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Nov 2016 · 1.2k
we've got issues
Bobbie McCord Nov 2016
college **** culture
women's rights
global warming
social inactivity

ISIS and extremists
melting ice caps
who crash into deep water, gone, undone
lack of civility in millennials

technology enhanced cyborgs
whose eyes have been surgically sewn to a screen
family issues and self-created isolation
coining yourself the black sheep
to compensate for the need of attention

even if its the wrong kind
one upping to feel important
even if it means leaving your sister in your shadow
the need for narcissism and self-obsession
self-praise and prickly conversations

held at arm's length because we can only stand to be around you
for a few minutes at most and
I yell at you but you do not take in my words
you listen not to understand but to reply

talking to you is more work than talking to a brick wall
which you've build around yourself because if no one can get in
no one can hurt you

and we get it, you're serious about global issues
and we respect it. we encourage it. we praise it.
but haven't you heard
that too much of a good thing... is bad?
and too much of a bad thing.. is, well... good.


you can only build walls so high
before they tumble down and destroy that around them
spewing debris in all directions like a flamethrower with no limit
a tongue of fire burning everyone around
that not even water can heal, leaving scars

that although you have been quenched, rebuilt, moved on
your words, your actions
they live on, physical reminders to the pain you put me through
although we sit and laugh, I remember

sooner or later you have to know
that living is not dependent upon pointing out
every social issue and making future plans
complaining about all the world's problems
and rambling until your mom makes you stop

a big part of living is enjoying it
the carefree sunsets with toes covered in sand that sticks
and midnight premiers at harry potter movies
enjoying life is dancing in the kitchen with your lover
while rainbow colored pancakes cook

and running to make the winning goal as the clock ticks to zero
blood pumping through your veins
even when faced with death in a close call car cash
life speeding by in a heartbeat
only then can you appreciate that you are alive

live and love
don't waste it all criticizing and changing all that's wrong in the world
because you are only you
you cannot fix everything
Feb 2016 · 380
Bobbie McCord Feb 2016
Tear me down like thin paper screens
and set your torch to my wreckage
But what you don't see as you turn your back
Is the fire that burns inside ME
spitting and twirling and singing into the winter-night chill: I will rise again
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
Church's Pew
Bobbie McCord Feb 2015
I gaze at him from across a sea of bowed heads.
The steady, calming voice of prayer echoing off
stained glass windows, which bring in a soft rainbowy light.
The lighting is soft, intimate,
but this distance between this man and I is not.
He is too far away.
This distance, an alluring mystery
...but also a heartbroken torture.
I long to touch this man I do not know.

Who is he?
Broad shouldered, mischievous grin, with
warm eyes that melt like caramel,
I wish I could look into them, if only for a second,
just to see what kind of soul resides within this handsome man.
For my mother always did tell me: "eyes are the windows to the soul".
I wish I could run my fingers through his hair,
which is dark, like his humor. Or so I've heard.

He walks my way, maneuvering the clusters of people expertly.
He is dressed up, snazzy like always...
as he walks by, his eyes catch mine
and his mouth quirks up
at the corner. He winks at me,
leaving me praying for the ability to breathe right.

Oh, how I long to know this man,
and kiss this man, and hold this man,
and lay in his bed in the depths of night.
His fingers entangling in mine like fresh-water kelp,
his lips my savior from drowning in the loneliness.  
Nothing else but the cricket's chirp,
moonlight's gleam, and sheet's rustle,
and the comforting warmth of his body next to mine.
I allow myself the pleasure of basking in such a bliss.

Until a blurry sun bubbles up from the horizon,
and I wake
to a pair of curious eyes drinking me in.

I wouldn't mind getting drunk off of him. No,
I would not mind one bit.

Maybe this is just a dream...
somebody pinch me so I know this is real
and not just some fantasy.

Reality pulls me back into the chasm of the church,
and as he is preparing to exit, he looks back
and we share another glance,
s t r e t c h i n g across the pews,
a lingering,
Searching for the cause for such curiosity
in each other's eyes.
Trying to make sense of it, I tilt my head down,
allowing myself a moment of thought.
My head snaps up, courage pulsing through my veins,
like I have just been cleansed, I feel refreshed.
I start making my way towards the doors to ask him his name,
but to my disappointment...
he is gone.

