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 Apr 2017 Cara May
Alan Brown
she held my heart within cupped hands,
caressing its leathered, crimson skin.
with fingers soft & swift
she peeled it layer by layer
littering the ground with rose petals.  

she loved me,
she loved me not.
 Apr 2017 Cara May
Alan Brown
 Apr 2017 Cara May
Alan Brown
sleep tight my darling;
as you nestle in the comforts
of your blanketed nook,
may the complexities of life
subside as you drift into slumber,
dissipating to nothing more
than tiny particles of dew,
benign as the gentle breeze
blowing past the curtains
of your windowpane.

embrace the serenity of sleep,
for tomorrow will bring new treasures,
each more beautiful than the last,
& a future more fulfilling than the past.
 Apr 2017 Cara May
Love is a diamond
beautiful and forever
like my love for you
 Mar 2017 Cara May
 Mar 2017 Cara May
just like the flowers
i must lose something
to become beautiful again.

now here i am growing.

you thought i was dead didn't you?
i smell just as sweet the second time around
I am suppose to be happy
But in the middle of the night
I can't remember the tears
How much I've cried
Sometimes I do feel like leaving
This vessel which I call my body
Let my soul be free from its bonds
To leave this  world where I don't belong
Sometimes we give ourselves in to darkness
 Mar 2017 Cara May
Cait Harbs
Here is the place of death and ash;
Here is the slumbering beast of vileness past.
Look at these barbed wire rows
Guarding scarlet stained poppies birthed in woes.
 Feb 2017 Cara May
Keith Wilson
They  took  me  to  Windermere  today.
Just  to  put  Father  Christmas  away.

They  said  ,,We  haven,t  got  much  time
we  have  to  be  back  at  twelve  to  dine,,

I  didn,t  really  see  the  point
I  hadn,t  time  to  inspect  the  joint.

Flying  here  flying  there
Seem  to  have  no  time  to  spare.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.UK,  2017.
 Feb 2017 Cara May
Max Vale
Forever still,
Frozen in time.
In black and white,
To keep those memories fresh and alive.
 Feb 2017 Cara May
Scarlet Rose
It's dark inside. It's where my demons hide.

Ha! If only it were as easy as demons, darling!
Demons at least are predictable.
But no.

Inside is where my hydra lives
With too many heads to count.
And each time I cut off one
Two more grown.

They all want something different.
They never agree,
The voices in my head.
They scream at me and never stop.

The only thing that keeps me from going insane--
Well, there isn't anything.
Guess that's why I'm like this.
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