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 Dec 2016 Mheska
Classy J
love is condescending
thinking is overrated
pain is real
hate is deadly
jealousy is immature
insecurity is damaging
life is hard
but that's just a part of reality!
 Dec 2016 Mheska
Unicorns don't exist.
Because sometimes just the idea is enough.
My first attempt at a 10w.
Free to interpretation.
 Dec 2016 Mheska
Clara Romero
What is the meaning of life?
Is it to be remembered?
To have people tell stories of you after you are gone?
Is it to change the world?
To make an impact in the blink of existence allotted to us?
To create something that will last?
Last until everybody you knew or who knew you is dead?

Humans are obsessed with finding a meaning.
A goal.
To matter.
We are born onto an assembly line that is
go, go, go, go, go
and then it ends.
What is left?

We never take time to think about how beautiful it is just to exist.
How, for this moment to be happening, the universe had to be created.
And through an incomprehensible sequence of events you ended up here.
In this moment.
This is a miracle.
There is no need to force yourself to matter, you already do.
You are the product of billions and billions of years of work.
Cherish it.

For the words flow so much easier when you aren't trying to force them,
when you simply sit and watch the sunset and listen to the birds.

What is the meaning of life but to exist?
I'm pretty sure I wrote this instead of an essay that was due the next day. another part of the word dump sorry
 Dec 2016 Mheska
E Townsend
I am alive and I am terrified.
Why does the future have to be
this question mark, this puddle of murkiness
wagging its finger to beg you to come

Darkness lurches above me in
halos circling brightly, making no sense

I can see you, Future
I can see everything I want to see
but the waters won’t clear, the question mark
won’t turn into an exclamation point,

and you make me travel down the path
into the unknown.
 Jun 2016 Mheska
Haiku #68
 Jun 2016 Mheska
Swimming through the clouds
Was how I came to meet you.
Lightning without rain.
 Jun 2016 Mheska
I know that where ever you are, you're okay. I love you, good night forever.
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