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aviisevil Oct 2017
how do you write
things you want to tell
paint them with colours
by words, them heaven and hell.

fill it up with something
beautiful, something that
won't hurt the reading eye

how do you describe
a feeling, a feeling
you would rather hide.

is it strange to seek
a home without walls ?

is it not the normal-
to breed comfort and
a smile, in a world
you don't fully understand.

what about those scars-
those which make you,

and what do you see,
when you see a sea of blue-
an ocean or the sky ?

birds or fish,
is it selfish to see
what you'd rather see
in a sea, that has nothing
to offer.

i remember when the laughter
used to fill the vacuum,
and i could breathe, as free
and as clear as on a mountain,
miles away from the pollution
down below.

hello. are you still there ?
do you hear me screaming,
do you hear me dying.

how low, is the rock bottom.
i've been falling for a while.

or is it that, i'm flying ?
aviisevil Oct 2017
tell me, how do you sleep ?
in your nightmares,
trying to chase you
to the further corner of your mind-
do you mind the intrusion ?
of those things alien
forming the rain and laughter
faces burnt and stranger
than anything you've ever seen.

tell me, how do you dream ?
when the clowns with evil smile
and God's in different names-
count your pain,
and you finally realise
the lies you've made in-to yourself.

tell me, how can you tell ?
it's only in the mirror,
your eyes and whispers
thoughts those wither
now that you're a drunk again.

tell me, if it's not insane,
to languish in the same memory
day after day,
knowing that time stops for no one.

there's a new sun,
everyday for one to harvest.

the moon sets everyday too,
but everybody's asleep
waiting for the star dust-
to make them their idols
so that when they sit idle,
it's not that lonely, and they're not
the only one there.

tell me, do you still care ?
aviisevil Oct 2017
I've painted the sun on my window
in a hope, that it blinds my every morning, that it keeps me in light
of the shadows all around me.

I've drawn little stars and a smile
on the curtains, dancing against
the stained walls and holes, you can see the sky from.

clouds don't hinder my thoughts,
but feed into me the questions that rained in from far away galaxies,
crashing into the core of reality-
birthing a finality, finally.

stretching the length of my veins,
questions flow to my brain.
every word is like a needle,
abusing my brain, and they tell me
to look myself in the eye,
as if i can't see what I became,
as if i don't realise what's infront of my eyes, when it starts to rain.

i'm drowning in my blames,
i cannot swim in this sea of shame.
i'm just drowning in flames,
peeling my skin where my heart is,
now it is that more easy to give up-
to give in once again.

my train of thoughts is caught up,
to the knees, stuck inside faults and
flaws. there's no law in this barren
land made of star dust and with dusk.

i've read the story word to word,
and still nothing makes sense, no song, no lore-

for it is when you stop looking
you find what you really came for.
aviisevil Oct 2017

share your thoughts,
stay humble-
stay in the bubble,
of nothingness, and
the light that makes one

i have my mind,
and then yours to fathom-
universe is so random and yet,
everything makes sense,
if you let your mind wander
far enough.

there's something in rocks,
and water. beneath all that ice
and laughter. that stops all-
all the disaster of being shipped
back to the same hollowness, walls,
and the better part of silence, science,
of not knowing-
where it all came from.

but stay inside the skin,
away from the approaching
nuclear winter and dead people,
made within the deepest darkness
of a normal mind. for it is the normal,
that is against all that is beyond
the grasp of reality.

we'll always be indebted
to our totality,
until the piper leads himself down the
rabbit hole.

but do share your thoughts,
stay humble, lost-
in your bubble of nothingness.
aviisevil Oct 2017
little red drops of pain
dripping again.

and i'm sipping on
the salt, telling my
brain, that there's a name
i need to burn.

I'm cold, and that's not a lie,
like the ocean i hold, of
delusion, and petty illusions,
that creates a ripple, in the
pond, and i find myself adrift,
and so on my own. in this

give me knowledge,
questions. answers are
for scientists and the
redundant. i have an
abundance of those.

i hold myself close.
like thorns to a rose,
i'm my own sin,
nothing ever more.

i am sure, there's a door
somewhere to the light.
somewhere on the right,
away from sight and wrongs-
i've heard so many songs
about kisses and stars,
of names and scars,
i need something else.

i need a new galaxy,
to hold on-to and learn,
to cherish and then burn.

because it is only, i, here,
and i'm not the only one.
aviisevil Oct 2017
he sat on the broken rock,
mesmerised by the morning blue of the sky,
he could see the little mermaid,
going in and out with each wave

he could see the mountains,
and their shadow, floating-
like the dead bodies in any sea
with wind.

how normal failure is,
he thought in a moment of pause,
how normal it is, to not be alive,
the little man said a little louder from the deepest architect of his mind.

he sat wondering about what he came to know,
he sat wandering about in the fields of drought and flowers, insignificance and knowledge,
of thirst and hunger, and something alien that comes with those two.

he sat where he could see the sky and it's blue, and he wondered, lost-
if the sky could ever see or know, how beautiful it is and was ?

and he thought to himself, is that is why there are lakes and ocean's, he blamed-
is that is why it rains ?
There's always someone with a better understanding.
aviisevil Sep 2017
A silent symphony plays in the background
Soothing the atmosphere of its whispers and tears 

There's an aroma of quietness all around 
A hint of madness in serenity it bears 

Tommorows cease to exist from now on,
and can you not hear ?

Life singing the yesterday's songs,
To be lost in the approaching calmness my dear 

Time slows down to a halt 
Too tired to move and caress the impending doom 
And night saves the memory to be kept in a vault;
Safe and hidden from the looming gloom.

And I lie in ecstasy 
a dream I longed to dream 

A fading reality 
To be erased of all that I've seen 

And I recall my oldest friend 
A hope that I banished long ago 
But it haunts me again in the end 
And the hope to feel alive grows 
A spark in the embed darkness 
Ignites the desires I locked away 
And it possess me once again 
To let me please my whites and greys 

And I bleed of all that poison 
That this world and I brew 
Letting go of all the answers 
That once my soul knew 
Slowly but surely 
The coldness I nurtured, is replaced by the warmth of my sin,

And I wonder with peace 
What the morrow may bring ?

And I wonder with peace 
When the morrow may ring ?

And I dream away my life 
As I exhale my last precious breath 

Forever lost in my sweet dream 
into the approaching beautiful death.
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