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 Jun 2014 Bridgette Scotch
I used to feel like I was floating away
Or fading away
So I put elastics around my wrist
Even when my name is called
I can fall into a sound
Become unreachable
And get lost.
I don't like getting lost
I don't put my head in the clouds
It just floats there
Even when I hate losing touch with the ground.
I don't always do what I want to.
Change happens slowly,
Over time,
But the time flies by
I fly, too,
But in the wrong direction
I tend to think backwards,
(I'm a big fan of velociraptors)
Or outwards,
(Like jumping in a rocket,
And flying past Pluto.)
When I can't feel the elastic,
I know that I'm dreaming.
I think, therefore I am
I think I am,
But I'm actually not.
Mindless dreaming, food for thought.  Please comment :)
Where has the tide gone?
Why does it no longer,
Form a pool around my feet,
And send my aching body,
Into a fragile glass like state?

Where has the rain gone?
Why does the water,
Not fall from the parting clouds,
And crash down upon,
My broken bones?

Where has the wind gone?
Why does it no longer,
Wrap it's wrath around my core,
And wind so tightly,
Around my vacant soul?

Where has the sun gone?
Why am I left alone,
In the absolute darkness,
Unable to feel warmth,
Diffuse across my skin?

Why can't I feel pain?

Why am I so numb?
Believe me, I've been in love before,
And it's not a battlefield; it's a war.
I've fought hard,
I still wear the scars,
And I'm probably going to acquire more.
But, baby, with you it's different.
Together we are brilliant.
I know it might not last,
But I don't want another moment to pass
Without you in it.
spring omnipotent goddess thou dost
inveigle into crossing sidewalks the
unwary june-bug and the frivolous angleworm
thou dost persuade to serenade his
lady the musical tom-cat,thou stuffest
the parks with overgrown pimply
cavaliers and gumchewing giggly
girls and not content
Spring, with this
thou hangest canary-birds in parlor windows

spring slattern of seasons you
have ***** legs and a muddy
petticoat,drowsy is your
mouth your eyes are sticky
with dreams and you have
a sloppy body
from being brought to bed of crocuses
When you sing in your whiskey voice
                                        the grass
rises on the head of the earth
and all the trees are put on edge

of the jostle of
thy ******* and the slobber
of your thighs
i am so very
                glad that the soul inside me Hollers
for thou comest and your hands
are the snow
and thy fingers are the rain,
and i hear
the screech of dissonant
flowers,and most of all
i hear your stepping
                      freakish feet
                      feet incorrigible
ragging the world,
Your hair was a little shorter today
But you was same as always
The same good perfume
Everytime i smelled you
I was high like hell
Everytime i hugged you
Like i had the world in my hands
I had everything
I thought i forgot you
But i still adore you
Always in my mind
You was my "love on first sight"
 May 2014 Bridgette Scotch
 May 2014 Bridgette Scotch
i have this one friend
that wishes she was beautiful,
that wishes she was skinny,
that wishes she was funny.
she always wants to be her or her or her
and i just want to shake her shoulders and scream
that i'd much rather her be herself.
because it's the best her their is.
- a.c
Take me now, I am yours forever
I am your slave, your faithful lover.

Take me, feel me, I am bold, I dare
Use me, break, I don't really care.

You want my whole life? Come on, get it.
You want to tie me? My hand, take it.

There's no new things in us now, I swear
From the start, I am your minion, dear.

Take me now, I am yours forever
I am your slave, your faithful lover.

I am so blind and deaf with my love
For you, I'll kiss death. Come take  my life.
From my book Hear My Mind Vol. 3
The cigarettes
helped on most days.
when they didn't, I'd fall
into a deep depression
Induced by thoughts
Of you
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