I changed evolved stumbled saw ignored
struggled thrived.
Each sun was anew.
Another chance to right wrongs I ignored
too weak. too unwilling, too afraid.
Absurd how I tend to define
being here, now I have lived, the past just a dream.
described fully by my actions I rationalize away.
I did not choose parents situations, were I a
rich man I might view different the
actions as warranted.
The future is my only action possible.
 Jul 2017
Each of us wants to know,
however vast and impersonal
all life about us may seem,
however hard may be the stretch of road
on which we are journeying,
we are not alone
but the object of another's concern
and caring.
Came across this recently and thought about the fragile souls of poets,
so this is for all of us
both for when we are the fragile ones seeking
and when we find the strength
to offer the caring and concern needed by others.
 Jul 2017
We are all no-one
If we let it all sink in
We will become one
 Jul 2017
Zachary William
Poor in health,
high in spirits
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