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Chantal May 2016
Windows of sea green
Dark roots, light within the frame
Never fly away.
Chantal Apr 2016
With time, the pain is
only deepening; this heart-
break is forever.
Chantal Apr 2016
He exists, showing
moral uprightness in the
past, present, future.
Chantal Apr 2016
Holding you for the
final time; our setting sun
never rose again.
Chantal Mar 2016
Clutching fantasies,
distractions, to ease the pain;
Time to fully heal.
Chantal Mar 2016
Pulling away when
closeness is overwhelming;
Always the lone wolf.
Chantal Mar 2016
A door closes shut
The sun caves in
Darkness climbs atop
Still coolness rushes through
Weakness takes over

A fool to the world
No more light to save
No place to hide

Hope considers the brain
A tinge of citrine seeps through
The deep hue chooses flight
Breeze gives rise to a window
Finally allowing light to reach inside
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