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 Oct 2015
somewhere among the oaks and pines
i search, trying to find a sign
with the sight of the climbing vines
i am defined by nature's lines

the water shines my peace of mind
beside the brook, where ivy entwines
i find brightness, no longer blind
in the guiding light of God's designs
Only we'll ever know our story,
The full story,
Just you and I.

And only you and them,
Will ever know your full stories,
You and all God-knows-how-many-of- them.

But now it seems all our stories share pages,
Intertwining and overlapping,
And that's the most harrowing part for me,
Because I wanted one story,
Just you and me.

I dread to turn the pages,
To find out how this ends.
I fear a happy ending does not await us,
But what I fear more is that you're not finished
Writing stories,
Without me.
Thought of the day/week/month. Killing me slowly, one page at a time.
 Oct 2015
brandon nagley
Even in mine sickness
im never to leaveth;
When this breath exit's mine lung's, and i do not overcometh, the grave that swalloweth me.

When these eye's reacheth to the sky
and thus mine heart seemeth to fail;
I wilt be waiting for thee by the Luzon bay, in celestial white detail.

In these darkly hour's
I canst sense heaven and hell;
though I am never to leaveth thee mine Jane, for we were long ago ordained, for the eternity of ourn holy grail.

I shalt forever be an adherent, next to thy seraphim shoulder's;
Even in mine dying, I wilt ameliorate thy crying, as ourn amour' will forever be warm, even in mine death whilst mine skin goeth colder.

O' I am never to leaveth thou:
Mine soulmate jane,
in life and death we shalt be, forever to loveth.
O' forever I wilt loveth thee.
sorry queen jane cant really write much as you know mine situation queen. As to all others im dealing with alot health wise so on so cant really like poems for now plz forgive me. And im on old flip phone not using tablet so harder for me. Sorry all. Miss all of you. Especially you me queen jane nagley. Love you baby so much....
 Oct 2015
vircapio gale
my self-hood couldn't be...
my self-hood always has...
your self-hood also shining in the same reflected flickering of light.
what light i think i am is cauldroned in a background shade...
a primest shade of gasmic cosmos bursting forth
the light a simple consequence of hither-sided space
and freedom-ceilings in between.

inside siding outward warding off the sides i cannot center in
--outside siding inward warding off the sides i live within--
twining two in where i stay,
while choosing neutral non-act act,
on moving trains i shade as other than i am
complacent as the cog
that clicks the same in hatred-climes
as when it clips the love-me-nots of Spring
 Oct 2015
SG Holter
This was once a construction site.
Unpainted concrete walls, skeleton of
A building exposed.

Now most floors are inhabited;
Offices in use as if they'd always
Been this clean and complete.

Some sections are still unfinished, and
The few of us still working here are
Alien shadows in filthy workwear,

Ghosts from the slow birth of a
Fraction of the Oslo cityscape.
Rugged midwives

Not fitting in with the suits and
Dresses we sometimes pass in the

So strange, the scent of perfume and
Female products. No more diesel and
Dust here these days.

My colleague flips his cigarette **** on
The pavement outside the entrance,
Stealing a gaze at a passing skirt.

*I love the sound of
High heels in the
 Oct 2015
Mike Essig
god made stars
for starving poets

when they look up
they forget
how hungry they are

 Oct 2015
K Balachandran
The trees in the valley far down remains to the viewer's eyes green,
she came back cleaving the hills of dead leaves, blocking the way
her songs vibrant,indeed like it was in a  time long past,hard to forget,

One is in for wonders if the time travel is done mindful,dispassionate,
life is a garden full of strange flowers, bloomed at various times ,
standing still, magically fresh, all along ready to be plucked at  will,

But one easily falls to corruption, blinded are the eyes of the fallen,
this is a  game, playing the role alone matters,nothing else elevates,
don't forget, flowing with the current alone ,takes the drop to the ocean.

She came back, I suppose to complete the circle of illusion,we are in
nevertheless the imaginary places she scented,still cause me an elation.
Life , love,   what are you?...if ever it is possible to come in to terms with the mysteries you offer...I wonder..yet I am thankful for the fragrance,
the essence ...
 Oct 2015
Kelly Rose
Harsh words spoken
Are an arrow that
Pierces one’s heart
Leaving its mark, a wound
That can slowly heal with time

The one who slings such arrows
In their bitterness
Wounds their own heart as well

The difference is…

The arrow the wielder receives
Leave such a wound
That erodes over time
With its bitter sting
Robbing them of
And compassion

Harsh words spoken
Harms all within its vicinity
Leaving some to recover slowly
And many who will recover, not at all

The best course of action
Is inaction
Leaving harsh words

Kelly Rose
October 9, 2015
I met so many wonderful people here on the earth.
I really want to see them all in heaven way above.
For they all were wonderfully Awesome people.
I been so very Blessed by all of these people in my life.
All that I can say is that I am so thankful for them.
So all that I can do is keep praying for all of them.
I had so many people in my life that I am thankful for.
They all had caring hearts for other people here.
So all that I can do is pray that I see them in heaven.
I colour in my lips and
Draw on a smile,
I paint my skin and
Hide behind it all for a while.

I outline my eyes and
Shade them in,
Use dark colours and
Black lines so thin.

Sleek strokes of the brush and
Warm, rosy cheeks of pink blush,
Create the illusion that this is all real,
This laugh, this smile, this glow,
Forget what's true, forget how I feel.
Sometimes make up isn't just for vanity...
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