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great sadness~sorrow
lurking deep beneath laughter
holding hands as one*

Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
You'll never know...
When you'll be head over heels
The most enchanting feeling in the world
Your unknown desires, it reveals
A current in you will endlessly twirl

You'll never know...
When happiness fills your heart
Having a precious bundle of joy in your arms
You'll realize in your life, he's the most important part
Not forgetting, he'll make the best morning alarms

You'll never know...
When your heart will be scrunched
Like a ball from a piece of paper
Feels like your chest is being ruthlessly punched
Your skin peeled off with a serrated scraper

You'll never know...
When a friend will turn his back
Whose hand you held, all these years
Intentionally causing an emotional attack
In disbelief, you gather invisible tears

You'll never know...
When you'll be caught in an unexpected plight
Daily reflections occur, due to lack of wisdom
To ease your dark path, you yearn for a ray of light
Nothing much you can do except to crave for freedom

You'll never know...
When the time comes, you might bleed to death
Tears will flow drowning your skin
As you breathe your last breath
You wish you had more time to atone for your sins
You'll never know what and when things will happen..
#life  #happiness  #love  #disappointment  #betrayal
#regret #pain #death
Thank you
       I say quickly, out of nowhere.

For what?
      you question.

Reasons pile up so fast
in my head that they avalanche,
forming a barricade to my mouth.

For everything,
      I say simply,
      meaning so much more.

For loving me,
       I think simply,
       meaning so much more.
Monarch butterflies cascade off trees like autumn leaves;
and they've been doing it for centuries,
endlessly falling to flutter back up
to feel free from their predators and enemies
who strike with their jaws and paws
to ingest their feeble frame.
Frankly I would go insane from the danger;
but they seem so carefree and incapable of anger,
they're probably just happy to have moved
from the prison that was their cocoon.
Gwen Marechael said the first line and I wrote it up
What's in a dream?
is it you?
or me?
or who we hope to be?
where's the seam?
which is my reality?
All I want is clarity;
to know if I'll awake from despair into prosperity.
To know if it's all an illusion;
an allusion to confusion.
Which leads me to believe;
That there's nothing left to perceive,
and that it's my own information i receive.
That life...
Is but a dream.
A rhyme or two
makes happy the man
who lives in a shoe.
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