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No it's fine.
I'll just grin and bear,
I'll act like everything is fine.
Why would i waste my time
telling you anyways?
Would you care?
Would anyone?
Wipe off your make-up
Wash your hair
Scrub your skin
Take off your clothes
Shave your head
Remove your eyebrows
Cut your eyelashes
Pluck your fingernails
Shed your skin



Stare into the mirror '
With your eyes wide open
And look

*Isn't it beautiful?
 May 2014 Aoife Teese
Jeremy Duff
I'm better.
Better than I was
two months ago,
a year ago.

I'm worse.
Worse than I was
two days ago,
a month ago.

I'm trying,
to stop using
people and substances.

Oh! the same old song:
People and substances x 4
First Verse:
Using until I've used all there is,
Trying until I've tried my best,
Using until I've used the remainder of this,
Trying until I've tried the rest.
Second Verse:
Some days go slow
and some go fast.
So days are mellow
and some are brash.
Drum break
Third Verse:
Using until there's nothing left
Trying hard, but it ain't my best
Stolen: Integrity!
Reward for information regarding theft.
Repeat chorus with slowing tempo
and volume until song fades
into misshapen and misplaced drums.
Once you wanted me
and you wanted me to want you

I know I shouldn't care if you did
but some part of me missed being wanted by you
like you used to
I knew you wanted someone else more (we both knew)
I alway knew you were someone
I would never have
but you were always there in some way

I want to know more

or not
Here I am
feelings splayed on the ground
here for you to see

You found me gutted and broken
Angry at the desperate teenage boy who left me this way
you found me and wanted the broken mess

I don't think I was ready then but I am now
I was constantly trying to make you believe I wasn't broken
but that mask soon faded

You didn't look at me with rose colored glasses
you saw me with a genuine love and an honest heart
you wanted to be mine before I wanted to be yours

It took me this long to see this as it is
you have always loved me more
until now

Until now it was uneven
but now our love is equal and stronger

I am fully yours
 May 2014 Aoife Teese
Jeremy Duff
According to an article you showed me,
cats believe that humans are just big, dumb, hairless

I like to be around you and more than that I like to hear you laugh.
I like these things so much,
that I don't need anything more.
We kissed because it was fun,
we flirt because it's fun
and we are friends because we are fun.

It's so simple
and so nice
and so easy
and so satisfying
and relaxing.

It's you and me,
it's a cheesy pickup line,
and it's good.
 May 2014 Aoife Teese
 May 2014 Aoife Teese
You're so dangerous with your profane paraphernalia
Your pelvis postures pandering favor
The line of your stomach embossed by the fire is like a pasture for me
So paranoid with your pacifistic lust
As you proceed to please me with your posture so slightly
And I attempt to pursue oh so politely
You make me perk up like a peacock just with one peak
You're aware of every petty palpitation you can feel just under my sleeve
You play me like a piano, so plush with your lust politics
Pandering for a pardon of my ***** talk poignancy
I part you like Pluto from your orbits serene hum
I'll pleasure you, pleasure you until you're purple like a plum
A pastimes poetises to be written with pleasing lead
You plan every move like a predator in my bed
You're polarizing, plump, and pampered like a pageant doll
Pilfering every plausible pause with a pose of voice, your moan
Seizing the post with your post - modern pompous pouncing
Prompted like Pisces to postulate your prognosis
Lifting your posterior like the pun of a phaliccy
Pillaging me like a pandemic, a plague
Something to be paraded by paganistic plauds
Your pale skin is like playwear for sins
You're pinning me plastered with the play of your grin
Such a pretty motion picture to paint in the prison of your promise
Keep your eyes closed, we are blind tonight
You can sit on the floorboards,
where I've bled,
naked and dark with me.

"Where are you from?


"Yeah. Where are you from?"

"I'm not really sure. Somewhere. Where are you from?"

"Here. Well, I was born here. I don't want to be from here, though."

"Where would you rather be from if you don't want to be from here?"

"I don't know. Anywhere but, really. Maybe Alaska."

"Why Alaska?"

"Well, I don't know. I'm not sure. Well, you see, they have a month of darkness every year. Just complete darkness. Some people think it's miserable. I think I'd like it, though. That way everyone could be just as invisible as me, even if for only a month out of the year."

