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Claire Feb 2014
In the emptiness
In this asylum, I've been buried.
Was it forbidden
That I just float away?
Did you have to hold me down?

There wasn't anything here, and
Despite what I told myself,
I knew.
But yet you've trapped me
In the bitter;
In my own enveloping thoughts.
And the worst part isn't that
You don't care.

It didn't occur to you or anyone;
It never would.
In an instant it was gone, and
With a blink I saw it fade.
It was bound to burn out,
And so was I.

So if I'm buried, if I'm trapped;
Held down;
I'll sit here.
I'll drown and drain myself
Into what I only know is empty.
Not me,
But what is around me.
And all around me
Is you.
Claire Jan 2014
2 longing hearts.
2 broken homes.
10 casualties;
All 5 each their own.
16 smiles;
4 of them, today.
20 tears fallen,
Only 18 wiped away.
17 wishes.
17 wishful thoughts.
34 self-crushed hopes,
And 34 "stomachs-in-knots".
12 years spent adoring each other,
Twice that many nights,
2 risks would be all it took
For this 1 love to take flight.
1 white lie.
3 chimes tolled.
2 lives were changed
As 1 string was pulled.
2 eyes darted
As the other 2 stared,
And both lives were fixed
When 1 kiss, they shared.
one two three
Claire Jan 2014
Why trouble yourself with the past
When the future is to be presented?
Then again, why trouble yourself with the future
When it solely depends upon the past?
Claire Jan 2014
Your hair like the fire
That I saw burning in you;
Setting you apart.

Why, exactly
Is my mind so unable to decode
The anger within your words;
The wrath in which I was unable to escape,
All because of a few things.
Things I did.
Things I said.
This "friendship"
Like a plane in a thunderstorm;
Irrevocably caught.
Each day another strike of lightning,
Sending us down, down,
Inevitably crashing.

Your eyes like the fire
That I carefully watched burn out;
Finally driving me away.
Claire Jan 2014
I know what love is.
Love is not when you love someone for what they say
Or how they act;
Love is not when you love someone for what they do
Or how they look.
Love is not a feeling.
Love is not a passion.
Love cannot be spoken,
Nor heard.
Love cannot be given,
Nor taken.
Love is not an emotion,
Nor a vibe.
Love is a force.
Love is loving someone for who they are
Inside and out,
Through and through.
They are that, and that is perfect.
Love is not when that matters more,
But when these matter less.  
Love doesn't wait,
But instead, it lasts.
Don't look for love,
Let it find you.
And believe that it will.
Claire Jan 2014
One cannot just simply
The salty tears or scattered pieces
That once contained a heart.
One cannot just simply
The fallen home or forgotten wishes
Withholding a haven of wonder and
Bittersweet reminiscence.
One cannot just simply
When this world has once again come to an
Abrupt halt
The smiles and sentiments have refrained from spinning and
The images have stopped moving.
Where there was once laughter
Now lies an empty silence.
Where there was once life
Now lies an empty body.  
Everything that binded her in rusted chains
Escaped from her desperate grasp and now
Is only a memory.
One of my favorites I have written.
Claire Jan 2014

  "I'll tell you what I've told everyone else.  The lake doesn't usually freeze because the air isn't usually so cold.  It was frigid that day.  Or more so, that week.  That year.  It wasn't a good one for Amie, she told me that.  And while the lake consistently stayed warm throughout the coldest of times, even it gave up that day, as had she.  It gave up and froze, the warmth taking Amie with it, lost under the icy surface. I know you know this."

  "Well, you have gotten us off to a good start.  I'm going to ask you some questions. What was Amie like at school that day?"
  "As far as I can remember, she wasn't acting in any unusual way.  They all ask me if I saw her smiling or laughing; pouting or crying.  School certainly isn't anything to cherish, nor anything to dread.  Amie wasn't some sort of intellect, she didn't want to be.  Or maybe she did.  She woke up at the outrageous time, walked the gloomy halls and did the infinite amount of meticulous homework-"

"But did you hear her complain?"

