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 Feb 2015
Tom t
How many mirrors
Will I have to smash
Until the man in the mirror
Is the one I want looking back?
 Feb 2015
Some days I long to be held,
and others the thought of someone even shaking my hand makes me cringe
I still can feel hands on my throat
and the touch of an unwanted, wandering hand.

Years have gone by,
Yet the ghostly haunting of your lips on mine will not fade.
But hell, I "wanted it anyway"
I wonder how in the hell you looked into my sobbing eyes,
and decided that turned you on.

But it was my fault for wearing shorts instead of pants,
despite the 93 degree mid-July heat.

After you were done
You held me and asked for me to call you back.
You left me crying by the road side,
With my hair in knots and dirt on my new white shirt
Hours passed as I tried to walk yet couldn't because my whole body felt numb,

My best friend laughed, "nice hickies on your neck"
I cringed inside and had to lie,
hoping no one would ever know those hickies where the bruises you left when I tried to scream.
I don't know if this will stay up.
 Feb 2015
Crushing Love
My brother walked in saw I was crying said

It's okay sister X-mas is only 4 hours away. Merry Christmas!

So I punched him the stomach and said

Get off me you little brat!! You don't ******* care and it's not a Merry ******* Christmas!!

He just sat and stared at me and said

Santa will make it better I promise

I just looked at him and said

Santa doesn't exist... Now get out

He got up started crying and left my room.

I slammed the door shut locked it and grabbed my knife,
Then I looked on my dresser and saw what he left me:

I know things have been hard and I've been really mean and said some really mean things to you. I'm sorry *****, I love you very much.
Just please don't cut anymore I don't want you to cut too deep and die.
I would die if I never got to see you again.
I love you with all my heart, Merry Christmas!
Love, Layne.

I put my knife down and went to find him, but he was already in bed.
I feel so bad!! My 11 year old brother was trying to make me feel better and I pushed him away. I think I broke my Brother.
 Feb 2015
Crushing Love
We walked into my room as happy as could be
even though it's only been two days. You looked at me and said
"Baby, I love you."

I looked at you and said
"What did you say?"

"I said I love you"

"That's what I thought you said. Come with me."
Runs into bedroom
"Oh yea, just like I planned, *** on the second date."
He whispered to himself.

He walks into the bedroom and before he knows what hit him or in this case knows what "Stabbed" him, I stabbed him in the back and he fell to the floor with a thump.

*:Nice try *******, but I love you doesn't work on me.
 Feb 2015
Crushing Love
13- You can't stay mad at him/her for more then a minute or two, and you have to actually try and stay mad.

12- You'll read his/her IMS or other msgs, over and over and over again.

11- You'll walk really, really slow while your with him/her.

10- You'll feel shy whenever your with him/her

9- While thinking about him/her your heart will beat faster and faster.

8- By listening to his/her voice you'll smile for no reason what so ever.

7- While looking at that person you won't be able to see anybody else that's around...only that person.

6- He/she becomes all you think about.

5- You'll get high just by their smell...

4- you'll start listening to really slow songs

3- You'll realize your always smiling to yourself when you think of him/her

2- You'll do anything for him/her

1- While reading this there was ONE person on your mind the WHOLE time.
Your welcome, I suppose.  \(^.^) / love ya'll!
 Feb 2015
Paula Lee
If I'd known the Journey
Would have been this long.
I never would have started
For I'm not that strong

You put mountains before me
Around every single turn,
I've crawled till I was weary
And every muscle burned

I walked with feet bloodied
On a path never true,
Never knowing which the way
To bring me back to you

I walked in rain so blinding
The sun never shone
Darkness my companion
Never felt so alone

Finally dawned the day
The horizen in sight,
After years of struggle
I could lay down the fight

The road was never meant to be
A way back to your heart,
I was meant to be alone
Right from the very start

Now I lay down this life
Strength finally found.
Enough to dig this grave for me
In Gods' forsaken ground
God Have Mercy On My Soul
 Feb 2015
It was a lot more colder than usual that morning and I had been aimlessly walking for hours. I rubbed the palms of my hands together in hope for some warmth to maybe soothe me for a while. I kept walking, stumbling at times. Losing balance every now and then. Those stupid tears almost blinding me. Tears because the fog that morning was too much. Tears, because the pain that morning was too much.

