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Seigniorage refers to the profits
   A government earns by creating and
      Issuing new currency for a nation, but
         The seigniorage benefits those in power
            Who receive the new money first via the
               Cantillon effect. Specifically, the Federal
                  Reserve, the US Treasury, & large banks
                  In order to foster more equality in finance
               We can move to a decentralized currency
            In the Bitcoin network the profits earned
         From creating new bitcoin are given out
      To those who work maintaining and
   Securing the network, rather than to
Any centralized person or group
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You work for the money that other people print for free - that's the advantage of Seigniorage.
For them, not you.
Bitcoin’s growing every day
With fiat inflation on display
Own your money - come what may
As Bitcoin keeps on thriving

Officials saying “all is fine”
Printing money by design
Cutting down our bottom line
As Bitcoin keeps on thriving

You can learn it, take some time
Bitcoin’s young and in its prime
Yet every cycle it will climb
As Bitcoin keeps on thriving

Worth and value it retains
Unlike fiat money drains
The choice is very clear & plain
As Bitcoin keeps on thriving
You can see this poem on a background here -
We found our best sly roundabout way
Moving money from government sway
Bitcoin is strong - they cannot halt
The elegant network, or break the vault

Hayek foresaw the deeply set need
To better the money, minus the greed
With interest rate that’s naturally found
And not distorted, lowered or bound

Bitcoin, the peaceful revolution
A useful decentralized solution
Stops debasement & halts the power
Of looters who seek to steal each hour

Enhances freedom across the lands
Adds real value into people’s hands
Friedrich Hayek had this truth to say
We must find a sly roundabout way
You can see this poem on a background here -
The fractional reserve banking system
   Is built on an unstable foundation where
      Not all depositors can access money freely.
         Since banks can lend more than they have
            This regularly leads to credit & asset bubbles
               And then business failures during downturns
               Let’s move to a more stable system where
            There is no central authority which people
         Need to trust with their deposits, an open
      And accurate ledger where everyone can
   Simply verify that their money is secure
With Bitcoin this technology is available
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Expanding universe
Plant some seeds
See the fruits
That our world needs

What we plant
Will surely grow
In spirit above
Or soil below

Week by week
Our visions appear
From our intents
When thought is clear

Be choiceful with
The seeds you plant
For yearly growth
Will surely grant

The endful fruit
Of seeds that grow
So sow today
The truth you know

In faith and hope
Plant tiny seeds
That surely grow
And fill our needs
You can see this poem on a background here
The United States sustains their forever
   Wars because it’s easy to borrow capital
      It’s easy to borrow as the Federal Reserve
         Literally prints money in Quantitative Easing
            And keeps the interest rate forcibly very low
               This allows billions to flow to forever wars
               If we let the market determine interest rates
            And if we move to a hard money standard
         Such as Bitcoin, with an immutable supply
      Then unpopular or unproductive wars are
   Much harder for governments to sustain
Leading to more safety and more peace
You can see this poem on a background here  Inspired by Alex Gladstein.  This is number 11 in the Problems and Solutions Series.
When fiat money is printed freely
   Certain groups benefit more than others
      Wealthy people who hold assets tend to
         Reap the benefits as their assets increase
            In proportion to the new money, while those
               Who rely on fixed incomes or savings lose
                  Much of their purchasing power and wealth
                  We need a money where people can trust
               That their money will retain or increase in
            Value and purchasing power.  This money
         Will help the poor save with confidence
      For themselves and also their children
   Leading to a brighter future for every
Person, when saving with Bitcoin
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