Do your parents love you?
Are you religious?
Do you love everyone except yourself?
Are people nice to you?

Swim into me, swivel in the air
your eyes are penchant stares
Try all you can,
let everything and everyone caress you
Let the cold wind blow
and the warm wind undress you.

"Do you know what you did wrong?"

"What I did wrong?"

"Yeah. What you did ******* wrong."

"I-I...I'm not sure."

"You have to be ******* kidding me."

"I tried my be-"

"Shut the **** up. Shut. The. ****. Up. If you want to be something, if you want to get ahead in life, then you can't rely on me, your mother, your friends, or anyone except you. You have to know that every decision is your own, and every consequence that comes along with each decision, is your own to handle. No one will help you, and no one needs to help you because it's not their responsibility. You handle your own ****, and you do better than your best. Perfection. If you aren't perfect, then you aren't anything."

Birds and flies swivel around my head
you sit under a tree with thorns in your hair
I say, "Hi."
You say, "Hi."
I sit next to you, and you don't get up.
You smile and say, "Where have you been?"

And death shall have no dominion?
Is that so much a hope rather than opinion?
Under the windings of the sea?
And if no air breezes by, for you and me?
And if the resolution of my lack of evolution keeps me free?
Is there any hope in harmony. Is there any hope in harmony.
Is there any hope in harmony. Is there any hope in being me.

"Dreams are dangerous, Josh. They're sedatives, not cures. Choose reality. Choose the bitter pill. Because whether you believe it or not, you will end up having it whether you're forced to take it or whether you choose to take it. No matter how much talent you think you have, no matter how much stubbornness that you mistake for ambition, you will be unable to attain your dreams."

"What if you're wrong?"

"What if I'm wrong? Well, let's see-"

"No. What if you're wrong? What if you say all this because of your personal experience. What if you believe all of that because your belief in yourself was stripped by those before you? You could have done something bigger, but you gave up on yourself. You could have been someone. You could have been happy, instead of what you are now. Don't take away the only thing I have just because you have nothing."

Fear is a deadly thing to bear witness to
The hollow spot in the wall,
the eyes staring at a coffee mug,
the words, "I promise."

Tear apart an inverted heart,
and disappear into reverse midnight
All alone with a telephone,
"You're still there, right?"
Dial-tone silence followed by
fist to wall violence
and to sit alone in a bathtub
is a new form of living yet

I can hear violins amidst the violence
And I can see your eyes in the dark
There will be hands shaking
To you, for without, every burn
that's been allowed,
a night to relieve
your weary mind from unkind
lovers, mothers, fathers, brothers
and a hope that you retrieve
yourself in the debris

"Why do you care so much?"

"Why do I care?"

"A better question would be: Why do you care about people so much?"

"Because there's more beauty than desolation in humanity, or at least I choose to believe so."

Sunset sonata
*** in empty beds, in empty heads
Our sweat is a stranger, just like you
and just like me
*** is like society
And we're so focused on ******* each other
no matter how badly it ******* hurts us in the process
 May 2014 Aoife Teese
Jeremy Duff
The inevitable heat death of the Universe draws near;
don't bother making peace with your god, he will die too.
I don't think you could handle me
I seriously don't think you could
You date shy girls

Girls that write poetry about vases filled with flowers
Or write stories about misunderstood teenagers
Trying to make it through the day

Girls that listen to music about depression
Or about their feelings
That drown them in their own sadness

Girls that can't imagine the idea of getting a job
Because they have too much to handle
So instead they do drugs to hide the pain

I'm not saying it's a bad thing
I'm trying to tell you
I'm not that girl

I'm the girl that will drive you crazy
I can give you a ******* that can make you come in 2 minutes
I can make your fantasies come true

I can make you feel like you're drowning
I can make you feel like the world is ending
I can make you feel like there's no more hope

I can ruin you
I can help you
But you don't want me

I'm too much
And that's okay
Because I will find someone who can handle me

But I refuse to fall for someone like you again
Because you're the type of person that can't handle me
The type I fall for

So I'm sorry
I have to find someone else
It's better for you anyways
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