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Atypnoc May 2015
I'm not in the hospital, hit by a car
I know I'm not online as much; I'm not far
from finally finishing out my degree!
Ten days til a Bachelor of PSYCHOLOGY!

Though yes, sad to say, the mishap from last night
Proved unsalvageable what took me all day to write.
But after the panic subsided, in spite
Of the loss I decided to invite
a CAN-DO mantra, that today still recite:

"Citing every source
providing claims; unless, of course,
the statements you express
are YOURS. Original.  Then, yes."

Would be no need to cite,
but I digress; I still endorse
vehemently: just reinforce
Pre-existing bodies,
    empiric and peer-reviewed,
Must become one with your own body,
     long before you can conclude
Much of anything; that, at best,
Could be considered misconstrued.
Which I reckon may elicit a subjectively quite rude
Swing at a pitch from your perspective you thought beckoned attitude
So rather than succumbing, and becoming quite contrite,
Just cite every sentence as though you know of no greater delight
For the friends and acquaintances from on-the-line:
Out among ye mulls around an enemy of thine.
And by proxy, or  vis-a-vis? Uh, nemesis of mine?
Either way, it's a PHONEY! I promise I'm fine!

I wasn't mowed down while crossing a street
By a drunk driver; don't buy into this deceit!
When the hell have you known of me to be on the loose,
And outdoors by a street, with no **** good excuse!

Nah, brah; didn't get rek't, not in the ICU,
Anything 80_hospital says isn't true.
It's hard to imagine why someone would do
Such a thing, and hard to try and imagine who...

Nevertheless: til the mocking bird is absconding
Believe none are who they claim if they're responding
With something extreme, but failing to show face
And put shoe on head or something else, just in case

That for reasons beyond rational ways of thought,
Someone's chosen to wreak havoc on the distraught
At least until that jacka$$ sh!# f#@%er gets caught,
Just, my two cents? If they say "no I swear," they're not.
Atypnoc May 2015
If I go first
But do my worst
There's not much bubble to burst
This path of rubble gets dispersed
So back we double in reverse
I could swear he said he's cursed
Life's not fair, we eat our thirst
A swaying stair, failure conversed
If I swear, ******* I'm cursed
Atypnoc May 2015
There may be still something
Buried I forgot to mention
Hurried less of traction, worried
Mess of apprehension
Lost with flurry of attraction
Ever-tumbled trapped suspension
Meager fraction of retention
Costing furious reaction
Cold inaction, condescension
My distraction, not intention
Atypnoc May 2015
What's left isn't right,
their noise deafening white -
where boys raising the fight
lack appraising their height.

So amazing,
they're dazed
all the days
spent in hazing;
scare rays
of sun away.

Left to pay everything
to what still stays,
in spite of lost brothers,
despite delayed dismay,
who stay
all night
remain too distant to play.

In spite of their plight, they make light of the day.
After night cools the fight, turning white down to gray.
Hungry laughter sounding dafter
I left to write, are you okay?

Alright! The fools follow their rules,
to use as tools to nail what they
mean to say, are mean to say
a bed is where you lay down what you made.
You said you swear you're okay in the shade.
Atypnoc Apr 2015
I found out there was fire lingering beneath this skin,
but it isn't of desire and I don't want to begin
accepting death because a pressure expects breath because of flesh.
I need a cure that isn't time for expiration of the fresh.

For incessant insecure impressions,
For obscure convalescent depression.
For when the most unsure become expected to procure
From those defaulted most demure, the idolatry sense of pure(ity)

[Pure] (it evil answer idol along and so sure)
purity villains were right all along and so sure
maybe for eternity despite killing wrong I'm insecure.
'twas thought was sure
Now wrought hot fur-(y)
(Fur)[y motion] from the prime upon itself,
To where the very notion of good health,
fuels firey devotion to destroy myself.

I found out there was fire lingering beneath this skin,
but it isn't of desire and I don't want to begin
accepting death because a pressure expects breath because of flesh.
I need a cure that isn't time for expiration of the fresh.

I'm where the very notion of good health,
fuels firey devotion to destroy myself.
Written about last month's serotonin syndrome, spurned by doctors who don't care to listen, and offer only, "what we are doing is the best that can be done."
About the suffocation of depression at the idea of THIS being the BEST WE CAN DO.

This isn't living.

For the growing hatred for myself. Unknowing the line that defines what is within my control and that which is not (neurological), the issues I am having and resulting inability to leave the house become attributed to lack of character. And i hate myself for losing tome, I hate myself for sleeping,  I hate myself for staying up. I hate myself for avoiding and I hate myself for isolating.

Thank God for the appointment on the 12th in Seattle with a neurologist and narcolepsy specialist.
Atypnoc Apr 2015
There are           bare,
And threadless where
came back
claim you       gave
same attack,  
shame              behave
as if by
                cheap means
                      to save
we the
                keep   clean
because we're brave.
Atypnoc Apr 2015
I am not a genius, nor am I mad
I am just very, very sad.
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