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 Mar 2015
Mary Ab
I Came to Know LOVE ...

I came to know love the moment I knew you
I came to know love , the moment I came close to You

It's only when i remember you that i feel secure ,
That my heart reaches the highest degrees of faith and declare that it's pure,

I closed my heart from everyone except you ,
And I started whispering knowing that you already knew
what's there in my heart and what I've been through. ..
"Oh Allah,the ONE who sees secrets of hearts while we don't see you ,
The Most Merciful and Forgiving ,
I declare my repentance for you ...
For you are the only one who loves me more than I even do love myself ...
Oh my Lord,
With each hearty glimpse of love I do possess in my heart ,
I ardently have two types of love for you ...

The love of inclination when your remembrance keeps me away from everything but you ...
And truly the love you are WORTHY of is when you unveil the veils for me to see you ...

All praise is for you my Creator ,
You privileged me with every purchase of happiness,
The very significant of love and care ...
From creating me a human being and not other creature ,
For the fancy perfect religion of Islam ...

Oh Allah,  my heart beats would speak more eloquently than my words would be able to do ,
Cause no word is worthy in front of your greatness , no meaning could be shaped ******  ...

Ya Allah , please grant me deep faith and belief in you ,
Mold my heart into a precious pearl ,
One that encompass pure love,  benevolence and grace ...

Oh Lord of el3alamin;
Make me close to you the way you want me to be righteous and pious ,
Guide my steps to ensure the right path of true belief and happiness ...
And make me contribute in spreading peace and happiness ,
Through spreading the light of Islam all over the nations ...

Ya Allah don't let my heart beat for anyone except you,
For your love is the pure and all the rest is just an illusion ...
El3alamin : all the mankind
 Oct 2014
Mary Ab
Even though you made feel like i was invisible for no clear reason ,
Ohh dear , I forgive you but I couldn't Forget that tough season ...

That's why I kept my smile when I saw you ..
No hatered would be kept in my heart , I assure you ...
 Jul 2014
Mary Ab
Our hearts and souls were so blessed to fast Ramadan sincerely
To be enlightened by its super mercy and extreme prosperity
purity abiding around my heart, kindling my every part

a gift from Allah came along to bless our hearts
to spread  peace and love, to dig faith in each part
A blessed bounty to wipe away our tears
to zest our souls and vanish our fears
to sparkle with faith with our keenest beliefs
and twinkle light in our bright smiles
oh dear eid, you can't help it but sowing seeds of joy,
Capturing joy and happiness in every single countenance ,
of a child's enthusiastic joy kindling a thriving inner radiance
joining hearts and souls with the deepest crystals of love
revealing such a fancy artistic touch of a peaceful dove
feeling the gratitude for Allah's super merciful blessings
praying to pluck the roses of peace each single moment

pounding hearts of affliction and yearning
missing your everlasting passion getting sick of poisoning
yearning for their peaceful deliverance
to catch glimpses of happiness
that once has been hunted by a sudden death of a loving part of soul
until Allah will send a cheerful hope,
just be patience to get over all the mope
smile and share the joy of eid and love  ,
work even harder to cherish the heaven above ....
This is the first draft of the poem " imprinted feelings"  written jointly with my dearest poet Amina ♡
Check the final version ^^
 Jul 2014
Mary Ab
Thirty days have passed by,
purity abiding around my heart
Our souls were so blessed
to fast Ramadan deeply sincere
To be enlightened by its vast mercy
and the extreme prosperity

a gift from Allah came along to bless our hearts
to spread peace and love, to dig faith in each part

A blessed bounty to wipe away our tears
to rest our souls and vanish our fears

to sparkle with faith with our ambitious beliefs
and twinkle light in our bright smiles

I can't explain the sadness,
that all of it is already gone

Yet I am unable to express,
all the happiness that came along

Oh dear Eid,
you can't help it but sowing seeds of joy,
All the little children jumping out of ecstasy,
or something more

We gather all of us in a room,
cheering everything we have got
the child's enthusiasm kindling a thriving inner radiance
joining hearts with the profound crystals of love

feeling the gratitude for Allah's merciful blessings
pounding hearts of affliction and yearning
attempting to catch glimpses of happiness
that once has been hunted by a sudden death
of a loving dear soul

I have two sides today,
in my spirit is something wrong
but it's real, and I can't hide it
and let the feeling in my heart just lay

A beaming smile, so doleful eyes
As I said I have got two sides
And still can not decide.

This great festival meant a lot,
now it is just a reminder,
to all the years that have flown
celebrating a day without her.

It is just a replay,
to the digging nostalgia in my core,
until Allah will send a cheerful hope,

just be patience to get over all the mope
work even harder to cherish the heaven above.

Yet you see,
this movie will come again, the next year
and the melancholia, tingled with nostalgia
might keep you deaf and blind
along your long road.

Remember that Allah's door of repenting is always wide open

Waiting for your heart to get back and mind be awaken...
Happy eid for everyone ♡♡
This is my first collaboration with the most adorable poet Mina  ^^ (( )) ===> check her poems , they are so awesome ^^
I was so happy working with her ^^ ♡ hope we can write together so often ^^
May Allah bless her and protect her ^^
El7amdulillah for everything, Ramadan changed us to the best ,and El eid is a gift from Allah to spread love and peace ;)
And no matter how life gets tough  , just be patient and strive , fight until you'll find your way and Allah will reward you and make it up for you ;)))
Always pray , may Allah guide us to the straight path ;)
 Jul 2014
Mary Ab
When the night is here ,and all the eyes are asleep
Mine refuse to close,I crave to taste your meeting
I lose myself and regret my sins
My spirit starts to mingle in faith
My soul states Allah's super vision
His miracles , His super power and holy pure love
I yearn for that special corner
which gets perfumed by my sincere tears
Yet,I yearn for it with extreme heartiness

I start yelling to His majesty ,
expressing my situations well aware that He know more than I actually do !
Keenest in my heart! I do feel His mercy
In that corner , I feel my faith's warmth
and I feel your closeness for that you're closer that the vein !
And when I gather my feelings with sacred rain
and perfume my mouth with your holy presence fragrance
I get overwhelmed with the deepest purest emotions of relaxing !
and my heart is wondering and regretting ! "how much I lost from my life like this night ! "
In your presence , Time passes sweeter than honey and prettier than roses !!
Than my tears start pouring like rains ,mixed with regret salt and happiness sugar of such moments !!
A sudden shadow sends me arrows of pain and roses of hope !
I start calling upon you with a shaking heart !
Oh my LORD ! I came with regret! I'm repenting to you !
Forgive me my lord ! I seek your mercy !
I have no one but you ! I run from you towards you !
whenever I remember a sin that I've committed !I get burned with the deepest shame and vexation !
i get melted ,I kneel and bite my fingers' nails from regret and sorrows ...
Ya Allah , you are the most beneficent , the most merciful !
please ,hear my call ,guide me to the straight path and forgive me for I'm a week slave of yours :")
Forgive me ...
May Allah heal our souls and minds and may His guidance sparkle all around our hearts and spread faith ♡

— The End —