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  Jul 2015 Virianna Gallardo
Everybody is nobody
To somebody
A homebody
Aged female
Children gone
Wrinkled skin
Brown eyes
Rotten teeth
Holds tightly
To old memories
As they slip like mercury
Between her fingers
To be forgotten

Tired old veteran
****** back
Body sore
From the last fall
Hurts to breath
But at least
He is still alive
Holding down
The old folks town

The sidewalk ***
Hungry and lonely
Looking for nothing
Affection forgotten
Joys lost to the
Ravages of time

Little boy bruised
By angry adults
Tormented by other teens
Hazel eyes hold no light
Only finds hope in
Razor blade delights

The middle aged sage poet
Stumbling through life
Half awake
But more alert then others
Wrinkles of pain
Under his eyes
Those bags are full
And sag so deep
That they burn

Not movie stars
Or pop divas
Forgotten remembered
And lost again
Fragile beauty
Breaking with time
People who I claim
As mine
My brotherhood
We are all beautiful nobodies
I keep getting this urge
To tell strangers
How you used to bring a can of Chef Boyardee
To school for lunch everyday.

Or how I used to collect
Plastic Hello Kitty cupcake rings
And give them to you
Just to see you smile.

I would laugh as you ate it cold,
plastic fork suspended
straight from the can.

I would smile with you,
and hope you didn't realize
I ate all those cupcakes
by myself.

I want to share you with the world
Take your memory with me in my pockets
Spill it out with my tongue

I want to share you with the world,
Introduce you to people you will never meet
Tell people about you
Because they will never get the chance
To get to know you like I did
Like we all did.

But when you took your life,
You did the world a disservice
You took away the world's chance to find you
So you could find yourself

You took away your opportunities
To change
To get better
To grow
To love
And be loved
How we loved

Your smile
Your eyes
Your soul
All so bright
Like stars in sky

Stars that you snuffed out
Stars that we can't gaze at anymore.
Your constellation is lost
Just a fairytale now
But a favorite amongst us all
For my friend who took her life. I wish you had called me before you pulled the trigger.
I ran down the street
My naked feet thumped on damp asphalt
Sharp stones pounded the underneath of my feet into leather
The sting under my feet was nothing
Compared to the stinging salt in my eyes
Or the raw flesh that was my throat
Burning screams ripped from my lungs
All I could do was run
Run from the pain
The fear
That always follows
Right on my heels
That fear is my shadow,
Taking different shapes
Sometimes big
Rarely small
But always there
Lying dormant
*On my heels
Criticism is welcomed
You loved it.
Admit it,

little ****...
"Don't lie, you *****."
You are
Stupid little *****
You deserve to die.
I will break your popsicle stick wings
**** the light from your bright eyes
I will burn you
Rob your innocence
Decimate your soul
I will ruin you.
You will fear me.
Your legs will shake at the sound of my name
You won't be able to look me in the eye
But you will still come back to me
Always return to me
You will run into my arms
You will laugh
You will call me "Daddy"
And you will always
Be my little girl.
Criticism allows growth. <3
It has been seven days.
I can't do this anymore
Let me
let go
Of this pain.
I don't want to hold on anymore,
This weight is too heavy
My fingers are slipping
It's too much hurt to carry in one heart
My heart will fall to the bottom
and land in my toes

I can feel it
It's like a humming in my head
Getting louder
And louder

I snap
Like a rubber band breaking in my head
I will break
I can't go another day
Like this
my fingers.

Shoved down my throat

Pressed into my eyes

Crammed into my ears

Gripping my the sides of my head

To stop the voices.

your fingers.


Your fingers ****.

They pain me
and hurt me

Your fingers

shoved into my mouth

raking down my back

pressed into flesh

As if your fingers were razor-tipped branding irons.

Designed solely to make me scream.
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