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Dec 2015 · 1.1k
When She's Feeling Low
Anna Banana Dec 2015
When she's feeling low, always let her know she's the nicest person you know.
She has a glow when she smiles. Her spirit takes flight because she can relate to your fate and you know she'll always be your best mate.
When she's feeling low, always let her know that one day her happiness with show.
Right now this is all just a stage. She'll need to page through all her lies only to cry.
Her life makes her feel like she's going to die from the inside. Only she's too shy and knows that life is the biggest lie.
Someday when she grows old, she'll be happy she's still alive. Mistake don't defy who you are and from those mistakes you can only grow. So don't feel despair my friend. You're worth it. Every smile, every laugh you produce brings life to those who believe they are die within.
So when she's feeling low, let her know that she will outgrow this blow.
Dec 2015 · 511
I see you
Anna Banana Dec 2015
It was one odd night, when I was asleep in my bed.
When suddenly, I heard a sound that awoke me from my slumber.
There were three women standing round, looking down.
"Oh my, how she has grown, I could have sworn it was someone else!" The first women said with adoring eyes and a smile.
"Oh no, she's awoken, what a scene.. She looks so mean, perhaps a bad dream?" The second women shamed.
Although the third women had become ghostly pale. "Help, help.. Somebody please. I believe she see's me."
The three women then realized that I was gaping at their prattle.
"I see you." I mumbled, not believed my eyes.
The three jumped and took a step back.
"This is whacked, she must be faking." The first women proclaimed.
"This is unnamed, un-herd of! Come we must leave!" The second women yelped.
"She see's us! Perhaps we can be helped! She's of the first!" The third yelled.
"I... I see you" I said again.
This time they all turned their heads into my sight.. and with mighty fright the first women clapped and then all three disappeared in the air.
Still to this day, I think that night is weird. Who can say if it was a dream or if it was real?
Dec 2015 · 958
You Must Remember
Anna Banana Dec 2015
You Must Remember

   A man in black approached me, the sun began to die. The wind blew around me in dark shades of purple and blue. I heard no heart beat but my own. Death, he was arrived. Arrived to steal my soul and bring me down to the hot hell fires.

Death, how he beckoned me so. His chains grabbed my wrists and pulled me to his cloak. I felt the fear, hate and grief of all those he has killed. Death please take me. Shatter my soul into a million pieces, for it’s of no use to me now. Rip my heart out of my chest and leave me to bleed, for I have no room for a  heart. **** the life out of me ,for I do not deserve it. Death take me into your chamber of darkness, laugh at my agonizing screams and drink my blood with your thirsty teeth. Death I beg you, never let me see the light again.
But wait death, wait a minute. I remember the the sounds of dreamy laughs, I remember the radiating smiles that made me warm and I remember the love that I so desperately yearn for. Death, oh dear death release me from these chains! Death I’m suppose to grow old and die with love, not of hate. The world it used to be so grand and bright, now so full of fear and fright.
  Death have you ever felt love? I looked at hell through the eyes. Why do you not love and only despise? Death can you yourself die? Death released me from his chains and slowly moved away. Death are you scared? I asked him boldly. The room began to warm and the sun began to shine. Why are you not answering death?! He slowly backed away.
  “Fine, you shall live another day”
Dec 2015 · 397
Anna Banana Dec 2015
Thoughts of ****** wrists
Time wasted for nothing
Tied lungs and necks hanging by strings
They call them cowards, as they walk into the unknown.
Life was hell..
but it heaven real?
So I cut a little deeper, knowing I'll never heal.
From words of hate and a life worth nothing.
But with every cut, I remind my self.. I'm already dead.
Oct 2015 · 1.2k
Anna Banana Oct 2015

they help us hide

from who we are

behind a curtain

dancing silhouettes

they’ll never know

puppets on strings

acting how we should

we spend so much time hiding

when the mask is removed

we  won’t recognize ourselves

we don’t even know who we’re hiding

scared to know what’s within
Oct 2015 · 1.2k
Not even 18
Anna Banana Oct 2015
Not even 18

She told me to sleep on the streets

“time to be an adult”

Jobs and school are not cool

Dreams and ambitious cannot take flight

But there’s no point in a fight

So I try with all my might

Sleeping on the steps

Working 8 hours shifts

School is a gift

No time to drift

Not even 18

Yet I’ve aged far beyond my years
all in one night.
Life is a little more complicated then this, but whatever..
Oct 2015 · 663
I Miss Those Days
Anna Banana Oct 2015
I miss those days; When the wind would blow in my ear and the world would disappear

I miss those days; When you would hold my hand and whisper "I'm here"

I miss those days; When I could look into your eyes and feel apart of you.  

You where my shadow and I was yours.

But the world has grown old and so have we. Our children have led their own lives and left us to be.

Then you blew away from me.. and our love was lost with no words.

I hope to see you in heaven someday.

But still my heart pumps your blood and still I am your shadow.

For I really do miss those days.

I am growing old by the minute, my bones have begun to ache and groan.

So wait in the shadows until I die. For then we can stand and watch the world swirl by.

Maybe the world is better this way, but oh how I still miss those days.

— The End —