This mysterious, entrancing man has walked out.
The brightness of a rising run enveloping him,
leaving me with a mouthful of unsaid words
and a mind full of scattered imaginations.

I kneel down before God,
and pray for forgiveness
for lusting after a stranger I know nothing about
while in His presence.

And with that, shaken to my core,
I put on my mask that conceals my deepest emotions,
and go about my day like nothing ever happened.
Inspired by my boyfriend ♥
Feb 2015 · 489
the Cocoon Process
Bobbie McCord Feb 2015
Growing up is a metamorphosis.
You start out small and new,
exploring the wonders of this world,
adventure awaiting 'round the corner.
But eventually the day comes when
you begin to change; and with it,
shed all of what you used to be.
Forget all the days spent in the past
to become something even better:
something you were destined to be.
Free to fly and do as you please
and chase dreams on glassy wings.
You have become
a butterfly

You cannot say you were you same person you were even a year ago
because life is always changing,
and therefore so are you.
Dec 2014 · 981
When Love Falls Apart
Bobbie McCord Dec 2014
Their hands were reaching for love,
soaring higher than ever before,
but, it was never enough.

Spirits like a dove,
evaporating into the sweet evening noir.
Their hands were reaching for love.

Feelings locked up in the trove
that was hidden behind many doors.
But, it was never enough.

With a helpless glance above
and a few scenes of unavoidable uproar,
their hands were reaching for love.

Affectionate embrace turned to enraged shove.
She cried "No more!"
But... It was never enough.

They were anything but snug as a glove,
bruises like badges, is what she bore.
Their hands were reaching for love...
but it was never enough.
Dec 2014 · 699
Guardian Lillies
Bobbie McCord Dec 2014
Blooming lillies the shade of bubblegum
dance on top an emerald mirror
like little pink fingers
reaching towards the sun from the depths below
they flourish happily in serenity

Streams giggle like children in the distance
and lilly pads coat the surface like blankets
concealing the aquatic world beneath
The lillies climb above the water
and lounge as sentries do

For who else is going to protect
and cherish the luscious beauty of the pond
but the lillies themselves?
Dec 2014 · 503
Rider's Fire
Bobbie McCord Dec 2014
Two hearts, one body,
gliding gracefully over the fences with ease.
Just like the air that wooshes past the pair,
time has flown.
Seven years of trust slowly built up,
It all started with..

A glance in the stables,
and the first invigorating ride
that made her spirits soar. In her head,
she knew Geno was special.

Breathing in the warm sunlight and feeling
his sleek, red coat beneath her fingers,
and smelling the musty, dirt smell of horse stalls,
Trust began to grow, with every successful trek and turn.

Every handful of hay and oats
and his favorite, Peppermints,
and the occassional laugh they shared
carried the threads of the bond they have now sewn tightly together.

The drum of hooves on ground beat a melody to their ears,
encouraging them to go where neither had gone before.
For as long as they have each other, anything feels possible.
With a nudge to his stomach and they're off
galloping across the field, like spreading wildfire.

How extraordinary,
to kindle a friendship with such a magnificent creature...

It is in those moments time feels endless.
When the calm overcomes and all is quiet,
the breath of rider and breath of horse,
the steady and strong shoulders shooting forward,
And the sunlight setting across the hill
is all that matters.

It is in that space, between sky and ground and time
on the back of a lovely beast,
heart racing against the evening's shadows,
that the rider can say:
She's home.
A piece written for a girl in my Poets workshop class.
Dec 2014 · 2.3k
The enchantress
Bobbie McCord Dec 2014
Welcome to the hills of the enchantress' castle
Where the speirs stab the sky
All your worst fears come true...
She'll stay ensnared there until eternity breaks it's everlasting chain
She'll whisper to you on the wind,
And say her final curse
Slicing through your reality, binding your destiny,
You will become her puppet
Her slim fingers dancing and plucking on your hearts strings,
Your whole being at her mercy

She is in control
And there's nothing you can do
But to pray you entertain her and she'll let you live, atleast a while longer
Dec 2014 · 652
A soldier's battle
Bobbie McCord Dec 2014
We tend to assume
that freedom is a right, God's gift
But do you know the hours they slaved away,
the days spent patrolling borders,
all for our safety?

