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 Aug 2015 Ela
Mark Ipil
Just by looking at your smile,
Everything will be fine in a while,
In all the things we shared together,
Sweet moments, feels forever,
Every time I’m close to you,
Liking you will be impossible too,
May you continue to shine,
Aim high and ask for his divine,
You can do it, I swear you could.

Care to explain who is he in your life?
And joke, you don’t have to answer it,
Right now, I wish you’ll be successful,
Young-like, lovely, and beautiful,
Live life with your own choice.

And one thing that I wish,
Live your life and exist,
And in life not all is true,
May you find it out in blue,
A**nd lastly, Happy Birthday.
P.S. This is my message for that girl's birthday, Hey hope YOU like it, Happy Birthday <3
 Aug 2015 Ela
 Aug 2015 Ela
Another year to bloom brighter
Another moment to step a lil' higher
Another chance to grow stronger
Another journey with learning and laughter

And this is my prayer:
"Oh God, make me the woman you want me to be"
Birthday poem to myself. :)
 Aug 2015 Ela
Mark Ipil
I love you is not a question,
So I don’t need any answer,
I love you is not a suggestion,
So I don’t need any response.

I love you is not a promise,
So I don’t need any swear,
I love you is not a sentence,
So I don’t need any end.

One thing is for sure on my mind,
I love you is an answered prayer,
For it’s a confirmation above,
That I’m a human with heart.
P.S. I think I love you better now.
 Aug 2015 Ela
sanch kay
and every time
you break my heart,
i learn to bleed
in *prettier patterns.
i miss you and i know that being apart is a bad idea.
 Aug 2015 Ela
Perfect Blend
 Aug 2015 Ela
Oh it is such a relief
To have my dearest friend
Who is a smile in every grief
A rainbow covering the ends

Just like a perfect blend
Of a coffee during the rain's tears
I wanted our lives as each other's friend
To grow stronger in years
HI ZEYN HAHAHA! I'm so inspired with our late night/early morning talks that's why I created this. Thank you for the friendship. :)

I also wanted to take this opportunity to thank my dearest friends. Thank you for being true enough. :)
 Aug 2015 Ela
 Aug 2015 Ela
The greatest struggle
In loving someone
Is when you realize
You need to let go

**"We were almost there
But almost is never enough
And I need also
To make myself go"
 Aug 2015 Ela
Justin S Wampler
"I'm like, torn...

...between wanting to know who you really are,
and being terrified of it."
like, uhhh likeeee like totally like um yeah like uhhhmmm
like like like, totally Mel

— The End —