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Carsyn Smith Jul 2014
One evening I was walking home,
nice dress and heels stomping pavement
of the moonlit streets in my home city.
I've got something you'd love to grab onto, babe.
Catcall. It's not a compliment. It's demeaning.
He says *****, but all I seem to hear is
strong. daring. opinionated. outspoken.
Because that's what he's saying
when I stand up for myself.
when I act outside the roles of a "good" woman.
What he hope, with a five letter word,
is that I'll shut up, sit down, be seen and not heard.
because that's what being a woman is:
So, thank you sir, because all you've really done
is given me a reason to fight harder
a purpose to speak louder
and a way to stand taller.

"I've got something you'd love to grab onto, babe."

"What a shame... I forgot my tweezers."
This may not have happened to me personally, but it's happening to too many strong women today. Raising awareness is one step closer to stopping misogynist *******.
Carsyn Smith Jul 2014
The first mile you walk with a person
is for friendship.
Small blisters and cramped toes --
why don't you try walking in heels?
Didn't think so...

The second mile we walk
is for love.
Now the bleeding starts --
little drops, here and there,
never enough to ****.

The third mile my grandparents walk
is for rediscovery.
They're used to the shoes by now --
the "You like pie?" moments;
the little things that make them remember.

The fourth mile we all will walk
is for mourning.
Learning to live without --
blood trailing behind you,
yet the march must continue.
Hi :) hope you enjoyed <3
Carsyn Smith Jul 2014
There’s a third space
That’s not quite here
Yet not quite there.
It’s a dark place
With no clear light
Other than the fireflies
That hover close listening,
To our quiet whispers
To our quick mumbling
And to the declarations.
There’s a slight drizzle,
But I don’t mind,
Because your voice is
      My umbrella
      My blanket
      My everything.
Close my eyes, listening
To the muffled backg­round,
It makes me think
I’m there with you.
But not quite there –
In a third         space,
With you beside me.
I don’t hangup first
Because I want to
Listen for your guard
As it falls         away
Some where in         that

                 Third space.
Why won't Hello Poetry add my tabs :-/??
Carsyn Smith Jul 2014
I'm Mona Lisa.
I miss a paint brush's sweet strokes,
the smell of fresh paint,
his shadow as he labors.
My darling Leonardo.
I've always wondered if Mona Lisa misses Leonardo Da Vinci. Not the person depicted, but the actual painting itself.

A Tanka is a Japanese poem with lines 5/7/5/7/7
Carsyn Smith Jun 2014
Come my fellow hunters, follow me
as I am not likely to return.
Let us begin the journey to hunt him:
Illusive -- have you ever seen such a beast?
Legends of
        Grace and Glamour
                Magnificence and Mesmerizing
yet no eyes have ever met his.
A shadow in the night, a ray in the morning,
dearest Apollo, is that you? Your songs lulls us,
but fairest Venus holds the leash.
He does not hide, this beast, as he stand tall
upon highway billboards and magazines.
Don’t think he’s gone, he’s just evolved,
photoshop to lure us, and then he
        pulls the trigger
                swallows the pills
                           slices the skin --
Beauty has become something lost in translation,
echoing in a past without
Come my fellow hunters, follow me
as I am not likely to return.
We must strike him down with truths and
force his eyes on his ignorance.
When he lies, death cooing his sleep,
Leave me the bones
so that I might hang them for all to see.
A new symbol of freedom from chains
held by companies profiting from our pain.
Hunt with me so that one day we can say
                                The Beast is dead.
So sick of it all.
Carsyn Smith Jun 2014
I wonder, love, if you see
these stars that hang over me
or if you, so far away,
forget to look up?
My first attempt at a Doditsu poem...
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