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 Feb 2015 Anon
 Feb 2015 Anon
I knew we
weren't meant to be
when it hurt more
to tell you
I loved you
than to think about
what it would be like
if I lost you.*

 Feb 2015 Anon
Cher Kiyuki,
 Feb 2015 Anon
You're worth more than a poem.
But for now,
I'll try my best to make this much more than just a poem:
but a message from me.

What you don't know is,
every time she feels down, she rereads all your kind words.
When she's bored, you're not on,
she rereads them.
She spends all her time thinking about you.
She cherishes you,
You're the best she ever had.

She takes everything about you,
devours them, slowly savoring all the good bits (which is everything),
and then keeps them tattooed all over me,
never to be removed.
Each and every letter, engrained onto me with a flourish,
a kiss,
trailing her hands behind, stroking the way the gorgeous letters look
all aligned together to make such beautiful sentences.

Her eyes trail every word,
her hands caress the wonder machine that brought her you,
her ears thrumming with the sounds of you,
the music notes floating into her ears,
the way water flows,
for you are better than just any ordinary ocean.

You may call her an ocean,
but you are more than that.
The ocean only takes up 75% of Earth.
You are much more.
You are her sky,
her universe.

You hold the stars in your heart,
twinkling like little rubies.
Just like the moon and the sun,
you see everything.
The clouds are your façade,
and the rain,
your tears.

And all she wants to be is the satellite,
to explore you and learn everything about you,
to always circle around and around,
to never leave.

I know you won't break me,
or her.
And for that,
I am forever in your debt.
So come to me when you need me,
I will do anything to serve my prince.

With Great Love,
The Creep's Heart
There's my valentines day gift for my boyfriend ^^ Je t'aime, et merci beaucoup pour ton attention et amour. Vous êtes beaux et tres sympa. :) happy valentines day, mr. Right!
(Sorry this ***** ^^")

Comeback when you hear this song
By 2PM
 Feb 2015 Anon
 Feb 2015 Anon
The first time we talked
your eyes
were always on mine
but my eyes
darted from the floor
to the corner of the room
looking at you
was (is) like looking
at the sun.

the second time we talked
I stood waiting for the lift
You called out "hey" from behind
i almost fainted
we entered the lift
and i realised
for the first time
your smile
was like a thousand suns
and your voice has
a slight accent
i still can't place.

the third time we talked
I was braiding my hair
you walked past
and i squeaked in surprise.
you turned to me
dressed in a flannel shirt
looking perfect as usual
and smiled "hey"
i could only hide my embarrassment
with a small laugh.

the fourth time we talked*
you were alone in your classroom
i walked past
you opened the door, "hey"
my hands fly to my hair
self consciously trying to tame
the lion mane that seemed fine
a moment ago.
i give a small wave
and we talked longer
than we normally would.

you were so near to me
i almost hugged you
i'm sorry
i remember staring at the floor
and the ceiling
and the walls
avoiding your intense gaze
as if what i was talking about was the most interesting thing in the world*
you were patient
you were nice
you smiled at me.

you are constantly on my mind.
am i on yours?
I don't know what these feelings are.
i hope i'm not in love with you.
because i think
you're in love with
someone else..
 Feb 2015 Anon
 Feb 2015 Anon
I wish me invisible
I want to disappear
I am but a damsel
Parading in knight's gear

I want to be the unknown
I need to be again a stranger
I wish my secrets not shown
Back to a time when it was clearer

I wish to be a zephyr
I want to be felt not seen
I need to be less of the liar
At least lesser than I have been

I crave the comfort of solitude
I long for the absence of physical contact
I miss the tears that once had ensued
Somehow then I was more intact

I want to be an undetermined star
I need to be unnamed in an uncharted galaxy
I wish to retreat behind my avatar
So you won't see the real me

I wish me invisible
I want to be protected by ambiguity
I need to disappear from this debacle
Into the welcoming arms of anonymity
 Feb 2015 Anon
Debbie Jean Embrey
It isn't every day
that someone writes something
that triggers a memory
or a bit of a spark
but when that day comes
the post is noted
taken to heart
shared by many
and touches lives

I hope that this post
brings a smile
upon your face and heart
and that each day
is full of love and hope

 Feb 2015 Anon
my life is an
abandoned circus
from the depression.
sad clowns
killed themselves
and caged elephants
make great big
piles of dust.
 Feb 2015 Anon
Q D Malcolm
The first time I met you
You asked me this absurd question
"Excuse me, how does one get to Union Station?"
I heard you the first time because only one of my earbuds was working at the time, though I had both in to discourage exactly this sort of thing.
I was smiling while you asked again
"What, what's funny?"
I wasn't smiling because you were standing beside an entrance to the station, with a big sign over your head that said Union. I was smiling because it was the very first time I'd ever come across anything like it.
Your stature was that of a pine tree.
I grinned a hopefully handsome grin and motioned for you to turn around.
It was funny the way you laughed
You shook your shoulders and let your arms swing
Like a kid would, waiting for the big yellow bus.
 Feb 2015 Anon
Bailey Lewis
 Feb 2015 Anon
Bailey Lewis
Even though you’re
975 miles away
I know you will be
My valentine someday
I miss her so much.
 Feb 2015 Anon
Shayla J Rano
Why must we contain
our bodies
from one another?

Why do we hide every inch in plastic so thick
it makes us ***** from the chemicals.
Why do we put up with everyone telling us
we are perfect
just the way we are
when in that moment we are covering up our lumps and bumps
with acidic powder that we have inflicted upon ourselves

does society tell us that we're wrong
just the way we are
that we need this cosmetic
and that?
and whats worse is,
we are society
we tell ourselves we aren't good enough
until we're thin
with *******
and a tiny waste
but big hips
and long legs
and big lips

It's too much
and I
for one
am done
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