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If you are going to try and unravel my secrets
expect to get tangled in them
...and there isn't always an escape

Repost if you have secrets
Comment! I love to read any thoughts you have or stories you wish to share :)
Repost if you have secrets
Comment! I love to read any thoughts you have or stories you wish to share :)
My fingertips
on the piano keys
You took a seat
next to me
Made a joke
that made me smile
And then you stayed
to talk a while
If thoughts could speak
then mine would scream
As we flirted I wondered
if it was a dream
On a smudged make up day
When I didn't care how I was dressed
I sang you a song
At your request
Trembling badly,
I finished with a major chord
Nerves were churning
and emotions roared
A pretty silence like crystals
Your eyes on mine
Stuttered words
I got just fine
You asked for my number
And I said sure
I typed it In
And asked who you were
You gave me your name
And shook my hand
Leaning across the
Black baby grand
Your hands are shaking! You said
in tone rather sly
Still typing the number I grinned: you make me nervous!
The bell rang and we said goodbye
It felt like a movie scene
At 3:17 you
Texted my phone
A perfect chance at something new

Repost if you have had a perfect chance at something new
Please comment I love to read interpretations of my work and really any other thoughts you may have :)
Repost if you have had a perfect chance at something new
Please comment I love to read interpretations of my work and really any other thoughts you may have :)
An overwhelming sense,
That I've done something wrong.
An ever fearful heart,
Breaks free and bursts into song.
It tells my paranoid mind,
That it was right all along.
My growing confidence,
Backs away and won't go on.
My weary fingers,
Blamed for taking too long.
My tiring eyes,
Blamed for misunderstanding the response.
I think something's up,
But I'm not sure what.
I won't say "I wish you were here."
Because I wish I wasn't.
I won't say "I miss you, my dear."
Because you know that already.
I won't say "I'll wait for when you are near."
Because we both know I can't.

But I will say this:

Though it's cold and dark and wild,
Your words will keep me warm.
And though I'm just a lonely child,
You mean so much more.
As I leave the eye of the storm,
And deadly, raging clouds form,
The memory of the calm before,
Will remind me all of me is yours,
And there is no way I'll let anything you own be lost.
So I'll take care of my yearning heart,
I'll comfort my mind with your words of art,
I'll let my mouth smile and let my lungs sigh,
So that my eyes won't have to cry,
So when I see you again, I can be happy with no cost.

And just one more thing, that you already know,
I love you no matter what, and no matter where I go.
Falling in love with someone who is bipolar will never be easy.
There will be minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months where I'm unexplainably mean, or recklessly happy.  
For a period of time, I may be all over you and want to smother you in my aforementioned reckless happiness, that I will forget to ask how you're doing and if you ate anything today. I will forget that unlike me, you need to sleep for 9 hours a day and that you're not fully ready to take on the world.
At some point, I will take a turn for the worst and will mope in unbelievable sorrow due to the death of my false happiness.
I will cry about everything and will stop calling, and forget to remind you that I love you so much and just need some time away.
My deep sadness will soon turn into unrelenting anger and I will tell you abusive things that I don't really mean.
I will be confused as to why I say them, and apologize a million times and try to explain that I can't control my anger, and that I need to leave and be away from people for a while, although I know nothing will really help.
You will insist that it's okay and tell me you love me.
For days, weeks, or months, I will do this, and you will soon think I am lying and think that I am just genuinely terrible.
My constant apologies will become nothing and you will soon distance yourself and start falling out of love, but still have a glimmer of hope.
After this episode, I will have a period where I feel nothing and am almost robot-like. You will feel unwanted and unloved and look at me with such sad eyes and get nothing but a shrug and a half-assed "sorry."
When you finally walk away,  I will have more bad days than good days because I will regret not saying I love you more.
I will hate myself for being bipolar. I will fall back into my bad habits and soon you will be a distant memory.
Protection pledge of best friends:
-As soon as he starts looking at you like a piece of meat I start looking at him like a potential shishkebab
-When some ***** has hurt your feelings in the name of pride I know you gotta act tough, take the high road, and be mature. That's a good system, so while you do that I'll load her Into a catapult near the grand canyon... or maybe a massive pile of broken glass... or even just a huge fire. That works too.
-If you're in pain, I'll listen to you, I'll hunt down the ******* who upset you and find out just how flammable gasoline is when you drench someone else in it then I'll buy you bubble wrap, chocolate, a baseball bat and a tub of ice cream slightly greater in volume than your house.
-I'll make you feel better about yourself when you look at me and think: ****. Comparatively to her,  I'm remarkably sane! :D
-I'll always be here for you

