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  May 2017 Apachi Ram Fatal
Ours is like a strand of yarn
Stretched across a narrow gap
Though the wind berates
And the rain pours out in the summer storm
It will not break, it will endure
But perhaps in time will sag and fray
As if we let it so to go
Or even chose to cut it down
Because you have your own phone lines now
Made of woven steel and unbroken arms
As we were just a childhood yarn
Or a single strand between two hearts
Perhaps one day...most likely. I'll be a memory In your mind.
  May 2017 Apachi Ram Fatal
It can be so hard to make your way through
The crowd of hatred
Of people going against you

It can be hard to disregard
The negative shouts and voices
That tell you you're going the wrong way

It can be hard to believe in yourself
And to simply breathe and understand
That your own voice

Which tries so hard to be heard
May tremble and shake
And that is okay

As long as you believe the words
That are being shaken out
Even though it can be hard
There is she, Sitting in her cage,
Looking at something, Far from her reach,
Many thoughts runs through her mind,
But only independence outsmart all,
Independence is important for her,
She recalls the time,
When she was independent,
When she flied high in sky,
When her songs were filled with joy,
When her life was not a life in cage,
Now all she does is sit here,
In this cage, dependent on the one,
Who has in-prisoned her,
For the sake of her beauty and songs,
But she's not happy anymore,
And so are her songs,
They are sad, just like her,
She is slowly losing her hope,
Of a bright and independent future,
Maybe she will die in this cage,
Without reaching for the sky,
But she will try with all her might,
To be free from this cage.
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