In wars, they'd drown in blood
One, two, three, slipping between the depths
Never to rise again,
fight again,
go home to their families and smile again

And we lie again,
to our naive little souls

Because what better and blissful ignorance
than to pretend the land we live on
did not come at the price of our soldiers backs,
Tears, willpower,

To say that we are truly
The land of the free
Based off a painting we looked at for a warm up in my Poets Workshop class. It was a happy family and home by a coast being held up by a group of soldiers with guns that were standing in a pool of blood. Our job was to interpret that painting and write about it.
Dec 2014 · 843
Daylight's throne
Bobbie McCord Dec 2014
When the sun arises
And the grenades of raindrops cease
The war clangs of thunder ring one last time
One last shining stream of lightning striking down upon the unworthy soil

The storm is over
And the sun has come
Bringing a new day and dazzling rays
Cascading over the clouds like waterfalls
Dripping into the darkness below
Illuminating drops of sun hit the ground and burst,
A thousand bright shining orbs

Daylight has regained its throne
And the storm falls in defeat and slinks into the shadows, all depression disappearing with it
Dec 2014 · 2.3k
A list of fudge
Bobbie McCord Dec 2014
Chocolate swirl
Flourish of vanilla
Crisscross of marble
Lemony tang
Creamy peanut butter
White washed and dipped
Strawberry poppin'
Caramel drippin'
Cherry filled
Cookie crumbling goodness
Wrapped up in a smooth delicacy
Revitalizing breath of mint
Chocolate as dark and rich
As its flavor
Some common, some unique
Tiger's eye, what's that you ask?
Peanut butter and milk chocolate melded into one
Sprinkled salt
️️Warm caramel
Tantalizing, fresh orange creme
Homemade from grandma's
Or warmly bought in a bakery on a rainy day

What a wonderful feeling!
When a flavor seeps into your tongue
Growl of stomach
As you gaze at the slice
And then you attack the tender palette of colors, flavors, smells

Your lust for fudge consuming you
As the smooth delicacies explode within your mouth.. And you know
It was worth it
Sep 2014 · 487
Bobbie McCord Sep 2014
Tell me when this horse of mine,
So adventurous and wild and fine,
Lost the reins that had kept  it's rider binded for all time.
Now without them,
Not even the horse knows where the next fork in the road will lead.
Find them, find them!
The horse's neighs slice through my destiny.
But how
Can I possibly know where to go,
When I can't even get back the reins to my own life?
Nobody ever said finding yourself would be easy.
May 2014 · 354
Where I daydream
Bobbie McCord May 2014
We walk a fine line,
between reality and dreams.
But nobody ever told us the dangers
that were haphazardly hidden in the tiny font.
yet elusive from warning.
Ah, the wonders of dreams.
Who needs fine print,
Or the truth of a tarnished planet
When you can have all the wonders of the world in your imagination.
Mar 2014 · 424
Into the chasm I go
Bobbie McCord Mar 2014
We stand
two figures, strong, opposing
yet complimenting each other, like yin and yang
We stand
facing the world together
because everything is better with someone by your side
For some reason I can't explain... one day you turned away
cold as ice.
All I really wanted was your warm embrace but that's forever gone
You jumped out of my life
replaced by the infinite space between us
I'm giving up
because the ledge I stand on is solid ground
hanging over a vast chasm
doubts, words, pain, anger, broken trust
There's no way across
So we do what we do best and save ourselves
and turn away from what matters most at the other side
The one we want so desperately to save
The hopes we had of mending the bond slowly slip away
Nothing seems to help
So, we hide ourselves away, saying "There's no reason to come out"
we accept
there is no way across
some part of me knows nothing is impossible
but right now, it sure as hell feels like it
Feb 2014 · 413
Picking up the pieces
Bobbie McCord Feb 2014
Built a wall around my heart
Hoping it would protect what mattered most
But people are funny
Always crashing down things they shouldn't
Tearing down things they don't understand
Til you see that what lies behind that crumbled debris
Is the person I used to be

