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Don't speak of tragedy

like it was nearly avoided.

Don't speak of love

as if you never had it.

Don't live as if

we never knew.

Don't speak of me

as if I was no one.

Dont make ordinary

our extraordinary.

Don't speak of denials

or missed chances.

It was a once in many lifetimes

And now after so long,

our eyes meet.

I saw.

It was all there again

in your eyes.

Don't speak.

The sounds

only drown

in the waterfalls

falling from your lies.

I bit open a lie and it tasted like you.
 May 2014 Anonymous Anyone
 May 2014 Anonymous Anyone
Have you ever wanted someone to beg for you?
To push against you and plead to feel you ?
To tell you how theyve ached for you .. All... Day ..long.
I need that .
Begging and baring teeth ,
Crazed without my fingertips.
I want him pacing , anxiously awaiting my return, where i can remind him again why im worth waiting for .
I want him up all night counting and recounting the 100 different ways i drive him crazy , a constant game of teasing and rewards.
I want my name to give him goosebumps, closing his eyes and hearing how it sounds rolling off his tongue.....
I want him crazy about me .
A poet in love
Is a match soaked
In gasoline.

follow my writing!

it will kick you in the diaphragm.
In a moment of weakness
My heart begged to lean on you

Searching in early morning darkness
I reached for your shadow

Fully expecting to be caught,  I fell
Caught only by my broken hopes of you

Realizing, at once, that it is in fact I
Who is broken
Minimalist, short form poetry,
I screamed loudly
they measured each scream
it seemed to fit
they nodded, and clicked on my heart
following my descent
and I replay sad violin music, and try to slow down the harmful strokes.
you you you
you ALL
sit by
and nod
and hem
and haw
and enjoy
the raw beauty
that are
to you
i may never post another poem
No no, don't ***** the lid on the jar of M&M;'s
Just set it on top so when I go to grab the jar
it rainbows everywhere
Decorating the floor
I didn't want any
They were just the only form of chocolate in this place
this godforsaken apartment where you've come to die
I'm a temporary installment
Until my wings are dry
I just want a respite from the hustle and bustle
Isolating myself in your sewing room
I ignore the world, only leaving for necessity
I just crave sweets and heavy music
All I have is my music
You had M&Ms;
But don't worry
I didn't want them
I feel really dizzy this morning
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