I stopped for a while to catch a breath. I exhaled a visible cloud of breath that then vanished into the atmosphere. I started to walk again, aimlessly. I kept walking while I passed by all those places where the memories resided. I doubt if I noticed those grass hills and that dull windmill and its monotonous screeching sound. I think I didn't look twice at those off white buildings or that dusty swing. I walked past your house and maybe for the first time; did not give a glance at the top floor window, to which the lights of the room were always bright. I just walked. Blinded by the silver mist.

I pictured your face in my head for one last time. That shy smile, that ringing laughter that now haunted me. Your voice and those three words that were said countless times, echoed around me. I cried one last time for the tears that I had cried several nights already. Those never ending rings of the calls that I made, that were never answered. I let out a silent scream thinking of the stabbing pain of realizing that I had been lied to, the whole time. I cherished for the last time, your touch and that enchanting moment from when I kissed you. I giggled while I cried, remembering those inside jokes of ours. I shuddered with all those overwhelming emotions for that one moment, when I was yours and you, mine.

I realized I had stopped walking. I felt cold and weak at my knees until I realized that the mist had started to clear. The warmth tingled at my toes and the atmosphere around me started to brighten. And in that moment looking at the pinkish golden sky, I knew it was another morning. For me.
 Feb 2015
No more to give.

                         Not much more I can take.

           So where does that leave me?

                 **Stock piling whatever
                      I have left in this
                  inventory of memory.
 Feb 2015
Ariel Baptista
Seven days
Seven days repeat them
Repeat them over
One by one
Seven by seven.
Here we go
Seven colours the sky smiles
Seven times seventy
And seventeen years
Seven levels of hell
And seven sins to send you there
Seven princesses
Sailing seven seas
And seven sea monsters to sink them
Seven lies and seven truths
Seven wonders
On seven continents
That I will never see
Seven dreams
On seven nights
Seven kisses
Seven kisses
Seventeen years
Seven years for complete cell replacement
And it’s been seven
Seven years of plenty
And seven of famine
(which are we in?)
Seven seconds to count down
Seven candles to light
On seven lampstands
7-Up and 7/11
Seven days
Seven days repeat them
Repeat them over and over and over
Seven years repeat them over
Seventeen repeat it over
Repeat it over
Repeat it over and over
Seven cells replaced in seven
Seven tears cried in seven
Seven out of seven
And seventeen years
Seven dwarfs and seven demons
Seven secrets
Concealed by seven lies
Seven torches we bear
Seven oaths and seven gemstones
Seven spells for seven curses
On seventeen days
And the Seven Years War
In seven days I built myself
And in seven seconds I’m destroyed
Seven feathers fall to earth
Seven stars all align
And seven Gods stole my soul
Seven slaves owned by seven masters
Seven burdens
Seven burdens
Seven prayers leave my lips
Seventy Hail Mary’s to save you
And seven angels
Seven sweet friends
That left me
Here’s what they don’t tell you
Seven lives mean seven deaths
And seven joys mean seven pains
Seven sisters mean seven funerals
And seven suns mean seven rains
And seven
And seven
I’ve been stuck on seventeen
For an eternity
Repeat it
Repeat it over
Repeat it over
And seven
And seven
Seven days
And I’ll be home to a house I’ve never seen
In a country I don’t belong to
And a language I can’t speak
And it’s all just seven
And seven
And seven
 Feb 2015

"Hush little baby, don't you cry,
mama's here for you only
and tomorrow she will buy
all the pretty little ponies

black and brown
tan and roan
all the pretty little ponies"

lullaby sung by my mother
when I was a child

there I lay
at end of the day
safe in my mother's arms
she had a voice
so soft and low
I succumbed to its charms

I don't remember
her grey eyes
so full of care and pain
I recall her dear soft breast
and those sweet refrains

later on in life I found
she was very ill
mood swings plagued her
all her days
and then they had no pill.

she was not a
stable mom
she was always up or down
but she tried the best she could
when she was around

I won't forget her lilting voice
though she was in despair
she made those ponies
twirl and dance
to show her child

she cared.

My mom has not been feeling well.
If you are of a mind,
please pray for her.


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