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  Jun 2017 Christine
My eyes are
blood shot.
My lips
are cracked.
I can
that the fact
of me
being alone
that bad.

I might fall asleep
I'll dream
the time I was
in bed
with you beside me,


you were
there smiling,
I started,
I'll never get
to see you
if I stop trying,

to get
and fall asleep
just to see
you beside
sorry if this poem didn't make sense,
I'm going to bed now.
  Jun 2017 Christine
at 4:14 am
im still wide awake
imagining your body on top of mine
captivating me,
your large hands running down my fragile, tiny body,
claiming everything you brush as "yours".
at 4:20 am im still awake,
imagining myself on all fours,
your hand grasping my hair,
pulling it into that tight ponytail i wear during the day,
while you're telling me about how you could never resist me,baby. your words alone leaving me drenched and ready for you.
it's 4:30 am, and texting you:
"are you awake?"
  Jun 2017 Christine
lynnia hans
in a dark and somber midnight crushed velvet blue room, lies a delicate woman with sullen pouty ruby lips that turn into a frown
amberish honeyed hair that fans out in glory
trickling salty tears of sadness and rage
piercing stormy grey eyes that shine a kaleidscope of emotions in a instance
porcelain cloaked skin with powder blue veins draped in grace to decor defeated in life by a single ***** of a venomous spindle forever in a eternal sleep
  Jun 2017 Christine
hazem al jaber
Woman ...

A woman is like the great lyre ...
gives her secrets always and only ...
to whom who knows how to play on her.
play well on when you got it ...
to give you it's best ...

A woman is like a young rose ...
she gives her aroma to whom irrigate it ..
with love as her feelings ...
supply her with love to get her aroma..

A woman is like a sweet precious diamond ...
only give her brightness to who care of her ...
take more care of her ..
and save her into your heart ...
to get always her brightness ..

A woman is a much of poetic feelings ...
and she only feeds up on love ...
she never give any poetic love ...
only to who whom got a same feelings ...

A woman is like a big tree ...
she gets more bigger only ...
by caress , irrigation and attention ...
give her my attention ...
to get her love's shadow ...

A woman is all the world ...
she is a love and joy ...
happiness and pleasure ...
pay more attention ...
to live happily all the life ...

A woman is only you ...
and need no one over you ...
you are the woman ...
whom i loves ...
and still do ...
and will never stop ...
will keep you ...
as i always do ...

you are the woman whom i need ...

good morning ...

hazem al ...
  Jun 2017 Christine
"I love you,"

I said.

He replied,

"Good night."

That night

I knew

what love was for me

was a dream to him
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