Repost if you love your best friends like sisters and would die to protect them
Comment with your friendship code!  Or with really any thoughts you happen to have :)
Repost if you love your best friends like sisters and would die to protect them
Comment with your friendship code!  Or with really any thoughts you happen to have :)
 Oct 2014 Antiquity Vaircome
Don't call her darkness.
Don't call her what she wasn't.
Don't call her tragic.
I have a million things to say to you
about how you made me feel
how worthless you made me feel
how broken you made me feel
and I could write you a list
I could mail it to you
I could write you a song
I could sing it to you
I could scream it at you
I could cry to you all the things you did to me
tell you how much I loathe you
I could tell you how you WRECKED me
how you RUINED things in my life
how you destroyed those that I care about and love
I could etch it into your skin
leave it in a note on your doorstep
burn it into the wood of your backyard fence
...but I won't.
You really don't even deserve to know what you did to me anymore
So goodbye now.
Even though you're not even worth a goodbye to me anymore.

Repost if someone has stopped even being worth a goodbye to you at this point because of how deeply they wounded you.
Please comment! I love to read interpretations of my poetry or your thoughts on my work or on poetry itself as an art!
Repost if someone has stopped even being worth a goodbye to you at this point because of how deeply they wounded you.
Please comment! I love to read interpretations of my poetry or your thoughts on my work or on poetry itself as an art!
A single last scarlet autumn leaf, still clinging to the branch despite knowing that winter is coming. Maybe doomed, but a noble thing to do with its last moments of existence. To stay by the side of the tree through the cold when it is almost entirely bare. A spark of hope.

A single last petal left on a plucked daisy, he loves me. Maybe not true but a delicate type of fragile beauty. A single silken pure white petal. A spark of hope.

A single last person by the bedside of a stranger on their deathbed. Holding the hands of the terminal patient as life fades out of their body like blowing out a candle. A spark of hope.

It only takes a single last spark of hope.

Repost if someone has been YOUR single last spark of hope. Or if you just really like to repost stuff, then you go on and feel free to do that! I fully support that! ;P
Please comment! I love to read interpretations of my poetry or your thoughts on my work or on poetry itself as an art! :)
Repost if someone has been YOUR single last spark of hope. Or if you just really like to repost stuff, then you go on and feel free to do that! I fully support that! ;P
Please comment! I love to read interpretations of my poetry or your thoughts on my work or on poetry itself as an art! :)
They said
It wasn't surprising
We all
She couldn't
Hold on forever
We still
Kind of expected
Her to
Because after a
Of rallying
Us thinking
This is it
And her surviving
Making it
To her 90th birthday
We didn't think
It would be now
We thought she had years
Maybe not
And maybe not
But years
We thought she
Would be happier
Now that she was not
All alone
She got sicker
And we found out
That night
That she was

* * *

No one cried
At first
We all just stood
We Knew
She wasn't
She was in
She was
But now
She is gone
I hope
Her pain was
Left here with her
And that she
Is happy
I hope that
She is healthy
That she can walk
With ease
I miss her
But I hope
She is better

They said
It wasn't surprising
We all
She couldn't
Hold on forever
But still
It was a
This is about my gramma. She passed away this past week. Repost if you have lost a grandparent.
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