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 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
Tear Drop
I am back to being.
I am back to being human.
I am back to being happy.
I am back to be
life and its glitters, the boredoms that seek to write
the inspirations of death with its healing joys
and life with its uttermost sorrows

i, a fractured sky, disinclined to move,
divorced from shadow and voice
unwoken by the mild pull of the earth

an old romance of ears and eyes, yellow and round,
heavens-hopes the goals of a lifetime
waiting innocently for the rain.

i waited and the shadows of the earth
grew long until they were armies
sleeping near the bleached rocks

believing they were the blanketing dark,
breathing beside autumn’s haikus of
slumber the sharp fall of love, the

intense tide of low grass and high wall.

dreams rushing like princely streams
a beginning of clouds, clouds of black air
sweeping clear, like valleys of the wild

a wilderness so tender it could speak,
where the mighty waves froze the shore-line
with the hints of winter's first kiss

and the magics of the stars cried into fire,
not knowing the flower-beds or the laughter
or the crazy tears of a humble man.

love poured sapphires from its streams
glass-houses of light, where the oceany
air believed in vertical caves, monstrous

caverns of hopes and dreams, marble
statues with broken jaws, unearthly
branches that rose like strange trees

combing the wind into tangles of tide,
hollow night, with its breathing and
mights, its desires, its poetry of mind.
Just wanna ask everyone for prayers for me and my family, I hope and ask for continued prayer alot for me and family in this time of year. My dad's mom just passed away December 1st my grandma nagley. Stress has overcome me and family as well as Dads overly stressed he's already had two massive heart attacks in the past months back and . And lately I've been dealing with sickness in my body and heart issues. To say I'm not afraid to whatever may come next would be a lie. I'm praying lord takes away this fear/anxiety. *** to be honest this is quite overwhelming ... Alot. Not including me and my family got a note on our door maybe week ago. A note saying we have until the 1st of January to move out and if don't move out by the first then quote ( we will get 3 day eviction at that point. The apts owner as their are two brothers owning tons of apts . I don't hate/ nor dislike the man who's making the decision. He's given us no reason to why were getting this, other than he said for him And the apts best interest. Though we feel for another reason though not sure doesn't make sense dad always pays rent and me and my parents aren't some huge issue to this complex. So we ? What's happening. And even through all these trials/ tribulations we gotta trust God. My healths making it worse for me lately. This burden is heavy. Really begging for prayers. Thank you for all praying for my family-and me. Continue in Christ's love and forgiveness always. Because that's what life's about. LOVE! Never forget that
.God bless.
Brandon nagley...
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
They raised me to be who I am,
And I could never have been any different.
They spent countless hours nurturing me and cherishing
Every achievement throughout my life.
I loved them so much, and I'd have done anything for them,
Will still do anything for them, because I knew they loved me back.
Until they pushed me away from them,
Sent me falling through the sky and got the hell away from me
As though I was nothing to them anymore,
Never had been their little boy.

And I fall through clouds like they don't want to be near me,
And I fall until the details below me come into focus.
I cry when I see the city, the buildings, the people.
I cry because I know now why I was created.
They come closer to me as I move closer to them,
And I can feel my insides start to churn,
And then it burns before I've even reached the ground.
I'm blinded by the brightness of my own incineration,
And with my last thoughts I beg everyone below me,
Though they can't hear me under the roar of death,
"Please don't look at the light."
The rain falls down
And I'm left
Feeling as though I might drown,
In pages unkept.

And I'm frozen,
Freezing cold.
The fear keeps it all in,
Keeps the words from being told.

And if I were to play out on
Violins and piano,
I'd call the clouds on,
And sing to you all that I know.

I'd wash away the ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust.
And as thunder crashes,
Desolated hearts are reborn as stardust.

In the way your eyes flicker towards mine
I have found that if I were made of rain and storms,
I would require you as my sunshine,
And even still, I would defy all norms.

If I were a rain-woman,
I would melt at your touch,
I know it isn't much,
But the sentiment, I hope, is enough.
I'm having trouble rhyming today.
 Dec 2016 Bethanybelove
i don't know what to do about this bright-eyed boy
with perfect teeth and banter,
i just know he swore to me he wouldn't be another echo of my past lovers and
promises don't mean much to anyone anymore.

i was scared to hurt him
while i should've feared for myself
and i tried, i tried, i tried,
oh, god, i tried.
2am comes and
I am haunted by
foreign words and
thoughts of skin,
and skin, and skin.

And when I wake,
the sun will kiss me
through cracked blinds
and muted sheets,
but my mind
will have wandered
far from here.

Driven by passion
Her thoughts wandered off
Into to the darkness
Into  the unknown

Her perception of love
Shaped by your words
Immaculate in their form
By her always adored

Playing around with her heart
Your favourite marionette
She was blinded by your sweet words
And would forget

Unaware of the faux love
She went along
Falling deeper into your arms
And deep into her thoughts

But now that she woke up
You’ve fallen instead
And see, that though you wanted a drizzle
You ended up with a storm
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