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The leaves fall off the vine
crinkled and brown
and so very dry
that they crunch under footsteps
of strangers walking together.

Those trees over there are thin
the branches are so brittle
and the grass beneath has died off
for there's no shade
and the sun is too hot.

And the crater in the ground
was once a lake
but those streams dried up
leaving stones and debris
to rest in the dust.

Those strangers' bodies scream for water
that no longer exists
with trembling hands
they grab hold
as the wasteland claims another.

With one less person
they walk away from the sun
that beats on their heads
that hang so low
from this wicked, cruel, abuse.
My three children,  my world

My first baby girl,  Krystalyn
Strong willed and full of heart
She's quick on her feet
And for just six,  she's very smart

My other sweet little girl
She's an angel,  my Klairety
Five years old,  so innocent
And nothing compares to her beauty

And my precious little baby boy
One and half,  always with a smile
So curious,  and so full of joy
KJ makes everything worthwhile

My three children,  my world
To me they are everything
I love them more than life
I love them more than anything

My three children,  my world
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She walked her plank.
She was still afraid to drown as her great withered ship sank.
The sea whispered softly as salt water mixed with tears,
Darling, don’t be nervous,
We’re the perfect pair,
You’re welcome here.

She looked up from the water that licked at her feet,
And saw the boy that she loved as their tortured eyes did meet.

His hair ran rampant and blood pooled from his wrists,
And yet he still smiled and blew her a kiss.
“Come on, love,
Don’t look so blue.
I may be dying,
But I’m dying with you.”

She couldn’t help but giggle,
As music screamed in her ears.
She never liked heavy metal,
But it seemed like what a person committing suicide would hear.

She sunk further into the bathtub that was a vast sea,
As more of his blood stained the tile once pristine.
They shared silent nostalgia of a love so traumatic.
Who knew a ****** bathroom floor could be so romantic?

As water enveloped the tip of her nose,
Over her face floated the petal of a rose.
And that was the death bed in which she would lay,
Until someone stumbled upon her shipwreck someday.

Her ship ****** her down into a dark aether,
And the plank that held her last step sank down with her.
As her last breath bubbled up from below,
The love of her life whispered death a “Hello.”

The most beautiful love is created through the most horrendous pain,
Now only the story of two will remain.
I run my fastest
But I still get beat.
I land on my head
When I should on my feet.

I make good grades,
But they make the best.
Their smug little glances
Are the things I detest.

“I wish I could be smart,”
I often wish and pray
But I do know one thing-
Todays a brand new day.

So I’ll keep on going
Though the way might be rough,
But I know I can make it
If only I try hard enough.
I am bound by chains.
I am chained to my past;
I cannot speak.

I am shacked to life.
Too afraid to let go-
Yet too weak to fight.

I need help.
I can't do this alone,
And I am so scared.

I'm alone in the world.
No one can help-
Yet who would want to?
This was the first poem i EVER wrote- I was in 5th grade. It's not as good as my other ones, but i don't really care.
You go to school
Like a regular day
But your friend, the price
She had to pay.

Your teacher comes in,
Her nose is red
She tells you, "Sweetheart,
Brianna is dead."

You don't understand this-
It seems too soon-
Brianna, you expected
Had many more moons.

Your feelings are tangled
Your heart sends out a cry.
Brianna is dead,
But her legacy will never die.
This is really ******* up, but it's not half bad. I wrote this from the perspective of my friend.
Look into my eyes
You really can't see much,
But look a little harder
For I am cold to the touch.

My smile is plastic,
But I make it look so real,
But now I am struggling,
'Cause this smile's beginning to peel.

There are no words for this-
Nothing seems right to explain.
People just can't comprehend
This inexplicable pain.

So that is why I write,
Although I can't show anyone.
But this weight on my shoulders?
It weighs more than a ton.

So look into my eyes
For the eyes are the key to a soul.
Look a little deeper,
For my heart's black as coal.
I love the last stanza!! lol... :p
Suicide doesn't end pain
It just passes it on
To the people you love most.
Bells ringing
People screaming
What is happening?
Teacher's yelling
Intercoms's crying
What is happening?
Locked doors
Turned off lights
What is happening?
Under desks
"No talking!"
What is happening?
A loud crack
A lone scream...

This is no drill.
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