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I'll run away
And live in a fantasy
Where I sleep in the waves of the ocean
I'll rock myself to sleep and hold myself while I cry
I'll wipe my own tears away and tell myself it's okay
I don't need you to do it

In my fantasy
My hair will be dry from the salt
My face will be burnt and marked from the harsh sun
The sand will cake my feet
My skin will be cracked from the heat
And the sky will look at me and think
My what a beauty
I don't need you to tell me that I am

In this world
I am the queen of the wind and sand
I control the ocean and sun
I rule over the moon and stars
You have no power here

But yet here you are
Taking my hand and dragging me down a road I know so well
I'm telling you no
But for some reason
I'm not running away
But walking towards it
Nodding my head and smiling

You slow down for me to keep pace
You're holding open the door asking You ready?
No, I think, I'm not
You're not what I want, I think
My body is in the car
My heart is in the ocean
You're waiting, and you're staring
You call me beautiful as I stare at my paradise
My fantasy

I take a moment to enjoy it
I look at the others who took me away from it
Their skulls smile as if they know what's about to happen
I take a look at you and I can't do it
And I expect you, like the others, to start the car
But instead

You hand me the keys
I'm not sure where to go from here.
Shoulders back
Head up
Lips soft
Hair swaying
Waist minimized
Hips squared
Nice ***
Legs long
Feet delicate

She walks with a purpose
with a grace
that leaves boys drooling at her feet

Her peers try to steal them away
she sneaks in though,
stealing all of their gazes.

She never settles,
she only takes the best
and never leaves any for the rest.

All it takes is a smile
and a giggle,
and they come running.

She's smart and funny,
poised and controlled,
loved and lusted for.

How I am envious of her,
she would make me the prize of my town,
but instead she makes me the ***** of the internet.

She has stolen men from their wives,
money from their wallets,
and robbed boys of their lives.

I think that this new one,
could be the one to take me away,
but she knows.

She knows that he is only a toy
and she the cat,
playing with him so carefully.

I will run away when he comes around,
and she will keep him at a safe distance
while I cry over my decisions.

I can't win
Because without her no man will want me,
But with her no man can have me.
How I wish my alter-ego was Sasha-fierce
I'm a challenge?
How so?
Because I won't fall for the first compliment?
Or is it because I won't get on my knees and ****?

Am I a *****
Because I saw a 30 year old man's *****
By the age of 14?
But I didn't send anything back,
I promise

Am I a ****
Because my virginity meant nothing to me?
I gave it away like it was nothing.

Are you an angel because you still have yours?
Does your virginity make you better than me?
Or is it your elitism that makes others not want you

At least men lust for me
I can make them fall in love at any moment
All it takes is a whisper of encouragement
And a giggle at a joke

I don't dress like I should
Because I don't like the attention I receive
"She's fake." "She's a *****."
But does that mean your man won't sleep with me
If he had the chance?

Tell me I'm nothing,
You say I'm just looking for attention,
I don't have to look far honey
A poem for Aloamor
I don't think i have real feelings for you
but i felt actually happy when i was with you
and it could have just been where we were, or anything else,
but i want to kiss you again
i dont know if i have real feelings for you
but i want you to have real feelings for me
Faz Carinho Em Mim was the first thing you said to me when we sat down under the eiffle tower and we spent the last days together trying to get me to pronounce it right.
I pushed you away, because you were starting to love me
I heard it in your voice one night
When you called me gorgeous
and you said my name
And it ran off your tongue like you were meant to say it
So I pushed you away
I ignored your messages
And I dismissed your IMs
But you kept at it
You kept calling me gorgeous
You kept saying my name
Just like that
And I hate you for loving me
But I can't stay away

Let's be friends
I won't send you pictures
Or say your name
I'll play your games
and I'll talk to you
As long as you don't love me

I need you to message me
Just like he did
I need you to say my name
Just like he did

Even though you're better
and sweeter
and more thoughtful
and you remember what I say
and talk about what I like
and say Beyonce is you favorite

I don't want to love you
I don't want to
One part sadness
Two parts mother
One part wisdom
Two parts experience
One part forgiveness
Two parts love

The recipe for the working woman.
The woman who gets kicked down,
but lives to stand up

A woman
who loves the battle
who laughs in the face failure
because she knows
that the only failure she could know
is the one brings on by herself

So she stands
and pulls those up around her,
and together,
we charge to the finish line,
just hoping
that the prize is worth it

The woman who keeps her head up;
she knows,
she knows what is waiting for her at the end.

That is why Diane fights.
For the working woman
The woman who won't back down
 Jun 2014 Aoife Teese
Jeremy Duff
I enjoy looking at flowers
and snorting oxy.

I like reading poetry
and getting into fights.

I'm different around you and I think I like that.
I'm more gentle, less accusatory.
I speak softer and with more love.
I'm waiting for you to fall in love with me
and I'm working on fixing myself.
 Jun 2014 Aoife Teese
Jeremy Duff
I need feminism
because men are more upset about people saying "all men"
than they are about the fact that 1 in 4 women will be ***** in their lifetime.

Not harassed, not catcalled,
And that is not okay.

I need feminism because out of the four women
I speak to everyday
two of them have been *****
and all four of them can't walk to their car
without sticking their keys through their fingers to
feel the slightest inclination of safety.

I need feminism
because the other day in my math class
a student said "She was asking for it"
and the teacher agreed.  

I need feminism
because when my father wasn't drinking
he was telling me to be a man.

I need feminism
because the way my father taught me to treat women
was to get them drunk.
It's not his fault,
he knew no better.

I need feminism
because my father knew no better.
Smash down the cities.
Knock the walls to pieces.
Break the factories and cathedrals, warehouses
     and homes
Into loose piles of stone and lumber and black
     burnt wood:
     You are the soldiers and we command you.

Build up the cities.
Set up the walls again.
Put together once more the factories and cathedrals,
     warehouses and homes
Into buildings for life and labor:
     You are workmen and citizens all: We
     command you.
But the significance of your departure has not eluded me
Throughout my 4 years I have listened to your poetry
It has guided me to be a stronger woman

With that I also say goodbye to High School

Overly-sensitive girls who can't take a joke

Attention seeking people who manipulate others

Boys who can't stop talking about their *****

Rude teenagers who are too self-absorbed

My collection of friends I have come to love

Witty, immature remarks

Hopes of being asked in front of the whole school

Confused adolescence

High school

You will be missed
But we must part
I will not miss your students
I will miss your intellectuals

Goodbye Maya Angelou
How I have loved you from afar
For those who think this poem is about them, it is
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