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Arthur Vaso Jan 2017
Love is a card game
And the Knight does not always win
The King rules the kingdom
The Queen plays with the courts rhythm
When the game comes to a close
Some fold
Some die from loves sword
Or some overlord
Also on instagram  @arthurvaso
Arthur Vaso Jan 2017
I wish I was an ugly octopus
I am sure life would be an epiphany
With ate or more helping hands
My tongue could live between the valleys grand
The forests would be rainy and wet
My torques lapping up raindrops as sweet honey dew
The twin peaks ***** over clouds so high
Why from above I am sure I would hear a sigh
For in the jungle down so deep
Lives the octopus who desires and weeps
Love decides who escapes and who he keeps
Arthur Vaso Jan 2017
From the mirror
Start my day in living fear

From a tear
I live the horror

Beauty is never near
The rose is but a scent

Never held close to breast
My mask covers all fears in my chest

I feel natures embrace in botanical gardens of grace
I smile when I see a babies face

Yet here I am ugly as ever
For the kiss I desire seems to be coming never.

Ugliness was the life of me
My grave stone now, as pretty as can be
I am ugly
Arthur Vaso Jan 2017
I place him on the chair
Took the kitchen knife
*******, spraying in the air
I stabbed and stabbed till there was no more to be done
The doll he screamed, he screamed but could not run
I felt the pain with each piercing stab
I felt the loss, as the knife I quickly tossed

The neighbors heard such horrible noises
They called the cops, thinking oh the voices
In that crazy ones head, we should have seen
He had wild eyes and born he should not have been

The police came to see little old me
Broke the door in a rush they seemed to be
They saw the blood, they saw the horror
Yet they saw no victim, only a mirror in the corner

I was not dead
Not even close
I removed my soul and placed him on the chair there
Stabbing all night in the thin thin air
There was no crime, no serial killer
Only me
Stabbing my soul, over and over and over
Arthur Vaso Dec 2016
Lines on pages
     Indented desires wrapped in ancient dreams
Death marching up to my wooden door

I am hiding, under a glass stained floor
     A raven plays the harp
The orchestra knows is B sharp

My hair rented and torn
     Life you see forlorn
Lines dancing on pages

Facades weary and paint thin
    A whiter shade of pale so dim
Candlelight still shines from within

Tongues embrace, passion reflected in face
     Indented ******* fall upon the plate
Of hunger, of desire, some may say even fate
Arthur Vaso Dec 2016
“You know if reality was just a wee bit more interesting, I might take Sobriety out on a date.”

“Depression is like my ***** laundry, always seem to have some hanging around.”

“Many who seek like not what they find, then they seek solace by acting blind.”

“Inside every old poet is a child, and inside every young poet is an old man.”

“To give a rose, is the deepest of desires that whom receives the rose, appreciates both the rose and the beauty of giving of the rose. “

“There is nothing worse, than being sentenced to death by ones self “

“The more tormented the soul, the more enticing the poetry.”

“Hillary Clinton, I did not have *** with my email server!”
Various quotes I have written at different times!
Arthur Vaso Dec 2016
Don’t Speak

Close your sweet lips
So I may whisper wine drops in your ears
Close your eyes
So that I may wisp you to magical delusions

Where the scent of love
Wraps around your essence
Your nectar enticing and perfume captivating
You need no words at all
For the love above shall embrace us all

Together, we shall dance in all kinds of weather
Me and you
Love letters bashful and vineyards that grow
With each whispered word
Let me wrap my arms around you
Love has fermented in eternal caskets
The bonds shall keep us together and free
No one can hurt us
Eden was be quested to us
Our paradise until we turn to dust

The stars in the sky
The raging fire warming ***** below
Angels massaging our seductive dreams
Do not speak; hear your heart and ponderous desires
You know you are a flame on fire

Scream for me
As I shall conquer for you
The love within the heart
The love never to be
Do not speak

For teardrops have spoken
The sadness within awoken
Do not speak
Our love was to keep
Inside the bowl of teardrops
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