I'm falling to pieces
Nothing more than a shattered wineglass
Edges glittering around the room
We can pick up the pieces
But you can never undo what has been done

We live in a society that only wants perfection
But we're all flawed
It's only human

Love me for who I am
Not for what I can give you
Not for how I look on your arm
And maybe
Just *maybe

We'll be able to say we've found who we're supposed to be

Those walls don't have to stay up forever
So pick the pieces up off the ground
Life goes on
One step at a time, we'll make it through
Feb 2014 · 496
Choose to Soar
Bobbie McCord Feb 2014
When a bird has been caged for so long, no matter the years, they will always know how to fly. Your idea that they'll fall to the ground will only push them higher.
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
The one that got away
Bobbie McCord Jan 2014
You'll always be the one
I wish I had held onto
The one I wish Time would rewind for
But Time is a funny thing
It never looks back. Its face only turned to what's ahead
Ticking away with an endless purpose
I want you back.
But things are forever changed between us.
It's sad to move on when we've forgotten what love really is
So i'll always hate to say
My love for you never could ever go away
Stuck in my heart is where you'll stay
But you're gone
you've walked away
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
Roughened edges
Bobbie McCord Jan 2014
You turned my life upside-down when you came around
A triplet, who would have thought?!
Ive always loved you, though I may never have shown it.
I've always been the older sister that secretly watched over you.
now all I'm left with are pieces of who we used to be
a ghost of the sister I used to love  
What happened to us?
We used to sing together while I was in the shower, your iPod blaring
And sleep on each others shoulders on the long carrides
We'd stay out late at night with friends and stick our feet in the air
Swimming in the ocean at the beach I'd come up from behind and splash you
I used to pick up on the same line as you just to mess with you and your boyfriend
And miss you when you went away, like you took a slice of my heart with you.
When guys would hit on us, we'd sit back and laugh.
Do you remember the night you, me, and Billy stayed up and we said out first cuss words, barely 5th grade, and we giggled all night?
The promises we'd always be there, through thick and thin?
The calm of our house was shattered this summer
When we realized it was time to grow up.
You roughened my edges with your sharp tongue,
slicing through our bond we worked 16 years to hold together
Cut, and mended, cut and mended
All that remains are shreds and furious remarks,
and a house shared with a girl I can't say I even know anymore.
You roughened my edges, my own sister
Darkened my heart, and closed my compassion
We both have our own problems, does it mean we stop caring?
All our lives we've been compared, it's been a game,
Some kind of competition to gain attention and show off superior wits
Now when it matters the most, I've lost you
I'm running this race of Life alone.
All I really want is for us to get back to how we used to be.
I want to make you laugh, not frown and complain
I want to see happiness cover your face like it did just months ago
But... I'm afraid it's too late.
You've roughened my edges beyond repair
Jan 2014 · 840
Bobbie McCord Jan 2014
Up and down.
We live a roller coaster life.
Fun and scary, exhilarating and exhausting.
We cry, we fight, we love.
In the end, I wouldn't take back a thing.
It all starts with...

We're born.
Twinkling eyes opening for the first time to a bright and big world.
Staring up into the eyes of a mother, your mother, crying with joy.
And your smiling father.
They cradle you delicately in their arms as they take you home, cooing.
We throw up. We crawl. We giggle.
We say our first word.
Months pass.
We shriek and chase our siblings around the house in a game of hide and seek.
We enter school.
We make friends, and feel a part of things.
We get bullied, or bully. We lose friends, and gain more.
We join a soccer team. We win our first art award.
We find our first love... staring into their eyes thinking: I want to be with you forever.
You wonder how you could ever live without them.
... We have our first heartbreak.
Months pass.
The depression sets in. We miss them.
They have a new girlfriend, your neighbor.
We move on.
We find happiness in doing other things.
After 12 years, we graduate. (Hallehlujah!)
We look ahead, full of hopes and dreams.
Our life is just beginning.