" No.  In fact, Amie was so monotonous in everything she did, it was hard to tell if she was truly alive.  She didn't talk, she listened, and to more than just voices.  All it took for people, including you and your coworkers, to become aware of this 'boring' life she lead was, ironically enough, her death."

"Don't say that. We were all aware of her existence in one way or another, and if not, you surely were.  You and her were good friends, is this correct?

"Amie was my best friend.  Not in the way your best friend is yours.  She was my best friend in knowing that I could sit in the same room as her for hours in utter silence.  I didn't even cry that day.  We weren't even close.  Our friendship was exclusive--the only person I wanted to be around was her because she was as human as everyone else but yet she served as my escape from everything human.  Do you know what I mean?  I know why she didn't hesitate the moment she fell through the ice.  And I'm the only one who understands because I am the only one who understood her."

"You said she listened to more than just voices.  What exactly are you implying?"

"I'm saying she could hear the earth breathe.  And you could too, if you tried.  It's all she did and it's all she ever wanted to do.  She was more than in love with nature and its simplicity; she believed that it was everywhere, alive and thriving.  I honestly don't think any person could ever make her feel the way she felt when she sat in an empty classroom.  Or when she laid on her driveway at night.  Or, the most relevant scenario, when she ran her fingers through the water of the lake in her backyard.  Amie may have been my best friend, but that lake was hers."  

"So this lake was clearly very important to her.  How often did she go outside to visit it?"

"Oh, every day.  More often than that on days she was home.  I spent a lot of time there at her house, and most of the time I would only watch as she went.  I think the lake gave her the same kind of escape that she gave me.  It was a beautiful thing and I wouldn't take that lake away from her even if it meant she would still be here today.  You just have to see things in the light that Amie saw them before you try to comprehend exactly what happened that day."

"Listen to me.  Do you know why you're here?"

"I'm here because you think Amie drowned herself.  And listen to me when I say that that's not what happened.  She let the lake drown her.  Willingly, yes, but this is a completely different situation.  You didn't know Amie, none of you did.  Even I may not have known who she was, but I knew her.  And I know that there is no other way she would've wanted to die."

"You're here because a girl is dead, presumably from a suicide.  It was you who, in fact, reported the incident a few moments too long after you witnessed from a window the disappointment in her face when her fingers touched the ice, which cracked beneath her feet at the center of the lake .  You watched and felt the indifference run through her body as the water enveloped her lungs, and this girl drowned.  She lived alone in a house with a backyard lake, and every other person we have brought in here sits down exactly where you're sitting and draws a blank after that.  Nobody knew Amie."

"I know what you're going to say and I've heard it countless times.  She was not depressed!  Haven't you been taking in what I've been telling you?  Despite her lack of interest in everything every human considered interesting, Amie was happier than you or I could ever be.  This is because, unlike us and everyone else in the world, she didn't need people to be happy.  I am like her in many ways except that because I needed her.  Shes gone but i'm ok because i still find her in the littlest things i see or hear, and she taught me how to do that.  She was and still is everything good in my life and subconsciously in yours, too."

"I don't think you have been taking in what I'm telling you.  Please listen to me.  You might not think so right now, but Amie was sad.  she was helpless and broken and without words, no one could hear her cry.  Amie, this girl who loved nature, this girl who didn't need people, who passed all of her classes in school but barely spoke, who lived in a perfect house with her beloved backyard lake, who no one really knew about, this girl is you.  And you're still alive."

"Wait, stop.  What are you talking about? I told you she was my best friend-"

"I know you love this lake and I know you have no one to live for but you have to believe that whether or not you need people, people need you.  You said it yourself.  YOU need you."

"No, I'm fine, I'm here in this room and I'm alive and-"

"You need to swim.  Swim towards the surface."


"Amie, you need to press your hands against the ice.  Press it and push up.  Push!"

And suddenly, there was air.

— The End —