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10.9k · Jun 2014
One Sided
Willow Hadleigh Jun 2014
I remember when you walked to my house in the pouring rain,
when we embraced in the middle of the road I felt no more pain.
I looked up at you and our lips collided,
but I knew the love was only one sided.
3.2k · Jun 2014
She's lovely to me
Willow Hadleigh Jun 2014
Sometimes I hug her in the morning and she smells like **** water,
ontop of her head is a big messy bun,
on her body is a flowing skirt and a crop top.

Her lips are full and her eyes are wide and shes lovely to me.

Sometimes I hug her in the morning and she smells like cigarettes,
once I let her go the smell lingers on my sweater and I love it because it reminds me of her.

She had dark circles under her eyes,
pine needles in her hair and shes lovely to me.

Sometimes I hug her in the morning and she smells like roses,
wide eyes and beautiful,
quiet yet well spoken.

She is a girl of many identities and shes lovely to me.
2.1k · Jul 2014
Your house
Willow Hadleigh Jul 2014
In your house a broken face is the same as a broken plate,
it happens all the time.

In your house a cry for help is the same as a telemarketer call,

In your house you have learned to blame your bruises on falling,
in your house you have been told to lie about what goes on inside.

In your house is where you went insane,
in your house is where you left the bullet in his brain.
513 · Jun 2015
Unnecessary Narcotics
Willow Hadleigh Jun 2015
You sit there numb and nervous from unnecessary narcotics,
losing feeling of your body yet you move like you're on fire.
With each violent twitch comes a more comfortable comatose.
Letters jumbled,
you type as you are speaking,
Behind a dimly lit phone screen I watch you slip away.
About an old friend that I lost to a drug addiction
503 · Jul 2014
Willow Hadleigh Jul 2014
Smell of fear fills the air,
and i start to walk faster.
The same anxiety a wounded fish feels when it knows a shark is nearby.
463 · Jun 2015
Willow Hadleigh Jun 2015
I'm alone.

They prescribe me three pills and then they make it four,
training me to be a pill popping *****.
My mind is in knots, I cannot cease my thoughts.
Six feet under in a box may I rot.
421 · Jun 2015
Willow Hadleigh Jun 2015
Fighting foliage,
punching concrete,
****** knuckles,
accelerated heartbeat.

Rocks in my hands,
crimson stained trees,
alone in the forest,
crying on my knees.
384 · Jun 2014
Willow Hadleigh Jun 2014
Everybody in this would just hates and hates and hates,
leaving no room for love,
leaving no room to be myself,
leaving no room for a smile.

Reality is calling and I can no longer send it to voicemail,
reality is here to show me that i'm beautiful,
reality is not always fitting in but reality is finding my place to fit in.

I watch teenage girls flipping through magazines filled with society's image of "normal" and "beautiful",
pictures of girls so small that they are ghostly.
This is the reason why girls are getting smaller each year.

Maybe shes born with it, maybe its Maybelline?
I'm definitely sure we are all born with it,
being lied to so they cover up their faces with a mask of insecurity.
336 · Jun 2015
Willow Hadleigh Jun 2015
You always turn the lights off before we sleep so I can conquer the dark.
When i'm with you everything is in its place, clothes, dishes, my heart.
I want to explore the world with you, I am not longer afraid of what I do not know.

You would tell me about the ocean and how it was your favorite place and about your odd fascination with storms.
But when my mind turned into a hurricane and you blew away, I started to sleep with the lights on again, hoping the ocean tides will carry you home.

— The End —