We age.
We find a job and climb the corporate ladder.
We're married with kids, and constantly stressed, yet we find happiness.
The pile of things we never accomplish begins to pile up.
All the places we wanted to travel to, things we want to cross off our bucket list, forgotten.
Our kids grow up and leave the house.
You're alone with your partner.
Life has grown quiet and peaceful.
You spend Sunday afternoons bathing in the sun reading a romance novel.
Contemplating over the life you've lived.
All the things you gained, and lost. All you're happy for.
You're partner passes.
The darkness closes in. You're alone.
No longer will you feel his breath on your neck,
smell his scent on his sweaters as he walks by.
Laugh  at his jokes, that have never grown old.
You cry and stare as they lower him into the ground.
Whispers escape your lips "I'll always love you".

It is your time.
You look up into the sky one day, breathing your last breath
Using it to say "I'll see you soon, love".
the lights fade.
You're heartbeat slows.
The soft breeze of wind through the trees overtakes you.
Soul flying up to the heavens.
We die.

Life is a precious thing.
Live it well, because it only comes around once.
Don't live it filled with regrets.
Dec 2013 · 608
My name
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
Of bright fame. The name Roberta comes from over the serene rippling body of the Atlantic. From a continent of islands and many unique and seperate nations. From England. To me, when I think of this name I was given, I feel wrinkled and old. From a world of the past wrapped in sophistication. Although, I feel anything but a star of fame. Shooting across the sky, her time in the spotlight there and gone in a heartbeat. More like a tiny flickering star that just sits in the background unnoticed as the show goes on without her. A girl who is not yet confident enough to claim the spotlight as her own and be proud of who she is. A star not ready to shine.
Written for my English class my freshman year. We had to search what our names meant and write about what they meant to us... this is mine.
Dec 2013 · 620
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
The reminisce of your body
A ghost of a memory
Filled with heat and passion and love
The thousand uncountable joys
when we met again
after so long.
Finally together at last

Feeling it was so right
You and I
No one I would ever rather be with
We fit together
like two pieces of a puzzle
Feelings and memories
Binding us closer together

You are my first everything
Then, now, and to come
That's the only way I want it to be.

Just remembering...
Your hands on me
my hands on you
The want and passion we shared
The words you said
When you said that after everything,
You still loved me.
That you never stopped thinking about me
That you still cared.
Words I wanted to voice myself.
My feelings exactly.

Our naughtiness
our romance
our jokes
How comfortable I feel with you.

The way your lips feel,
the ways you make me laugh,
the way you hold me,
the way you pleasure me...
None of it has ever felt better.

I want you, all of you.
And that's not about to change.
Dec 2013 · 777
Bloom of Love
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
The love we have collected in this time
Is like the flowers we see in the spring.
As refreshing as the smell of a lime
Do these memories most happily bring,
Some are as unique as a rare black rose.
Others like the everyday sky we see.
Yet, our love is special; everyone knows
That together we will forever be.
I sit with you in the calming breeze,
stuck in my endless fantasies, feeling
relaxed, quiet, yet completely at ease.
And I kiss your cheek, firmly believing
the love we have is one only we share,
unmatchable by any other pair.
Another piece written for my English class my Freshman year. We had to write sonnets.
Dec 2013 · 487
Angel's Flight
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
to see you the way you see me,
reflected in the eyes of an angel,
tell me it's not just a dream
that it is possible
for me to one day soar above the skies,
wings outstretched, my hand in yours,
gliding into the endless horizon.
We could have all the world in our hands
to make whatever we choose.
We could do anything,
if only you let me fly with you.
Dec 2013 · 775
Luxa's wrath
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
She runs.
Where? I don't know.
What I do know, is she enters a forest.
This is no ordinary forest, with no ordinary secrets.
It belongs to the snakes.
For all eternity she will run, seeking refuge from their control,
yet she will find none.

Doomed to unhappiness and uncompleted paths, is the life she leads.

The snakes will take away everything,
slowly, until nothing of hers is left.
She has been left defenseless and alone.
Cut off from society, stripped of her confidence.

The snakes will pay.
Their blood is the revengeful cost of what they have taken from her.

