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you have a bottle of ***** in your hand at 5am
and i hope you still remember me
because you're looking at a girl
who has diamond in her eyes
and a stake in her heart
i feel you slipping away
and i feel like i am drowning
you're forgetting me
i'm trying not to cry
trying to ignore the gnawing pain in my stomach  
oh what a perfect hamartia  
you're taking her to places where you took me
and i feel like i have been cheated by death
how are you forgetting me?
because i seem to remember every detail of you
the smell of you still linger in my sheets
you are now twirling her around under a meadow of flowers
under the moonlight
and i see the spark in your eyes
and how you lovingly look at her
and i realise that
you never looked at me that way
because you never fell for me
but you've fallen for her
I am jealous of your bed sheets, that gets to know what happened throughout your day
That gets to find out all your secrets at 3 in the morning
And gets to know who the real you is
I am jealous how it gets to listen to your heart beat every night before you go to sleep
Jealous how it gets to listen to all your favourite songs
How it's able to comfort you from the cold, because I wish my embrace could do that
I am jealous how it's able to wipe out all your tears from the bad days you've been having, because I wish I could take away your sadness for you
I am jealous how you look forward to be in your bed every night, because I wish I could be your home that you come to
I am jealous how it's always there for you, even if you didn't need it
Because I just hope that I could be there for you even if I didn't have to
But I can't because you won't let me be there
I am jealous how it brings you comfort & warmth
For how I wish I could be the one to comfort you
Jealous how it gets to tuck you in every night
And how it gets to sleep and be with you whenever you want to
Because I wish so bad to be with you whenever
Mostly I am jealous how it's where you want to be at most times, when you have your dark days
Because I just want you to come to me in the times where you're at your lowest
I am jealous how it knows all your stories, your strengths, weaknesses
Because I just want to be able to know them too
Jealous how it's the most comfortable place to be, because I wish to be your safe haven
Forgetting is ******
The killing of memories
Please don't forget the little things
They mean so much to me.

I keep writing about you
A lot of people say that my poetry is amazing and I have no idea why they say that
And I think it's because they're all about you, because you're ******* wonderful
But what you don't know and what they have no idea is that
I stare at the ceiling for hours
And my hands can't seem to move
Leaving my pen untouched and just having a blank page
Filled with no words about you or about love
Because all I feel is frustration and disappointment
Maybe I write these things but it actually doesn't come close to how I'm really feeling
But if actions could be expressed into words
I would write about how I should have hugged you for hours and convinced you to stay
How your favourite song just came up the radio, reminding me the first you made me listen to it
I would write about me standing outside the rain near the bus stop, thinking and replaying all the things you said to me, as I hide my tears from the rain
Then I realized I never had you
We were never official
I would write about the burning fire from my heart as it start to burn because of how much I miss you
and how the burning flakes have reached my brain at 3 in the morning thinking about how I miss your voice and how I crave your presence
And then I remember being up so late was only that much fun when you were still around, with our deep talks & late phone calls
I wish every ******* day that you were still here
And I don't know how to end this writing because there is no poetic way to say and describe how I feel so empty and that I just want you back
But what I know is that I'll never let go
I don~t understand love poetry sometimes,.?

Yup… Flowers, Favorite Moments, The Whole Shebang

Gentlemen write things like “Rocking you in my arms brings be great tingles of joy”

And women, I quote, say “Protection and safety are found in your presence”

Yeah… The stereotype is lovely.

Poets and optimists alike eat up the rhythm and emotion.

Yet why?

What do we want?

What do we look for?

Who cares?

I guess anti~lovers would say.

Me maybe?

Yes I believe in love,

Yes I have felt it~s evil pangs

And seen it~s effects.

What of them?

Each generation the same.

Each lover alike in thought

“Can~t live without you”

“Miss you to death and life and back again”

What do we want?

Don~t know.

Don~t need to.

Just know I don~t want it.

Don~t want a lover.

Holding someone tight doesn~t define your life or mine.

But What Does?
Why do we burden our hearts
With all those weights of guilt
Of regrets etched so deeply in our souls
Rushing towards the darkness we ourselves built

Why do we regret
Those shattered dreams
When new ones can be sought
Endlessly in our mind's realms

Why do we regret the loss
Of friendships fading away in the chaos
They were chapters of life's book
Ending with every milestone we cross

Why do we regret the decisions
Made on an impulse, without a care
On the train to our destinies
A few unplanned detours we are bound to fare

Why regret the life we lived
Upon reaching the end
Mayhap we'll live it differently,given a second chance
But the Maker's laws for us will never bend
Am I about to believe in fate?
Or am I gonna forget it anyway?
Because every time I see you,
It feels like it is always meant to be.
Horses are racing
Affecting my heart thoroughly
With fierce consequences
And engulfed my soul
And anointed to my identity through my mind
It's just, I am outwitted by you
I abhorred it!
Without any acquaintance
That you will gonna be this exalted for me
But, no matter what
You're still the source of my happiness
The reason behind all the pleasures and amusements
Thank you for giving such inspiration
I love the way I love you.
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