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Aynjul Jun 2017
I'm currently 2,500 miles away
Sitting on a rooftop in the city on a cloudy day
Yet, Nothing felt more like home
Then being alone.
Alone in this...
They say time heals all, distance makes the heart grow fonder, yet true love never stops growing ?

Happy anniversary
  Mar 2017 Aynjul
South by Southwest
Maybe some day we will dance
Holding hands in disbelief
As tears of joy
flow from our eyes
While the field of flowers
will cheer in salute
Maybe our eternity
will come to an end
And our day will come
to begin . . . just maybe

Just maybe I hope
beyond my dreams
Waiting for the one you love
Aynjul Mar 2017
The day you let me go,
felt like I took off into space

With nothing left but memories and unaware of whats out there..

& now
you fuel
The rest
of my
Into the depth of time.
My love.
Aynjul Oct 2016
It's not the fact that you are gone,
It's that the world
didn't stop

When mine did.
Aynjul Oct 2016
When I play music from my phone,
I delete songs
not because you were apart of that moment
I just don't like the left side of my chest
feeling like I'm falling out of the sky

When I'm trying to pick up the pieces...
Come back to me... *remove from playlist*
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