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world washed clean
by last nights storm

except for that
one poor tree
four doors down
cleaved unevenly
in half

by a massive
lightning strike
still smoking
from the heart
of the gape-ing
amber-black wound

and the smell
of eucalypt oil
heavy in the air

the neighborhood
to see the sight
missed the house.......
but **** that tree
looks like a bomb hit it
I honestly kind of thought it would hurt more when we parted forever but I miss you in the way someone misses their old house after a move.
If they went back to it, it would look basically the same on the outside but the house wouldn't be at all the same on the inside. The new inhabitants would have changed everything since they'd been gone. Walls that once hung photographs and other captured memories would be eerily bare. The air wouldn't have the same warmth because it's set at a different temperature now, and worst of all the people that were always kept safely inside the house will not be there anymore. I t would be the same house, but not the same house at all. Not the same home, anyway. It's quite the same with you. You look the same but are not inside. Parts of you are missing, precious memories you held and treasured have faded, you've grown cold inside and you don't hold the same people you used to love in your heart anymore. People like me. You are the same girl, but not the same person. I'll miss you, the old you, but I lost the old you a long, long time ago.
Please repost if you have lost a friend you cared about with every little part of your soul.
Remember that blue heart we wore on our wrists every single day?
It was a symbol of our bond.
Blue, blue, blue, the color of loyalty.
Well, Blue Ink Fades.

Repost if you have lost a friend.
Please comment! I love to read any thoughts you have on my poetry, or poetry itself as an art. 
Repost if you have lost a friend.
Please comment! I love to read any thoughts you have on my poetry, or poetry itself as an art. 
Please just leave me alone.

              Sure, Let's be alone together.

I don't want to talk

                                Then I'll just listen
                            to your teardrops

You can't fix it, this trouble is
out of your hands and way
far out of reach
                                Well the trouble may be, but you are
                                               not so I'll hold you until it
                                                         stops hurting.

I don't care about anything anymore

                 You know that you do, or it wouldn't be this painful

I'm fine
                  I know you're not. I won't leave you until you are

            I'll never give up on you
Please comment it makes my day
I wrote you a goodbye letter
I still have it folded and creased and hidden
Inside of my bedroom
The bedroom that has concealed so many of my secrets
Over the years
I know our bond died
Fourteen months ago
But our loyalty never did
And my love for you like a sister
Is undying
I didn't want to say goodbye
I couldn't think of the words
I put it off until the absolute
The morning of the last day of school
June 26th
Social studies final exam
Still unable to accept I'm saying goodbye to you
I typed it up at the breakfast table
Rushed words I over thought the night before
Tears refuse to stop flowing
As I write to you words
Of how much you mean to me
How much I miss the old you
How I will never forget our friendship
How the memories are eternal
And nothing
Has ever
As losing
I waited for you
For ages
For a thousand eternities that past
Within seconds

You weren't there.

I wrote you a goodbye letter
With tearstains and love
Even though I hate you
Because I love you
I wrote you a goodbye letter
That you never read
And I still keep it hidden away
And I feel you forgetting the mememories
The laugher
The blue heart
The loveliness
The strength
The love
Forgetting it all
With every breath
Forgetting me
It's okay
I'll be okay
It's just that,
You didn't say goodbye.

And I wrote you a goodbye letter
Not enough broken friendship poems out there and this has been hurting me for too long.  Please comment.
I’ve been lying at the foot of the couch
Not on the cushions, just on the carpet
With my lips shut tight and my eyes wide open
Finding patterns in the ceiling
Ridges and shadows form constellations
I used to do this when I was a little girl
Finding snowflakes and moose antlers
The traced outlines of autumn leaves
And pearl necklaces
On the ceiling
Shapes made out of the ceiling’s uneven surface
Shapes made out of shadows
I haven’t had this sort of space in a while
Space inside my mind
Enough space for trivial things
Like making shapes out of shadows
My darkest black has become
The color of the ace of spades in a playing card deck
It used to be the color of ash and coal
But my darkest black
Is so much of a lighter black now
I haven’t had room for thoughts like these in a while
There wasn’t room to think about nothing
Because my mind was being taken up by thoughts of blades
And numbers and letters and measuring tapes
But not anymore
I cleared out all that
And now I have room
For thinking about nothing at all
For making shapes in the ceiling
Shapes made out of shadows

Repost if you have room in your mind for trivial things now, and you didn’t before at some point. Or if you just really like to repost stuff, then you go on and feel free to do that! I fully support that! ;P
Please comment! I love to read interpretations of my poetry or your thoughts on my work or on poetry itself as an art! 
Repost if you have room in your mind for trivial things now, and you didn’t before at some point. Or if you just really like to repost stuff, then you go on and feel free to do that! I fully support that! ;P
Please comment! I love to read interpretations of my poetry or your thoughts on my work or on poetry itself as an art! 
Now I have royally done wrong,
Because I gave the government the other elixir!
But I’ve worked on my disease for too long!
Should I try to create a fixer?

It might **** off humanity,
Since everyone is getting the injection,
The human race would lose its sanity
As it dies of my infection.

I might as well admit
That I would love to bear witness
To the world becoming sick.
Imagine the panic and distress!

Long distance relationship
A relationship that hardly exists
Long distance, barely true
It's long distance, but I still love you
Sometimes for the good;
Sometimes for the bad;
Sometimes for the riots;
Some for you, us, them, and everyone;
Sometimes for the best.
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