So, prepare yourself, beasts.
for she refuses to succumb. And now,
she is out for your blood.

That's what you get when you mess with a free soul.
Karma's a *****, ain't it.
Based off a book I read.
Dec 2013 · 725
The child within us
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
I walk into a toystore
a welcoming refuge from the cold winter breeze.
Quickly, I am mystified by this place.
Taken in by the expanse of candy and action figurines,
I realize I have entered a new world.

A young girl scampers by,
and I feel the need to follow her,
allowing her to lead my through this childish paradise.
My hands trailing along the Princess dresses and Beanie Baby fabric.

I can sense the years peeling off me,
the further in I go.
Forgetting all about education, jobs, and politics
oblivious to the outside world and all its problems.
I am now a little girl, too.
Reaching for a Barbie and tea party set,
I settle down to play. +
Dec 2013 · 859
My Hopes and Dreams
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
Sometimes, I wish I could fly.
Soar above the endless spacious sky,
Run my fingers along the fluff of the clouds
And look down at the world from above
viewed as nothing more than a speck,
Why did you not create me to be able to fly?

Sometimes, I wish I could climb.
Grapple with the backs of rocky mountain sides,
Touch the tippy tops of sharp, jagged peaks
And shout my accomplishments into the wind
heard as nothing more than a slight breeze,
Why did you not create me to be able to climb so high?

Sometimes, I wish I could swim.
Dive down into the deep, flowing depths,
Plunge myself into a whole new world filled with danger and mystery and beauty
And pour my discoveries into this magnificent and vast sea
becoming nothing more than my swept away dreams,
Why did you not create me to be able to swim so far?

Sometimes, I wish I could run.
Dash into endless forests and over countless hills,
Race alongside cheetahs amid the golden savanna
And let my strong legs carry me to wherever I may go
with nothing more than sot sunlight on my face and stars above my head to light my path,
Why did you not create me to be able to run so fast?

Sometimes, I wish for too many things in life.
That I could be someone or something I'm not.
But I am who I am, you made me this way, God.
A limited and restricted being,
bound to exhaustion and pain and ensnared in materialistic desires.
I hope that one day, I will be able to experience it all,
Free of the way of human life.
Seeing the world the way that wild animals do,
Truly living, like today is their last day. +
This was in assignment for my English class my sophomore year.
Dec 2013 · 496
All that remains
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
One day I saw
an elegant shining orb, glowing in brilliance
dancing with the light.
But, to my surprise, the orb was not content.
It craved an end to that darkness it struggled against.
It bet on fate for a better life,
shy of the edge it took the final step,
drifting off into the world below
I watched as it fell...
A beautiful crystal welcoming it's end.
I saw Time stand still and gasp, as if slowing itself would change anything.
That small orbs choice had been made.
I felt the shatter,
A thousand sharp, painful pieces,
almost as if to my own heart.
An explosion of brightness invaded  my eyes without warning
but  it was over as quickly as it had begun.
The light slowly faded, and my vision returned to me.
My eyes came to rest  on the orb, which was now
plain, clear, empty.  Ordinary.
Now, with it gone,
I am forced to walk,
A sea of glass.
Dec 2013 · 620
Seasons of Life
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
Happiness has left
like the passing of seasons.
Spring has bloomed and wilted,
Summer's heat has chilled,
Even Autumn has disappeared, like leaves in the wind.
All that remains now, is the harsh loneliness of a freezing icy storm.
Winter has come to stay.
And i fear, it is going to stay for a long time.
I can feel the ice, on my hands, through my gloves,
cold slithering and scraping up my bony limbs
to my warm heart, chilling it to its core.
All is numb.
I've lost the ability to feel.
The cold has a tight and unforgiving grip on my soul.
What do I have to live for? I guess i'll have to find out.
I pull my jacket closer and shiver,
and then slowly drift and disappear into the merciless blizzard,
searching for something, anything, to melt away the ice in my core.
Dec 2013 · 533
Fallen Cities
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
When lively cities turn to crumbled ruins,
remember, you are a tall building.
Continue to stand.
The early sun rises, illuminating a fallen world,
rays lighting up a catastrophe...
Continue to stand.
Shadows cast behind you like a curious child,
playing among the rubble and debris
of other buildings who have fallen.
Continue to stand.

