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 May 2016 jvk
Michael Blonski
our lives
we try to
win over the

hardest person
of all
love is
 May 2016 jvk
Victoria Vanderwerf
I love you.
I love your voice, your laughter, and your eyes.
Your presence makes me feel safe.
I crave your lips against mine underneath the soft moonlight.
I want you to hold me as we stare at the sky.
I want to wake up to your tired blue eyes every morning.
I fall in love with your smile everyday.
I want to hold your hand as tight as I possibly can.
I want to fall asleep in your arms as you whisper sweet lullabies in my ear.
 May 2016 jvk
L Seagull
The winds in this cosmic land so turbulent,
They blow hard feet off the ground head spinning,
Then before you relax they change direction
Drastically always, but with improved clarity of vision
At least I can see a few minutes ahead.
Why helps accept the What
And I am in it, I fly with lost birds
Insects, bits of dried flowers, teeth and shredded notes
No smoking caterpillars to give advice
No red queens to punish and control
No rabbit to fear the ending of time
Only whispers of the Hatter
Living in both of us seeking
Uncertainty of growing into magical mystery
Called your soul. I see it, saw it in your humble accidental smile,
And we will meet again when mirrors dissipate.
My brother, sister, alter ego, strange encounter
I wish you well and you can count on that.
Named after an amazing immersive theater play I saw some time ago in Brooklyn. Highly recommend anyone to see it!
 May 2016 jvk
Mitch Nihilist
I’ve been questioned on
my late night walks,
why do I do it?
the repetitive cracks
sing hedonist soliloquies
at every avoidance,
the streetlights eat away
at forfeiting darkness,
vomiting garbage cans
spew synthetic carrion
and winking storefronts
****** nightfallers,
trash kissing curbs
pushing away affection
cry out for help,
cigarette butts cloud
sandy sidewalks
and hug dragging soles,
passing cars and
mindless youth
spewing timeless
nothings out car windows,
cop cars and crisis topped
middle-agers stumbling their way
to fast food and
regretful forenoons,
I’ve been questioned
on where I’m walking to,
but never what I’m walking from,
no matter where I go,
I find myself
burning my throat
with coffee at 2am
 May 2016 jvk
 May 2016 jvk
I heard about them
'bout your cries
'bout your weepings
and your tears

I've heard about them
bumping into everything
on the sleek narrow bridge
on the frail dock by the bay
on the gutter when it rains

I've heard about these
muffled screams below
the sheets
and silent sobs
beneath the moonlight
and the pitch black
darkness of tonight

I've heard about you, too
walking through the
sharpest stones
limping through
the darkest shores
drowning yourself
in deepest points
of misery

As I step up
close to them
on those gloomy
sights of yours
and let myself be
lost in the agony
of the tune that
you keep humming
through the doors,
I felt the worst

There, in that very moment,
I've heard just one solo cry
One so devastating
One so heartbreaking
And in that one moment
I know just the reason
—and that reason is me.
I know. I am. And will be. The reason why your heart breaks. And I'm sorry for that.
 Apr 2016 jvk
rotten words
 Apr 2016 jvk
i like angry poetry
the kind that churns
in your gut,
with razors for teeth
and gums bleeding.
i like the violent sound
of verbs clashing
on a decaying page,
like the shot of a gun
on a quiet day.
i like the poetry that stays,
that lies in waiting
like a dog in a cage,
words that creep like
voided birds into the
wired tress of my brain,
that pay their rent
like drunken travelers
and trash the place.
i like angry poetry
the kind that sears it's
screams to my lips,
which spirit echoes and
moans for eager,
****** eyes.
words that hit like *****,
giving their reader
a killer hangover.
i like angry poetry,
the kind that leave you
with a smoky exit.
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