Be strong and sturdy and endure. +
Dec 2013 · 718
Wash away all my sins
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
Just let the memories go
watch your future unroll
the past will cease entering the present
and the future?
will become your new reality.
a paradise, no longer haunted by unforgettable memories.
a kingdom, to build a new life.
a home, to find new love and be free from it's constricting binds,
who's taste has turned foul.
Oh, bitter love, soon to be forgotten in the winding breeze.
The smell of salt...
the breath of sun...
The past is now forgotten,
like footprints in the sand stolen by the sea.
Dec 2013 · 435
Hidden Gloom
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
In the catastrophe of broken lights,
and scrunched stripes you'll find me,
hiding from the world
seen through only the darkest of shades. +
Dec 2013 · 544
Star bright
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
twinkle twinkle little star*
how I gaze at you from afar
dare to reach out my hand
and hold you in my arms. +
Dec 2013 · 1.4k
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
I sit here alone
in the pale light.

I should be happy, but you are stuck on my mind.
a heartbroken torture,
a hell of a surprise.
I knew it would end just like this.

I had let myself fall more and more in love with you.
Deeper into the oceans of love,
which I know fear.
I had hoped it had shrunk, but it grew and grew.

I remember the moonlight
and seeing the lifeless body.
I remember my blood-curling screams.

     I was one told of a sad tale,
that I heard long ago.
But now I understand that story.
Two lovers, one fate.
Their love grew and grew.
They wanted to run, to escape, to be free.
In the end though, both were dead.

I should feel sad, but all emotion has been stripped from me.

I remember standing by your grave
flowers slipping from my hands
tears washing down my cheeks,
wondering, can I live on?

The answer is no, Romeo, Romeo,
Save not your Juliet from these horrors?

I turn away from the pale light, off my porch steps,
away from the bright moon and stars.
This brilliant planet,

I shall never see again.
I'm not commiting suicide, don't worry. This poem is written in the view of Juliet from Shakespeare.
I used an allusion of their love story when talking about "a sad tale" .
Dec 2013 · 524
Sing this song with me
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
i sit here now
with nothing to do,
can't stop myself from thinking,
thinking of you.
With you on my mind,
I hear music,
I hear voices,
singing in a language i'll never know.
We make our songs,
we fill in the words,
we tap our own beat,
we create our own language,
the language of the loved.
The song of the heartbroken,
the beat of a heart,
thump thumping for you.
Those shattered words,
broken apart, put together,
when will love's ache end?
I hear my friends talk about true love,
and i just want to say, to save any trouble,
it doesn't exist.
Just that steady beat, and that slow but melancholy song filled with unspoken words.
Dec 2013 · 2.7k
Oil Spill Ballad
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
Do you see that oil spill?
that never stops and seems to fill
and tarnish the beautiful calm,
that realm of water...
the spill isn't stopping, no, no, no
How far up will the numbers go?
Nothing seems to help, the fish are slaughtered,
brought to die from human hands and their mistakes,
****** into the aquatic band
that is tainted by that reddish murky goo.
The animals hide with fear,
for they, only they, can softly hear,
the crying songs of the fallen
that tear through the deep blue.
Written for my 8th grade English class -- June 9th, 2010
Dec 2013 · 578
Winter, i hear your song
Bobbie McCord Dec 2013
i open my eyes
to all the silent flakes falling
ever so gracefully,
amung the dusty mountain peaks.
icy friends lay
on my eyes, my hair, the ground
happily melting away
into frozen nothingness.
it is cold, but i find comfort,
in natures snowy blanket
and as I gaze up
from my place on the ground,
i grow sleepy, and my eyes close.
Just as i drift off to sleep,
winters cold breeze whispers
it's mystic melody
that seeps into sleeping ears
of every living creature around.
everything is quiet, as it first was,
in the very beginning.
No time to wait, just sing.
No one to listen, just play.

And so, nature begins its song. +

— The End —